oh cupcake queen

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oh cupcake queen

Post by MamaK321 »

 mmmmmm I think you need to test these out, they can be our signature ACOT dessert. :-D


even more ideas here http://cupcakeblog.com/index.php/table-of-contents/ - I could totally go for the Green Tea and Thai Iced Tea ones, yum!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: oh cupcake queen

Post by CaRNScraps »

 Ok 2 of my favorite flavors, I test recipies for the local paper,will have to try this (also love cake and cupcakes).  Thanks for finding this. 
Trying to take the time
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Jeanne Marie's Scraps
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Re: oh cupcake queen

Post by Jeanne Marie's Scraps »

 Kristianne those look so ummy not fair i wish jess lived closer to me so i could drop in and have cuppy cakes all the time :winkb:
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