How was everyones weekend? **WINNERS**

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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by -Tracy- »

 My weekend was awful! :( I don't know if my daughter's on her period or what, but she was just horrid this weekend! She said some things to me that really just cut my heart like a knife! I tried to send her to her room, but for whatever reason this weekend, even when I told her to go to her room, she put up a huge fight and wouldn't go. I was totally at a loss for what to do. I mean, what the heck? Was I supposed to drag her into her room? I can't do that.

I don't put up with back talking me. That's an automatic trip to your room and grounding from the computer, phone, etc. Sometimes I used to just ignore her when she would try to keep arguing, knowing that she'd go
away realizing the conversation was over when I didn't respond. But that's not working anymore.

Don't get me wrong, she's not always like this. I don't know what the hell got into her. She just seems more combative lately. Is this a teenage thing?

Usually my kids are well behaved ( son is always well behaved, but he has a more laid back personality and things don't bother him like they do my daughter).

Yesterday was a little better, we went to my parent's to have an early celebration for my son's b-day. But even there, my dd was full of attitude. My father got mad at her--and she's his favorite-he never gets angry with her.
Last edited by -Tracy- on Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by Kara »

 I worked alll weekend (at the office) except for a family tree project with Brad... But I cannot post it....
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by JulianaM »

  I did but no pics yet here either!
Some of you had a rather productive weekend it looks like! Great job!
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by SBcrazee »

 No, no scrapping this weekend but I did take photos at my dd's soccer games & my in-laws who were visiting looked at some of my scrapbook albums :). So scrapping was on my mind.
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by LKappy »

ICanHasCherryOnTop wrote:  I tried to send her to her room, but
for whatever reason this weekend, even when I told her to go to her
room, she put up a huge fight and wouldn't go. I was totally at a loss
for what to do. I mean, what the heck? Was I supposed to drag her into
her room? I can't do that.

I tell you, I REALLY have dreams/nightmares about things like this (and worse -like leaving when I tell her she can't, etc). My oldest pushes her limits way too often.

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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by maryscraps »

 My weekend was CRAZY!!!  No scrapbooking here but I bought new scrap toys and took a lot of pics this weekend of the boys.
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by steph_1999 »

 I meant to scrap this weekend but hadn't gotten to it this weekend.  I love everyone else's layouts and cards!! :)
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by luboost »

 I did!  I went to this croptoberfest thing at a local craft shop and had lots of fun.  Even won something!  But now I'm sick!  At least it held off until I had my fun...

erica :)
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by Judes »

 Hang in there, Tracy.  It does get better.  Just try not to get back at her too much in the meantime.
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by just_v »

 I finished a word book and put together a dry erase board.  No pictures yet, maybe later today.  I still want to knock out a layout before my weekend is officially over.

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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by JeanG »

No scrapping - I was busy taking pictures!  We babysat my son's minature Beagle pup. His head comes up to our dog's chest - barely. That dog and Boo played and played all weekend - he scared my cat to death with his baying and only slept when we put his leash around the bed leg and put his bed there. Next morning he was up and went crazy all day running and playing with Boo - when my son got here, he worried about the dogs playing so rough because of the difference in size...but he couldn't make his dog stop.  He called last night at 10:00 and said, "WHAT did you do to my dog??!!  He's been sound asleep since we got home!"  I just laughed.  He called me today on his way to afternoon shift - that poor pup slept until 10:00 a.m.!!  He seldom gets off the leash - and here we just stayed in the yard, turned him loose and watched.  He always came when called - because we bribed him with a bag of doggie treats!  I hope the pictures turn out!
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by PezKat »

 Mine was pretty good- got cleaning done Sat. then had nice dinner w/my parents.  Sunday worship went well (I play piano), got a nap in & a little crafting, plus the Colts won! ;)  (Today is another story - I HATE NEEDLES!!)

No pics of yesterday's project yet, I'll probably wait until they're done - I'm making tag labels for all my albums. I'm maybe 2/3 done.  Waiting for a photo order to arrive so hopefully I can get this done in the next few days & then scrap next weekend!
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by craftyfool »

 FANTASTIC!  I went to a retreat and got 26 layouts done!!  :-D  I don't have any pictures yet though.

HUGS Tracy! I have no advice since my oldest is only 7.  I hope she adjusts the 'tude soon though.
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by luboost »

craftyfool wrote: FANTASTIC!  I went to a retreat and got 26 layouts done!!  :-D  I don't have any pictures yet though.

HUGS Tracy! I have no advice since my oldest is only 7.  I hope she adjusts the 'tude soon though.
WOW!  26?  That's amazing!

erica :)
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by evilqueen »

 I did this for the guest ct challenge and I am making those exploding boxes for the family for christmas so I started on them.

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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by -Tracy- »

 Thanks for the hugs Lisa & Ondrea. :inlove: I really needed them.
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by mommy2bean »

 I was supposed to go on a retreat with 2 of my friends and scrapbook the weekend away, but Thursday night I started getting a fever and by Friday I was way too sick to tough it out all weekend, I even went home from work early. So, I wish I would have got some scrapping done...does it count that I cried and wished I was there?
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by Janet »

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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by luboost »

mommy2bean wrote: I was supposed to go on a retreat with 2 of my friends and scrapbook the weekend away, but Thursday night I started getting a fever and by Friday I was way too sick to tough it out all weekend, I even went home from work early. So, I wish I would have got some scrapping done...does it count that I cried and wished I was there?
That's sad!  How horibly disappointing!  I hope you get to make up for it later!

erica :)
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Re: How was everyones weekend?

Post by scrapaholic »

 Yes I did scrap actually finished our Florida trip. Next weekend I am going to a crop all day Saturday and will start on New York, Yeah.
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