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Bowl Full of Cherries

I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 I copied and pasted from my Facebook update, I'm too tired to type something new. First is from early today, second is from tonight.


Here's the story, and forgive any and all typo's, I'm running on *maybe* 1.5 hrs of sleep, which I don't do well on.
Mason started getting sick monday. We had off tues and weds for snow, which was fine, since he wasn't feeling well. Weds afternoon, after a really rough nights sleep he fell asleep on the couch at around 11:30am. Both Ken and I were home and Mason was having a hard time breathing, but he was asleep, so I just repositioned him on him back, but propped up. I went downstairs for a ciggy. Ken called down and asked me to come up, he didn't like his breathing. It was really labored and sporatic. After debating for a few minutes (only thinking he has a cold, why call the dr. But we didn't like the way he was breathing), we called the dr. I told them I thought I was jumping the gun, but being the great ped. practice they are, asked if I could bring him in "for a look". We had an appt for 45 mins later.
We went in, they took him right back. They took his pulse/ox and it was 84 (normal is 95-100, it's the amount of oxygen he is getting). They gave him a nebulizer in the office, something he's never had before. They took his ox again and it was only between 86-88. They waited a few more minutes and it didn't improve. They also head "crackling" in the right side of his chest, a sign of pnuemonia. They called to the hospital and sent us over.
They put him on oxygen, gave him a neb treatment and he was getting there, but they decided to admit him. Overnight, he went from getting 5 liters to having 12 liter (50% oxygen from a machine!!) in order to keep his levels up. What they think happened is that he had a lower respritory infection that constricted the vessels, he threw a mucas plug, which clogged the bronchial tube (am I remembering that name right?) and collapsed his lower right lung. They have to break up the mucas, open the passage, so the lung can re-inflate. IT's taking some time though, so far, he isn't improving much. And now, they are worried about pnuemonia again. They think he could have a small pocket of it and they are now treating him for that too. They say he will be in there at LEAST until tomorrow, but probably saturday or sunday. He has to be completely breathing on his own for 24 hrs before they'll release him, but first they have to wean him from the oxygen, which they haven't been able to do yet.
My dh is at work. He should be there around 3 or 4. My mom came over to the hospital at 11:30 so I could run home, take a shower, brush the wool sweaters off my teeth (yuck!) and get something to eat. St Josephs is a great place, but I don't recommend dining there.
I'd appreciate your good thoughts/prayers/candle lighting...whatever it is you do. I think delierium is keeping me from totally freaking out, especially given my brush with death when Mason was born. He's our only and i just KNOW everything is going to be ok, but there is that little nagging part of me that knows medical care is certainly not failproof. I know misdiagnosis and I don't have complete faith in the system. BUT BUT BUT I know he's going to be JUST FINE in a few days.
I'll try and update as I can but I don't have a laptop, so I can only update when I come home for a shower. Thankfully, the hospital is about 7 mintues away. Yeah Towson!
Thanks for the happy thoughts and prayers.

update tonight: ( dh is spending the night with him tonight at the hospital, I'm running on so little sleep and I desperately need some)

I just got home from the hospital. They aren't saying when they are going to release him. He is still requiring 100% oxygen (my prior note said 50%, but I was wrong). He does have pnuemonia in his lung, so they are going after that now too. They are giving him neb treatments and than, get this, laying him on his stomach and beating the crap out of him! I didn't know they did this, but I was walking around the ward talking on the phone and I hear him choking, so I ran in the room and they were beating him on the back to losen the mucas. Can you belive he actually said he liked it??? Weirdo.
Ken & I are both off tomorrow so we can spend the day with him and hopefully both of us will get some time to sleep. For as much as it is to stay at a hospital, you'd think they would have comfier beds for us! Not so.
So please keep the good thoughts going, I hope he can get out of there this w/e. He's not in the best of spirits, as he misses home and especially Axel.
I'll update again as soon as I can.
Goodnight! I hoping for some good sleeps.
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Delight

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 Sending prayers for him and his mom.  ((HUGS))  Stay well so you can take care of your baby, I hope he improves quickly.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 Hun, I'm so sorry he and you and hubby will be in my prayers, wishing you all the best...
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Cherry Cropper

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 Keeping you, dad and your baby boy in my prayers.
We have to forgive! If we don't forgive, we'll get left behind! janet rose

Love people & use things--- Not love things & use people!

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Cherry Crush

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 Prayers for all of you and prayers that the treatments take effect soon!  HUGS!
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Wild Cherry

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 (((hugs))) to you and your little man.
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Cherry Bing

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 yeah, I heard of that beating the crap on the back.  That's really suppose to help alot.  He'll be just fine, youlll be in my thoughts. 
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Cherry Delight

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
OMG Cec! Sending huge prayers and HUGER ((HUGS))
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Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children could fly.
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Featured Guest Coordinator

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 ((Hugs)) to you, Mason and Ken!!!!  I hope he starts feeling better quickly!!!
"Make it bigger, make it badder, make it awesome" -Duff Goldman
"They need a hero to tell them that sometimes the impossible can become possible, if you're AWESOME!" -Rhino

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Cherry Addict

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 {{{{{{hugs}}}}} and prayers to all of you, babe!  call if you need anything!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
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Cherry Cola

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 Oh my Goodness! That has got to be so scary. Many prayers for his quick recovery!!!! (((HUGS)))
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Cherry Addict

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 prayers, hugs and whatever else you need hon!!!!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 oh no, poor M! I hope he recovers quickly. :?
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Cherry Bomb

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 Really sorry to hear about Mason.
Will pray for him and your family.


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A Cherry on Top

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 Will keep all of you in my prayers. Hope Mason is feeling better soon. Wish I was closer I would bring you guys some food at the hospital.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 (((((BIG HUGS))))) and prayers coming your way
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Cherry Cola

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 Lots of prayers for your little boy!   I hope he starts improving soon!!!!!
Jan - trying to find my way

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: I need some prayers for Mason, stat...
 Oh I'm so sorry! Sending prayers and (((((HUGS))))) to you and Mason!
Born to Crop not to Mop!

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