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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 No just the driveway.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 no and yes
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 we have a two car garage but half is filled with stuff to be sorted and sent to our storage unit.  the other side is for MY car.  :)  dh and dd park their's in the driveway or on the street.
Susie King
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 We did til it got totaled and bf moved in. His truck really doesn't fit LOL. But now that we got a little car (yay!!), he's gonna get some buddies over to help him move his couch and stuff down to "The Man Cave" in the basement, and we'll park my car in there!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 We don't have a garage, but if we did my dh would probably have it as his workshop.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 We have a small building that barely qualifies as a garage so, no.

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 We have our own contracting business, so more than half of the garage space is taken up with "stuff".  There's just enough room for me to squeeze in my car - after having a foot of snow yesterday and -15 all week, I'm very thankful!!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 Nope, our cars are out on the driveway.  My DH desperately wants to be able to get at least one car in there, but I guess I never find the time to clean enough junk out.  There's definitely a few boxes of things that should get thrown away or given away out there.  If we really wanted to we could move the stuff to make enough room on one side.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 I don't park my car in the garage.  It's a two car garage, but one half is full of stuff from my mother's house.  I have a 10' x 15' rental storage space that is crammed full of her stuff, too, with a little bit of mine.  The other side is half full with mainly my stuff.

I would park my car in the garage if I could.  I worry about tree limbs falling on it.  That's why I moved the car to a neighbor's driveway across the street during Hurricane Ike.  Several big branches came down.  I worry that there might be some branches that just got weakened by Ike and will come down during the next big storm.  But the good news is they all stayed up during the snow.

Gee, I sound like a real worrywort!!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 I am baffled by people who use their garages purely as a storage unit. Get rid of some crap! LOL I know, easy for me to say- I don't like "stuff." My mother has tons of stuff that she would never even remember was there if she got rid of it, but she feels blessed to have things and doesn't want to waste it. I figure give some of it to other people then, the needy, but she doesn't share my philosophy. I help her clear some it out everytime I visit. She's not a "pack rat" like you see on those shows...but she does have lots of stuff. So do Jake's parents. And I bet ya when I am their age, I will be in the same boat.

 For now...
 We park both vehicles in our garage and only keep outdoor equipment and bikes in there. We plan on putting up steel shelves to help give us room for some canned goods and 72 hours kits. We do have a cold storage are in the basement too but right now it houses our Christmas decorations and books while the basement is being finished.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 12/19
I park in the garage! 

It's great on days like today when we have snow/ice and also nice on school mornings when I don't need to scrape my windows or run the defroster much before leaving the house!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 We have a 2 car garage and both of us park in it.  In our neighborhood, a bunch of new houses have been built, and they mostly have 3 car garages... so must for housing values.
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Cherry Delight

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 yes I do park my car in the garage.  Even when all 3 kids were at home and each had a car as well, mine always went in the garage.  Now we could probably squeeze both our cars in there with just a bit of rearrangeing but DH prefers his out on the driveway, but mine does not sleep outside.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 We have 2 cars and both go in the garage.  Hubby doesn't like to leave them out.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 No and No! Don't have the patience to pull in and back out!

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Cherry Picker

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 I just moved and now live in an apartment building with an underground garage. I park my car in the garage 99.9% of the time. The only time I don't is when I'm just running home on my lunch break to get a package from the office. I love not having to clean snow off my car and I like not having to worry about moving my car for the snowplow. 

My previous home was a townhome with a detached single stall garage. I hated walking to it and I hated having to get out to open the door when I wanted to park in it. I only used that garage in the winter, when it was hailing or when I was hiding and didn't want residents to know I was home. (I was the caretaker and everyone knew my car.)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 I have a nice garage, but my husband's little classic car is in one side and my son's weightlifting equipment is in the other side. Sure wish I could park my car there since I am scrapping snow off daily.

My son does a lot of powerlifting competitions and uses the garage instead of a gym, so I can't take it away from him.

Would love to get DH's car out  and mine in, but whatta ya gonna do!
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: Question of the day 12/19
 Two of our four cars are in the garage. Since the kids both have cars now, it still looks like a used car lot out front!

I'm glad I can get into a warm car on frigid mornings, but I wish we had another space in the garage so we could move all the crap out of the house and into the garage! :-D
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