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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
jjenni08 wrote: I am just wondering how since supposedly this was not an election based on race, why that is being the most talked about thing.  This is a historical day becuase "its the first black president ever" everyone is saying.  I am just amazed at how quickly it has become about race.  Although it is no secret I didn't vote for Obama, he is now our leader and I will support him for that and pray that he does teh right thing.  However, I still have my doubts.  I will be watching the events today not because its about ourfirst black president but becasue this is an amazing day where the future of our country will begin to change in a positive way hopefully.  And because my it is afterall a historical day simply because we are getting anew leader.
People also forget that he is half black and half white.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
 I just pray that God gives wisdom, whoever is in the White House, to do the right thing for all of us as a country. Sometimes is hard to support a President when a family member is at war and they can loose their lives.


 A toast to our free country, that we can have this discussions and we all can give our opinions. A toast to our new President.

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
No1Mommy wrote: It really hurts my heart to hear how much hurtful things can be said about our president of the united states.  Wow!  Just wow!  I was not a fan of Bill Clinton, but as a fellow american, I stood behind him, prayed for him, and wished him the best.  Although I did not agree with Bush in all he did, he is still my president, my leader of my great nation.  I did not vote for Obama...at all.  Yet, he IS my president now and I will now back him as my leader.  It is just a terrible shame that now, we as a nation want to come together (as I have see on tv) to work for the common good of our nation.  Unbelievable!  If we only had that mind frame years ago.  As my angry heart wants to say I will back Obama as much as the democrats backs Bush by talking nasty about Obama, ridiculing everything the man tries to do, and just plain being nasty about his general being....I will not stoop that low.  I am first and foremost an American and will stand by and pray for any great man or great woman who has been elected into the White House.  I truly hope God will continue to bless the United States of America.

I so agree with you!!! Thanks for saying this.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Cherry Bing

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
 Hmmm - as history goes I'm going to quote my 3 yo "ya ya -- what evea"  LOL  I hate history in any way shape or form.  Sorry - but have a great Tuesday!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
 I can't wait to watch the inauguration. I agree with all of you who said that we should stand behind our President because he is a our President, and I tried, I really did. But now that Bush is leaving - FINALLY - I feel that it is my right to say, "it's about time!" I didnt vote for him either time, but both times I hoped for the future. I hoped he would be a good leader. He wasn't. IMHO he did not do a good job and I for one am glad to see him out of office.

As for the race thing - I agree. I do get kind of annoyed with all the talk about that, but I guess it would have been the same if Hillary had been up there. Everyone would have been talking about her being the first woman. It is historical because we are getting a new president, but it is even more so because he is the first African American. It's a fact. That makes it unprecendented as well as just historical.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
 This is the first time I'll actually be seeing an Inauguration as it happens!  Between work and earlier a student, I was never home when one actually took place, so I'm happy to be able to see this one as it happens!

I think Bush will go down as the worst President in history - though I'll probably be dead by the time he's gone long enough to actually say that in the books. :?  Unless we elect someone worse in the near future, anyway!! :-D  I know some of you supported him; I never liked him....but once I saw footage of him sitting in a classroom and not leaving when the first tower AND the second tower were struck - it took him another 15 minutes (at least) to leave after the 2nd tower was hit - it has seemed to me he had no idea that, as President, he needed to leave immediately and assess what was going on.  Scared me, to tell you the truth, and I haven't felt safe since. I like Obama and what he's said and voted for him - seeing what he actually does is another thing.  I have high hopes.  Still don't feel safe, but that's one of the hopes I have for the near future.
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Cherry Delight

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
No1Mommy wrote: It really hurts my heart to hear how much hurtful things can be said about our president of the united states.  Wow!  Just wow!  I was not a fan of Bill Clinton, but as a fellow american, I stood behind him, prayed for him, and wished him the best.  Although I did not agree with Bush in all he did, he is still my president, my leader of my great nation.  I did not vote for Obama...at all.  Yet, he IS my president now and I will now back him as my leader.  It is just a terrible shame that now, we as a nation want to come together (as I have see on tv) to work for the common good of our nation.  Unbelievable!  If we only had that mind frame years ago.  As my angry heart wants to say I will back Obama as much as the democrats backs Bush by talking nasty about Obama, ridiculing everything the man tries to do, and just plain being nasty about his general being....I will not stoop that low.  I am first and foremost an American and will stand by and pray for any great man or great woman who has been elected into the White House.  I truly hope God will continue to bless the United States of America.
Well said, Candy.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
I never even thought about the black President until long after I voted for him and was originally making plans to go to the inauguration. My uncle got cancer and now we are not able to be there today but I just feel strongly that Barak Obama is a right choice for right now.

Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool Image
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
 I agree with treating the sitting President with respect for his position.  I, personally, hope that today is the beginning of a change in our great country.  I am also very, very thankful that I live in THIS country - where I can vote for who I want, say what I want, live where I want, and others can do the same.

God Bless our President and our Country.
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
 Can we all agree on one point? We need to change CONGRESS and the way they operate. They make the rules, most of them benefitting themselves. :x
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
No1Mommy wrote: It really hurts my heart to hear how much hurtful things can be said about our president of the united states.  Wow!  Just wow!  I was not a fan of Bill Clinton, but as a fellow american, I stood behind him, prayed for him, and wished him the best.  Although I did not agree with Bush in all he did, he is still my president, my leader of my great nation.  I did not vote for Obama...at all.  Yet, he IS my president now and I will now back him as my leader.  It is just a terrible shame that now, we as a nation want to come together (as I have see on tv) to work for the common good of our nation.  Unbelievable!  If we only had that mind frame years ago.  As my angry heart wants to say I will back Obama as much as the democrats backs Bush by talking nasty about Obama, ridiculing everything the man tries to do, and just plain being nasty about his general being....I will not stoop that low.  I am first and foremost an American and will stand by and pray for any great man or great woman who has been elected into the White House.  I truly hope God will continue to bless the United States of America.
I'm sorry you are hurting.  My heart has been hurting for the last 8 years.  Every little thing that administration did ripped my heart out, piece by piece.
[font=Arial:ohrhf522]Pages completed in 2010: 179
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An ideologue knows he's right. A person of faith knows only that he doesn't know. ----Walter Gustafson, Everett. From Seattle Times, Letters to the Editor, 26 Mar 2007.[/font:ohrhf522][/size:ohrhf522][/font]
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
No1Mommy wrote: It really hurts my heart to hear how much hurtful things can be said about our president of the united states.  Wow!  Just wow!  I was not a fan of Bill Clinton, but as a fellow american, I stood behind him, prayed for him, and wished him the best.  Although I did not agree with Bush in all he did, he is still my president, my leader of my great nation.  I did not vote for Obama...at all.  Yet, he IS my president now and I will now back him as my leader.  It is just a terrible shame that now, we as a nation want to come together (as I have see on tv) to work for the common good of our nation.  Unbelievable!  If we only had that mind frame years ago.  As my angry heart wants to say I will back Obama as much as the democrats backs Bush by talking nasty about Obama, ridiculing everything the man tries to do, and just plain being nasty about his general being....I will not stoop that low.  I am first and foremost an American and will stand by and pray for any great man or great woman who has been elected into the White House.  I truly hope God will continue to bless the United States of America.
I love what you said here!  People need to realize the President can't & won't make all the American people happy all the time.  However, it is our responsibility to support him, not to bad mouth the Prez in pubic.  My feelings are if are really that unhappy with our country, please pack your bags!  I just hope & pray that this President will have an intelligent staff  & will listen to God as he is directed about what he has/needs to do.  I may not agree with Obama's ideas and what he wants to do, but I will continue to pray for his leadership of our country.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
Judes wrote:
No1Mommy wrote: It really hurts my heart to hear how much hurtful things can be said about our president of the united states.  Wow!  Just wow!  I was not a fan of Bill Clinton, but as a fellow american, I stood behind him, prayed for him, and wished him the best.  Although I did not agree with Bush in all he did, he is still my president, my leader of my great nation.  I did not vote for Obama...at all.  Yet, he IS my president now and I will now back him as my leader.  It is just a terrible shame that now, we as a nation want to come together (as I have see on tv) to work for the common good of our nation.  Unbelievable!  If we only had that mind frame years ago.  As my angry heart wants to say I will back Obama as much as the democrats backs Bush by talking nasty about Obama, ridiculing everything the man tries to do, and just plain being nasty about his general being....I will not stoop that low.  I am first and foremost an American and will stand by and pray for any great man or great woman who has been elected into the White House.  I truly hope God will continue to bless the United States of America.
I'm sorry you are hurting.  My heart has been hurting for the last 8 years.  Every little thing that administration did ripped my heart out, piece by piece.

