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Cherry Addict

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 VroooooM baby!! :winkb:
hmm, my ticket was about 5 years ago maybe?  I was speeding (quite a bit) trying to get dh to the airport and he caught me from across the freeway coming down a hill. He put on the lights and cut through the grass, dh gave me heck for it but he had also been stressing about missing his flight. LOL  just goes to show you shouldn't rush, even if you're late.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 I always go about 5-10 miles over.. and I'm one of "those" special ones that hasn't recieved a ticket yet and hope never to, b/c I'm a good driver!!

Now when it comes to ATV's and such, I have a lead 'hand'!!
~ Carissa ~

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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 Whew!  I've had plenty, especially when I lived in Illinois.  At they time they kept your license and when you went to court you got it back but since it was stapled to paperwork there were holes in the corner.  One time (it was about my 5th for the year) the judge held it up to the light and said if he saw me in there again in the next few years I would lose it! 

I was devastated and embarrassed -

Had one about 5 years ago and I tried the old "going to be late for work" and his response was....."well you're going to be even later now"
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 I am a 5-15er here. I almost always go 10 over. But sometimes when I leave one highway where the speed is 65 (so I do 75) and get on the other where the speed limit is 55, I end up staying at 70 or 75.

I am with the -dont want to jinx myself on the ticket question - crowd. But I will say,that just yesterday I was SURE I had a ticket. I was going about 15 over and usually know all the hiding places, but this one was new, didnt see him until I was WAY past, and he pulled out, and he got in my lane and I just went the speed limit - not putting my breaks on just taking my foot off the gas, and I thought for sure he was goign to put his lights on, but he didnt. I have no idea how that happened!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 I try to drive slow, but sometimes....


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 I tend to be a little heavy on the gas.....I'm sad to say.  Thank goodness for cruise control when I'm on the interstate!  I got a ticket last summer...on the road I use everyday when I go to work....but it was the evening.  I've actually gone much faster, so I figured I was owed!  It cost $150
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Cherry Bing

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 I used to really have  a "lead" foot, however, have only received one speeding ticket in the 36 years that I have been driving and that was really one that I should have fought (supposedly doing 40 in a 30 but had already reached and was way in the 40mph area when the small town policeman chased me down).  I have been pulled over probably about 8-10 times, the last time about 4 years ago.  I have slowed down over the years but still have a tendency to go about 7mph over the limit (55 go 62; 65 go 72) however if the speed limit is 70 I usually only go about 75 and if 75 stay at 75.  I have always worn my seatbelt since I was 18, try not to tailgate others.  I do love to drive and sometimes love to have those "jacket rabbit starts" although not so much anymore.  I think the price of gas has really slowed me down :?
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 10/23
Janet wrote: I tend to be a little heavy on the gas.....I'm sad to say.  Thank goodness for cruise control when I'm on the interstate!  I got a ticket last summer...on the road I use everyday when I go to work....but it was the evening.  I've actually gone much faster, so I figured I was owed!  It cost $150

Yikes!  that would make me think twice !  
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Cherry Delight

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 I used to be a lead foot big time.  My last speeding ticket was 20 years ago.  And I got pulled over once since then but got off with a warning cause I managed to get in the info that one of my boys was a former CA highway patrol office and the other was a city cop.  LOL  So instead of a ticket, I got a be more careful ma'am.  lol
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 It just depends - sometimes I get to spending on the highway, but so do most people in Atlanta.  I think the last speeding ticket I got was about seven years ago before I was married.  I was going down a hill and didn't realize I had gotten above the posted speed.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 10/23
No tickets here....not a lead foot but not a slow poke either  ;) 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 I go over no more than 3 on the main roads and no more than about 9 on the highways.  The last speeding ticket I got was a couple years ago, and that was by a photo radar van (in a school zone where I never see any kids, and I just wasn't paying attention to the fact that I had passed the sign). No points, just a fine.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 I try sooooo hard not to speed!! I am always looking down to see how fast I'm going, and slow down.  I have been honked at many times, but I am doing the speed limit and I don't care! 

Yes i got speeing ticket, gosh over 4 years ago. I was driving on interstate, heading to scrapbook store to scrap w/a friend and listening to fast pace music! I saw the cop, knew I was going fast, so pulled over and waited for him! I knew I was in the wrong.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 I'll let you decide.... My bumper sticker says, "Lead, follow or get the hell outta my way!" LOL!

Seriously, the first speeding ticket I received was Feb 14, 1982 (I was 16 and unlicensed), the last was this past Dec, driving from Vicky's house (in Kansas) to my mom's to beat the storm! I was only going 98... in a 70 MPH zone. Yeah.. that one was expensive.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 10/23
MOM2SNOX wrote: I'll let you decide.... My bumper sticker says, "Lead, follow or get the hell outta my way!" LOL!

Seriously, the first speeding ticket I received was Feb 14, 1982 (I was 16 and unlicensed), the last was this past Dec, driving from Vicky's house (in Kansas) to my mom's to beat the storm! I was only going 98... in a 70 MPH zone. Yeah.. that one was expensive.
lol! love the bumper sticker!

I think that honking at someone for not going fast enough is wrong, unless that person is riding slow in the left lane and messing up traffic -that's just rude. I go fast, but if someone behind me wants to go faster, I get out of their way as soon as I can. I figure 1) if they want to kill themselves it isnt my problem and I dont want them near me when they do it 2) they will get the ticket and not me.

oh and I only speed on the highways. I mostly go the speed limit in neighborhoods and towns because I worry about kids and people on bikes and stuff.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Question of the day 10/23
 When I got honked at -it was in school zone, after school where you have to go slower AND it was other parents honking and speeding!! I was like what the heck. I was doing the speed limit and being safe!
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