What do you feel naked....

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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by suslvgeo »

 Cole!! I am so used to having him around, that while he is in school, I feel a little lost. :)
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by deerewife »

 ummm clothes :)  And all my diamonds :winkb:  okay just my watch and wedding band.  I don't even wear my wedding rings most day.
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by sarahwhithers »

 lets see, a bra for sure, my rings and watch, I always say when I forget to put them on I feel naked. hahaha! And cell phone. :-D
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by JeanellePaige »

 My cell, and I guess seatbelt too. I can go without the bra. I prefer it actually. :-D
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by SBcrazee »

 My bag. I'm so used to having a big bag stuffed with things, if I don't have it or switch to a small purse, I will constantly forget & look for it.
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by Leeanna »

My BlackBerry, unfortunately.
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by Grandma Flowers »

 Seatbelt and laptop.
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by Janedee »

These days - my glasses!  A seatbelt is automatic too. 
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by -Shannon- »

 those wonderful things called pants and a shirt...call me crazy.  :winkb:
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by sdwhru »

 wedding ring & cell phone
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by HollDoll »


Sometimes I feel like I need my seat belt in the movie theater.  Weird huh?
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by scraptag »

 omg!  This is just like that movie with Steve Martin.  Just keep adding one more thing to your list.... I feel naked without my seatbelt, cell, mascara, bra, kids, watch and coffee.  That's all I need....just my seatbelt, cell, mascara, bra, kids, watch, and coffee.. Oh yeah, and this t.v. remote....
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by MOM2SNOX »

 My watch during the week.  I don't wear one on the weekends so it feels a little odd but I definitely notice if it's not on when I head off to work.
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by luboost »

DaisyLou wrote: My kids! On the very rare occasion that I go somewhere without them I can't stop whipping my head around to see where my two year old went!
I agree.  When my kids aren't around I only have myself to talk to and I probably look like a crazy lady! :winkb:
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by Gypsymonkey »

 When I'm streaking down the street in my birthday suit, I feel a bit nakey. J/K I don't REALLY do that.  HEHEHEH  When I don't have my digi cam, I'm lost. I dropped my old one on Halloween and it met it's maker. I didnt' have a new one for over a MONTH.  That was the worst month ever. No Thanksgiving pics!
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by emarie803 »

 My watch definitely, and seatbelt when I'm in a car.
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by jBlaze »

 Seat belt and a Hair Scrunchie.  ;P
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by bumblebby »

 I don't like wearing a bra either, I only do it cause I am skeered they will get really droopy.

 I guess I have to say my purse.
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by averys_mom »

 Definitely can't go without a seatbelt in the car.  If I don't have my purse when we're out and about, that definitely feels weird.  And going somewhere without my kid definitely feels weird! 
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Re: What do you feel naked....

Post by DaisyLou »

Gypsymonkey wrote: When I'm streaking down the street in my birthday suit, I feel a bit nakey.
OMG Me too - what are the chances!! LMAO!!
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