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Cherry Cropper

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 Thanks ladies!
 I had a c-section with Jasmine so I know how much being cut into two hurts. I seriously hope I don't go through that again.
 I also had endometrial ablation done, so I have only had ONE day of a period since my surgery last May.
 I appreciate the info, Miranda. That sounds much better!
 I am wondering what recovery was like for most. My husband is working full time and finishing up his last semester of school for his BA. He will deploy one month after graduation for 30 days. Just how "DOWN" am I going to be while I recover? In your experience...will I be able to get up and get my kids off to school then lay on the couch in the day? Or do I need to wait until Jake is out of school?
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 Diana, I had mine removed when I was 34 and it was the best thing I did. I still have one ovary, so that helps keep me somewhat insane. Its always best if you can keep your ovaries. They also removed my appendix at the same time. They said that is usually routine. The hardest part after the surgery was having a hard time passing gas. I know that sounds ugh, but let me tell you, that stuff hurts. Also drink apple juice when you get home, it helps you go to the bathroom, if you know what I mean. If you have any other question please don't hestitate to ask. 21`
May LOs-
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 I hope everything goes okay....keep us posted!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 I hope all this goes well for you! (((((HUGS)))))
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Cherry Picker

Re: Bye bye Uterus
I'm sorry you are having to have surgery.  I had mine removed when I was 31 ... total hyst ... best thing I ever did!!!  I didn't have any problems ... hormonally speaking but I know that is not always the case.  When my sister had her's done a year or so ago, she hadd it vaginally done.  Two little incisions and then something like a vacuum (not really ... lol) they just pulled it out.  She was only off work for 2 and 1/2 weeks from work but they really wanted her to stay off for 3 weeks (which beats the 6 weeks I had when they cut the length ... eeeewwwww!).  Heck with the way modern science goes, it may even be an overnight stay and back to work a couple days of later.  So good luck and keep us all posted!!
Leslie Mar 1/10
1) Rebel. Refuse to accept the idea that creativity is work.
2) Play. Think like a child.
3) Zone. Tune out negative vibes.
4) Feel. Open your heart, nurture your imagination.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 I had a complete when I was 30 and never regretted it, never have had any complications and nearly all of the medical problems that I didn't even know were related to hormones were also cleared up when I did this - i.e. migraines, etc. It was the very best health decision I ever made!

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Bye bye Uterus
Themom wrote: I had a complete when I was 30 and never regretted it, never have had any complications and nearly all of the medical problems that I didn't even know were related to hormones were also cleared up when I did this - i.e. migraines, etc. It was the very best health decision I ever made!

Oh really? I have been having about one migraine a week for the last few months, I never use to have them (except once when I was on a particular birth control). I would LOOOOOOOVE to get rid of them! I hope that happens for me too!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 I had a complete hysterectomy done last May 22nd and wish I'd done it LONG ago. I had awful periods for years and I ended up having a fibroid the size of a baseball and my uterus was 3x the normal size. Not to mention my super-low iron levels. I'd have to get I.V.'s of iron once in awhile.

He tried doing it all vaginally, but the dang fibroid was too big and got in his way of performing it safely, so he went in laproscopically to finish it. I have one teensy scar on each side of my navel, and a 2-inch scar right above my pubes. And you can't even see the one inside my navel.

I was fine in just a couple days. In fact, I went along with DH to Home Depot the next day. And I went back to work 2 weeks later, although I really could have gone back after 1 week.
ImageIf life gives you lemons, go find an annoying person with paper cuts.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 Sorry you have to go through this. Hope what ever way it comes out works the best for you & you heal quickly!

I'm not saying forget what you lost
I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
And it's paid every time we take hold of the reins
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 Is the robotic procedure available where you are having the surgery?  My friend just went through this and I will be on 2/13.  Basically the robotic arm makes it more possible to get into "bad" spots.  I have dysplasia also AND adhesions from 3 c-sections, and am a candidate for this surgery.  Of course, that could change once they get in there and see everything that's going on.  The was I understand it is they make 4 small incisions and the robot is the "doctor" or what's actually touching your body.  The real doctor runs it like a video game with a controller and everything.  Over Christmas, I saw this on "The Doctors".  They can cut up your uterus to take it out, or even grind it up if necessary.  They couldn't get my friends uterus out right through the holes, but were able to take part out through the holes and part out vaginally.

I too am sad that the baby part of my life is over, but I'm excited to have my life back the three weeks a month that I have to deal with female problems. 

Good Luck!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 It's a big decision, isn't it?

Good luck !
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 I have no advice or experience, just (((((((((hugs)))))))))). Hope it goes smoothly and you're back on your feet quickly!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 I'm no help on the procedure. My mom had a hystorectomy so I'm sure it will be a little different. She's definintely happy wiht the no more periods as she was getting it every three weeks, sometimes every two weeks (which is why she went in for the procedure), so that is never missed!

Just wanted to wish ya good luck and to keep us updated. So glad that you got 3 beautiful children first, makes it much easier to give up that uterus! :-D
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Cherry Cola

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 Good luck with your appts, hon! A friend had a hysterectomy a few years back and although she was sad and felt that it closed a chapter of her life, she said she felt much better after she healed and had some counseling. Take care!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Bye bye Uterus
I was 32 when I said goodbye to mine.  Never have I made a more intelligent decision!  Haven't missed 10 day periods where I'd lose 500 cc of blood and clots, haven't missed the pain or the crankiness.  Once you heal from the surgery (which will take more like 8 weeks than 6), you'll wonder why you ever thought against it!

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 I'm sorry you are having to do this, but I guess it's for the best! Good luck at your appt!
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 Good luck. Hope you can have it done the easier way without abdominal surgery.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 I hope everything goes well for you!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Bye bye Uterus
 Diana...I just had this done on Thursday!  They made 3 small incesions in my stomach...then they go in and detatch it..then they pulled out from down below. I am all sewn up but I came home the next morning.  I have not had 1 bit of pain or discomfort from it.  They sent me home w/ pain medication and I never touched it.  I go back next week for a check up.  I rested in bed for a couple of days.  Tuesday I was back to my same old routine...minus laundry.  They wanted me to wait 2 weeks before I lift more than 20 lbs.  The only thing I have been having is some hot flashes.  They left my overies in and said they get confused when the uterus leaves and this is normal.  I highly recommend it!!!

Please feel free to PM me or even call me!  Good luck!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Bye bye Uterus
Good luck!  I hope it all goes well for you.

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