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Cherry Cola

remember the good ol' days
 when this swap area was smokin'  It's more like the dead zone now.  Man I miss that!!
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: remember the good ol' days
 Remember trying to get all the swaps done that you signed up for......getting all those great swaps back in the mail......I still have a few hundred of them.....but those were the days!
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Chatty Cherry

Re: remember the good ol' days
 remember when you could navigate the board faster?  lol

i have like 9 totes of swaps,,,i think i'm good for quite a while. lol my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: remember the good ol' days
 yea but also the games.  the talks it's just NOT the same anymore.  YOu could look on here and nothing has moved for hours...sometimes days......sad very sad!!!!
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.
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Chatty Cherry

Re: remember the good ol' days
 well only have dial up mon-friday hinders my board surfing and the fact that i eat, sleep and dream school it doesn't leave me any play time. so this chatty cathy hasn't been trying to light a fire under anyone either lol my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: remember the good ol' days
 That's all you have to do and you don't have time for us???  Just kidding.  I ususally leave about 8 and don't get home until 8 at night then its time to get the kids ready for bed so I'm beat also.  Life just needs to slow down.  Well there is a light at the end of your tunnel.  How much longer do you have??
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.
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Cherry Cola

Re: remember the good ol' days
remember when swaps would fill up the same day they were posted.

and who could forget all the drama... lmao sorry!!

we need to at least get the forum talking a bit. Anyone using swaps for pages.... post them!!! I have used a bunch I will try and post this weekend.
I m trying to use as many swaps as I can this year. UGH!!! No new stuff for me until I get through all these. (I know I have a few open swaps but after those I have to call it quits until I get through these bins I have of swaps..)

It is kind of funny though going through the swaps and some of the really old stuff I have the quality of our items are not really that good. I have thrown a lot a way that is just unusable sorry gals. But you can really see a difference in quality, I think the quality really changed when we made "rules" for made items, embelished 3 times, use these papers only, brazzil cardstock only ect. Things just match better and are better made.

I miss all the swaps rocking the board though. I miss Jamie's swaps most.... she rocked the swaps!!!
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: remember the good ol' days
Well since I just got started scrappin again, I haven't even thought about swaps. I have viewed a few swaps but they are full when I finally see them :( I do miss the goodies from swaps though!!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: remember the good ol' days
 What really sucks is I just got into the swaps and I really, really enjoy it but there are hardly any swaps here.  :(
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Cherry Blossom

Re: remember the good ol' days
 Ya, I am sad there are hardly any swaps here.  I am new, so I have no idea WHY that is???
However, I am signed up for so many on IASST, that I dare not get into too many more right now!
I am nearly ready to mail out my first swap, a recipe swap of 5 groups of 6, and they are all so lovely!  When I am caught up with what I have signed up for, I will try hosting one here, anyone have ideas ??? 

How about we take a poll to see who is interested in what?
EDIT:  I started an IDEAS thread.  Hope someone responds, lol!
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Cherry Cola

Re: remember the good ol' days
 Okay not to start any drama here... but there are reasons that swaps are they way they are here now

We use to have about 10 different hostesses here that hosted regular swaps-

the swaps were rockin.... there was one hostess that did 10-20 swaps a month... the rest of the hostess about 2-5 depending on the hostess.

And there were so many swaps that swaps were filled as soon as they were posted.

But then the drama started.... people being late... hostesses waiting to long to send things out (waiting on late people)...swappers flaking.... a few hostesses flaked completly and never returned stuff... people not sending postage.... people dropping out last minute and hostess going crazy finding angels for the tons of swaps these people dropped...swappers and hostesses getting in over their heads....swappers also dropped because they couldn't afford what they signed up for.... I am sure there are more.... feel free to add

so now we are down to a few hostesses.... and a few swaps... because there is not the interest that there once was because everyone got feed up with the drama...most have left... there are a few of us stragglers that still hang around trying to get the swaps back up.... but the interest is just not there...
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Cherry Cola

Re: remember the good ol' days
 yea all that is sooo true but also that we did sign up for TONE of swaps and need to use some of them up.  I much have  a few hunderd!!!  before all the drama I was really looking at teh swaps, do I really like them?  can I use them?  I would sign up if tehy couldn't fill or angel in but I have a TON I have to use up first.

I miss all the talk.  We used to have such a bond now we don't even post about how our family is doing!!  That just breaks my heart!! 
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: remember the good ol' days
 Its been ages since I've posted!  I check in, but with the board changes and everything, I just could never get the hang of it here again.  I did get awesome swaps from this board! 
Get crackin at that scrappin!
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Cherry Cola

Re: remember the good ol' days
 I miss everyone as well, but certainly not the drama!! I have some beautiful things that very creative ladies made and also some real junk which I gave to my grandkids.  But people learned as they saw what everyone else was doing.  The hard part were the people that had no conscience and didn't care about leaving people high + dry.
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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: remember the good ol' days
 I don't mean to cause any drama, but one of the hostess's has $40 of my shipping money...sent me some swaps in a padded envelope like I asked, and shipping was only $7..So...I am out that amount...I don't mind the $2-5 out...but $33!!!  And... I was in a swap two summers ago...and still waiting..same hostess.

Another hostess left the board, and didn't give me my swaps that I am waiting for.  Also over a year..

Not all swappers are like this, but it left a bad taste for me..  I am hostessing a couple of swaps, and I admit, waited for items to get here, and prolonged the you wait?  Do you have a swap with only a few items??? Hard one to chose...guess you can't please everyone...

My card swaps are a AWESOME and it's looking like the tags are going to be a hit too.  I am going to stick to these kinds.  But you girls are was more than the was the friendships here, and the chats..the board has been slow around here.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: remember the good ol' days
 I know what you mean, I was burned on some swaps too.  Losing that much in postage is crappy too. 

Maybe things will go back to the good ol days again!
Get crackin at that scrappin!
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Cherry Crush

Re: remember the good ol' days
 You of the reasons I believe everyone had such camaraderie here in the swap forum had nothing to do with the was people hiding out from the drama of the main board.  I'm here to tell you, you should try coming out to the main board.  It is a much friendlier, more drama-free board than it was, ever since we switched over to the new board.  It takes some getting used to...but once you do, you'll forget about how the old board worked, and let me tell you...I don't miss the drama!  LOL!
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