Am I the Lone Ranger . . . . . . . .

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Cherry Cola
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Re: Am I the Lone Ranger . . . . . . . .

Post by MLee »

 I haven't even thought about camel toes since high school!!  BUT - I have some photos for the faux-toes I just haven't had time to upload them yet. I did good to get the one for this month's challenge uploaded.

You're not alone!!!  :-D :-D

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Re: Am I the Lone Ranger . . . . . . . .

Post by Charleneanne »

 all right Jamie.  Just remember how close we live together and that the older I get the meaner I get.  LOL  

And yeah I started a what happened to our monthly photo hunt a couple weeks ago.  Lots of folks were interested but nothing from the gal that does it, so some kindly soul created a faux-toe hunt for us with a PRIZE even.  31 items to take photos of and post in the gallery and then a random drawing from the participants. (prize is a g/c to ACOT-very worthy)   I got busy for a few days but then finally started taking photos.  I have posted 8 in the last 2-3 days and then I noticed today that NO ONE else who said they were doing it has posted a single thing.  So I got lonesome or worried that they canceled it and didnt tell me, etc.   

OK now you know.  So feel free to go back to the silliness.  :bluewinkb:
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Re: Am I the Lone Ranger . . . . . . . .

Post by Kara »

MaBuglet wrote: pahaha unlike me to hijack a thread  :-D

As of late it tis. Goshdarn WOMAN you have been missed :winkb:
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Cherry Cola
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Re: Am I the Lone Ranger . . . . . . . .

Post by mkcdaisy »

 I am just haven't gotten anything posted yet.
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Re: Am I the Lone Ranger . . . . . . . .

Post by Henu_Nea »

 I'm doing it. I just haven't uploaded any of my pics yet. Don't worry, if you're the Lone Ranger...I'll be your Tonto! LOL
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Re: Am I the Lone Ranger . . . . . . . .

Post by DaisyLou »

 I got some uploaded last night! Hope to take more in the next couple of days :)
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