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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 tiny nudge
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Bomb

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 I meet another fellow ACOT member Sharice... aka Rici76 

She is a stay at home mom with 2 kids...Anthony 7 and Alexa 5

She found ACOT for shopping didn't realize all the site had to offer until last year.  She is a paper scrapper and has been scrapping for 5 years.  She's also done it professionally by scrapping for others.

She likes all embellishments, but really likes flowers and stickles.

The last workshop she went to was a CK convention in Houston Texas about 2 years ago.  She had a blast, but prefers to scrap alone.

Her favorite vacation spot is Maui -- but she hasn't been there yet!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 Woohoo! Love these!!
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 Last night I met Alwayshappy....

She came across ACOT by accident while looking for scrap supplies.  She's been scrapping for 5 years and started out digital  but has grown to love paper because of all the textures and options.  Her favorite scrappy tool is the Cricut she got for Christmas.  She has never done an online crop before (I hope she does the one this month to find out how much fun it is!).

And her favorite vacation desitination is Corpus Christi on the ocean in South Texas.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 I met AlwaysHappy. I found we drive the same vehicle! :)

Do you wear jewelry every day?  Not usually, just wedding rings.
What kind of car do you drive? Chevy Blazer SUV
Your favorite food? I love Mexican food and Seafood.
Do you live in the town you grew up in? No, but I live only about 15 miles from where I grew up.  However, I do work in the town I grew up in.
Toes painted or not? Not
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Cherry Bomb

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
This looks like fun!
Off to meet some peeps!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 I just had the pleasure of getting to know writerlady.  I sent the following questions and she very graciously answered them for me.  I hope to chat with her again real soon!

1.  How did you choose your screen name? Because I write poetry and have always wanted to be a published author.
2.  What other hobbies do you have besides scrapbooking? Knitting, jewelry making, painting, writing, playing guitar... and the list goes on.
3.  What embellishment can you not do without? Ooh - it's a tie between bling and flowers.
4.  What's your favorite type of adhesive? Zip Dry
5.  What's your favorite type of cupcake? It has to be chocolate - with vanilla frosting!
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Cherry Cola

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
I reached out to 3 scrapping buddies, but lost the answers from one of them.  I've got to learn how to manage my messages.  I guess it would help if I read some instructions.  LOL   Below is response from montana-girl and Sarah A.  

Sarah A says.........
What are other interest besides scrapbooking?Reading& being with family. Watching TV and hanging out on here & Facebook, too.
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas by far!
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be? Italy
Cityor country gal?  Mostly country with a little city mixed in for good measure!
Coffee or tea? Neither-
I've never had a cup of coffee in my life! I drink water all day instead.

montana_girl  says....
My favorite colors for scrapbooking are browns, greens, and blues because I tend to have a lot of outdoor pictures.
My favorite scrapbook magazineis Creative Memories Lasting Moments.
My favorite seasonis summer becuase we do so much outdoor stuff.
My favorite ice cream is Moose Tracks (vanilla ice cream with chocolate swirl and peanutbutter cup chunks).
I have lots of favorites besides scrapbooking... I like reading, watching movies, taking walks, and geocaching (now I bet your wondering what the heck that is!  LOL).

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Cherry Bomb

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 I had a chance to meet Erika... aka bluetulip

She found ACOT by chance while doing an internet search.  She has been scrapping for 3 years and is primarily a paper girl but dabbles in digital.

She has attended several workshops at Archivers and her LSS with the last one being a Christmas Card class back in November.  She as particpated in several of the online ACOT crops and her favorite part of the crop was playing the games.

Her favorite vacation desination is St. Augustine FL.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 I reached out to several ladies - and every single one responded!  I'm having such a good time!!  Here are my responses - and I may still do some more.

Miss Daisy NC
OK my favorite color is blue
Favorite scrapping items is die cutters, and glue dots
My favorite food: deep fried shrimp
my favorite song: uptown girl
My eye color is hazel
when I snack I like mixing sweet with salt
My favorite movies is Ya Ya Sisters and love all the Lethal Weapon movies

What is your favorite color?  Green
Scrapping item? Hum, that's a hard one, but right now would have to say Prima
Floral Embellishments. I also love all kinds of stamps.  I have about a
bazillion now.  LOL
Food? Mexican
Song? Another hard one, but I love and always will love the old Christmas song
"Silver Bells".  It brings back beautiful memories of my
color are your eyes? Kind of gray green.  
When you snack, do you like sweet or salty? I love the combination of
sweet & salty. 
Movies, chick-flicks or action?  Love chick-flicks.  Don't care for
action at all. 

Scrapping item? My new Slice- that thing is the absolute
Food? French Toast
Song? Hmmm.... I have lots of fave songs. Right now I'm into Jack Johnson &
I think I like his "If I Had Eyes" and "Monsoon" the
best... today. [img]file:///C:/Users/sandy/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.gif[/img]
What color are your eyes?  My eyes are green. My husband's are green
around the pupil and blue around the green part- they're really neat. Our
daughter got his eyes, too.
When you snack, do you like sweet or salty?  I like both. The ultimate is
peanuts and candy corn together!
Movies, chick-flicks or action? I'll have to go with chick-flicks,
although for some reason, I don't really watch any movies.