So....keeping your country safe by not allowing us to be hit again by terrorist on our soil "ripped your heart out"?  You did say "every little thingthat this administration did" which I think is a bit dramatic.    Every president that has served our country so far HAS done SOMETHING GOOD...  even the very president that was most recently impeached....our very own Bill Clinton (how soon we forget)....but he too had done great things for our country under his leadership.  Tearing into our President just shows little patriotism and respect for our republic, in my opinion.  I can understand when some say that they are ready to turn the page in our history....I totally respect that...and although I did not vote for Obama....I too fell a sense of excitement in the air for change.  I am against a lot of what Obama stands for...but tearing into him like many did with Bush does nothing for the common good of our country except show outside countries that we are divided.  I, for one, do not want that to be the opinion of other countries....that we are divided..but I want them to see that we are a "UNITED" country.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
No1Mommy wrote:
Judes wrote:
No1Mommy wrote: It really hurts my heart to hear how much hurtful things can be said about our president of the united states.  Wow!  Just wow!  I was not a fan of Bill Clinton, but as a fellow american, I stood behind him, prayed for him, and wished him the best.  Although I did not agree with Bush in all he did, he is still my president, my leader of my great nation.  I did not vote for Obama...at all.  Yet, he IS my president now and I will now back him as my leader.  It is just a terrible shame that now, we as a nation want to come together (as I have see on tv) to work for the common good of our nation.  Unbelievable!  If we only had that mind frame years ago.  As my angry heart wants to say I will back Obama as much as the democrats backs Bush by talking nasty about Obama, ridiculing everything the man tries to do, and just plain being nasty about his general being....I will not stoop that low.  I am first and foremost an American and will stand by and pray for any great man or great woman who has been elected into the White House.  I truly hope God will continue to bless the United States of America.
I'm sorry you are hurting.  My heart has been hurting for the last 8 years.  Every little thing that administration did ripped my heart out, piece by piece.

So....keeping your country safe by not allowing us to be hit again by terrorist on our soil "ripped your heart out"?  You did say "every little thing" which I think is a bit dramatic.    Every president that has served our country so far HAS done SOMETHING GOOD...  even the very president that was most recently impeached....our very own Bill Clinton (how soon we forget)....but he too had done great things for our country under his leadership. 

No, I don't believe that what this administration has done has made us safer.  So, now you are concerned what the world thinks of us?  Bush sure didn't care.
[font=Arial:ohrhf522]Pages completed in 2010: 179
Pages completed in 2011: 121
An ideologue knows he's right. A person of faith knows only that he doesn't know. ----Walter Gustafson, Everett. From Seattle Times, Letters to the Editor, 26 Mar 2007.[/font:ohrhf522][/size:ohrhf522][/font]
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
 I am proud to be an American and I am happy to see so many people united in this country and acting like PROUD Americans. It has been a while since I have seen so many people so proud and patriotic outside of a military base. We need to remember how we feel today and use that momentum to start fixing what is broken in this great country.
There are no ordinary moments in life!

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
Dannerpup wrote: I am proud to be an American and I am happy to see so many people united in this country and acting like PROUD Americans. It has been a while since I have seen so many people so proud and patriotic outside of a military base. We need to remember how we feel today and use that momentum to start fixing what is broken in this great country.
I remember September 12, 2001 being a very patriotic day.  In and out of a military base.

I also am glad that there hasn't been another attack on our soil since and give major kudos to the gov't (and former Pres Bush) for that! 
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
 Well obviously I have been glued to the TV ALL DAY.........OH HAPPY DAY!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Cherry Bing

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
 What an AMAZING day!!!!!!!
We watched it at work and it was so inspirational to me. I had goosebumps and tears. I'm glad I got to witness this day as well as my kids.


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Happy Inauguration Tuesday!
 we're chillaxin' over here, getting dinner ready & waiting
 for dh to come home, then watch the inauguration while i
 scrap, or at least try to anyway, after the kids go to bed.

 i hope you get your fix soon too :) and happy tuesday!!
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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