My favorite colors are pink and aquamarine.
My favorite scrapping item is prima flowers. 
My favorite food is anything italian or seafood, right now I
am on an eggplant parm kick. My favorite song is thank you by Bon Jovi.
My eyes are brown.
I prefer sweet snacks like homemade chocolate chip cookies.
I love chic flicks and comedies my all time favorite movie
is Dirty Dancing.
My dog is a terrier mix, she was the runt of the litter and
the only puppy that didn't sell. We found her from a friend of a friend.

I am currently in school at the local community college
pursuing my AS degree in Early Childhood Education. I have 5 more classes after
this semester. It has been a slow process since dh and I are paying for the classes.
I am hoping to graduate in the spring of 2010.
My favorite color is purple [img]file:///C:/Users/sandy/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image004.gif[/img]
My favorite scrappy items are definitly bling (my friends laugh at me when I
look at a layout and say.."it's missing something, it needs bling"
and my cricut expresson.
I love Italian and Mexican foods, it's a toss up , I can't choose one over the other.
And my favorite song..."Lose my Soul" by toby mac

My favorite color is burgundy.
Favorite scrappy item I guess is rub-ons.
Favorite food is cheese.
Favorite song besides our national anthem is "Nights in
White Satin" by Moody Blues. My eyes are blue but sometimes turn a light
green almost hazel color depending on what I wear.
When I snack I typically prefer salty.
If I had to pick between a chick flick or action...mmm I
dunno, neither are my favorite. I prefer comedies.
Have I tried digi scrapping??? I now mostly do fact I've been Guest  Digi CT for ACOT once.  :)  

What is your favorite color?  Emerald Green
Scrapping item? Stickles
Food? ice Cream (can't live without it)
Song? Favorite song of all time is Keep on Loving you by Reo Speedwagon My
current fave is Just Dance by Lady Gaga
Whatcolor are your eyes? Hazel
When you snack, do you like sweet or salty? Most of the time sweet.
Movies, chick-flicks or action?  Chick-flicks definitely. Although I do
love comedy and thrillers. Not gory scary stuff.

1.  My screenname combines my favorite color which is
blue and my favorite flower which are tulips.
2.  Other hobbies besides scrapping would include reading which I do
everyday, shopping (my husband says I do too much), listening to music,
spending time with my family, etc.
3.  I can't do without Stickles (I'm afraid that I am a Stickles
addict).4.  Favorite type of adhesive - I don't think I really have a
favorite - I do use Glue Dots a lot.5.  My favorite type of cupcake is red
velvet cupcakes with homemade cream cheese icing (my mom makes this)
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 tiny bump
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Cola

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 I met Bernadette (BugLover) and she has 3 daughters and 1 son. She started scrapping because she loves crafts. She used to "paint ceramics, do needlepoint, just stuff that helps relieve stress". So it was a natural progression to scrapbooking!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 bitty bump
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Tart

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 As a newbie to this forum, I think this is a great idea. am off to get to know some people :)
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Cherry Cola

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
I reached out to another person.  This makes 3 for me. 
WriterLady says...
Besides scrapping, what are your other interest?  Knitting, making jewelry, playing guitar, writing poetry, reading, painting...
Coffee or tea?  both... lol.  coffee in the am, then tea, then decaf coffee in the pm
Favorite scrapbooking item? tie between bling and flowers
Favorite scrapbooking magazine? I think it's Scrapbooks Etc
Would you rather be on a tropical beach or at a winter ski resort?  Beach - hand's down
Favorite holiday?  Christmas
Favorite flavor of ice cream? Cherry Vanilla
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 Hi I met Sandy aka writerlady. And this is what I found out about her:

How long have you been scrapping? 2 1/2 years
What is your favorite type of music and favorite singer? Soft Rock, Billy Joel
What is your favorite season? Spring/Fall
If you had $500.00 to spend on yourself(no bills), just for you, what would you buy? lol - a pot hanger for over my stove
Do you have any other hobbies besides scrapping? yes - too many... knitting, making jewelry, writing, reading, painting
Do you have any friends or family (in real life) that like to scrap too? unfortunately, no
Have you ever attended a crop (not online)? no - I am disabled and housebound, so it's difficult

She's such a sweetheart.
May LOs-
My Blog

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Cherry Addict

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 bumpity bump! Anyone else want to meet new friends? :)
SUS ImageImageImage
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 I do! I do!   BRB
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Miss Daisy-NC

Cherry Garcia

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 I've met " writerlady
 Her favorite color is: pink
Her favorite scrappy items are: bling and flowers
Her favorite food is: homemade pizza
Her eye color is: blue
Her fav. song is: Piano Man
She likes salty snacks
Her favorite movies: The Sound od Music and Mary Poppin's
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Cherry Tart

Re: **Meet a Friend Challenge**
 This seems like a interesting and fun challenge. I am new to this site. I found it searching for scrapbooking supplies. Look forward to meeting you all.
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