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Cherry Bomb

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 I was in my car on my way to work and I was listening to the local radio station.  Since I only half listen to the chatter, I remember hearing an airplane had crashed into a building.  I was very confused since I thought they were talking about a local accident and I was trying to figure out what building in town (small town, small buildings) they were talking about.  It took a few minutes before they actually said "World Trade Center" again.  I didn't get the full story until I got to work and a co-worker and I could get to the CNN website.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 Yes, I remember exactly what I was doing. We were going to drop off my car for repairs and listening to radio. The radio show I had on was usually really crude and always making jokes. When they announced the attacks. I looked at my husband (then boyfriend) and was livid. I said, "That's not funny! I can't believe they're saying that." He said, "I don't think they'd make jokes like that if it wasn't true." Sure enough when we got home and turned on the TV... I was horrified. I even remember what I was wearing (a denim skirt and a pink cardigan!) I have no idea why I remember that...weird! :?
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Cherry Picker

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 Oh yes...I was teaching preschool and trying to run around and call parents back that were calling, etc. I was worried about those I knew in DC, etc.
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ACOT Promotions

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 Yes, I was placing a phone order. The customer service agent told me about the first plane so I turned on tv and started watching the updates. As I was watching the second plane hit the second tower.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 9/11
I was living in PA with my boyfriend at the time and I never left bed all day.  We had been watching the morning news, getting ready for work, and saw it all unfold.  I was worried about my best friend who was at a school five miles from the Pentagon in her second week ever of teaching.  My mom called in a panic because we were in PA and she heard about United flight 93 coming down.  I was working as the assistant costume shop manager at Bucknell University and MANY of our students were from NY and NJ.  Our school had so many friends and family losses that there was no work or school for over a week.  One poor girl lost both her fiance and her father. 

Two years later I made the pilgrimage to ground zero with a friend to attend peace rallies and the reading of the names... it was one of the most touching and emotional weekends of my life. 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 I was driving to work when I heard the news.  I was expecting my first at the time and just remember being so scared. I think we didn't really work that day, just watched the news. 

My parents were in PA at the time on vacation and of course the phone lines were all jammed so it was almost a day before I heard from them.

And, living near Omaha, we got lots of coverage as this is where Bush flew to.  Made me realize that in the middle of nowhere we really aren't safe either.

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Digital Designers

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 I was at home watching the news with my MIL, they had flown out to see our oldest, we just had him in July.  DH and FIL were in Savannah picking up some new bedroom furniture.  The entire base was locked down for a good time afterwards.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 9/11
My mom had just moved to Florida, and DH & I were still living in our old apartment prepping to move into my mom's house. We didn't have any tv, so I didn't know anything until Mom's SO called and said, "We're at war!!" I zipped over to mom's house to watch it on TV and saw when the second tower fell. I remember just being so totally stunned. And you know, even now when I hear low-flying planes go over my house I get so nervous, I'm sure one is just going to drop right down on my apartment.

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"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 Yes, I was getting ready for work and heard it on the radio. At first I thought it was a joke because they cracked jokes on that radio station all the time. However, that was to grim to be a joke. I turned on the TV and sat there watching with my mouth dropped. At the time I was engaged to my ex-husband and tried to get ahold of him because he was in the Air Force Reserves and I was concerned they were going to call him up. I couldn't get a hold of him because everyone else was calling him and it made me nervous. He was called and told he was "on call".  Five months later they called him to Active Duty.

I didn't go to work that day because I was in total shock.
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 I was JUST telling Tracy this and then I came here and found this thread. Freaky.

That morning I was still sleeping and Allan had been trying to call home from work but the phone is turned off in the bedroom.
As soon as I opened the bedroom door, the phone was ringing and I answered it and it was Allan in hysterics telling me to turn on the tv.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I thought I was still sleeping and having a nightmare.

I was so sad for a long time. It's still so sad.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 I remember it so well. My husband and I were driving to work, it would only have been 7 a.m. out time. When we heard it on the radio I said now that is weird, how could a plane run into a building like that.  Then when we heard about the second one my heart sunk as I realized it was a terrorist attack. I still think about that almost everyday and how sad I feel for everyone that it had an impact on.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 I had just taken Aaron to school on a military post in Texas.  I remember I walked in the house, flipped on the TV and every station was covering the first tower being hit.  Tim came in from PT and said they were all talking about it at work and it was a deliberate hit.  Moments later the second plane hit the other tower.  I thought OmGod, what is going on?   I immediately was scared for Aaron, so I went back to the school, along with a number of other parents and got our children.  Thank God we lived on post because the parents that were trying to come onto post and get their kids could not get in.  The post was closed and we were at the most high threat com ever.  I was really overcome with emotion and couldn't believe this was happening.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 I remember it like it was yesterday. My  husband, myself and our 3 month old son were living in Virginia. My husband was stationed there with the U.S. Navy. I remember being at home in our apartment with my 3 month old son, Anthony. We were sitting on the floor on a blanket playing when I saw the news. I thought I was seeing things, I couldn't believe that his had happened. I immediately tried to contact my husband and when he finally got back to me, he said that the base had been shut down, no one could come on base and no one could leave the base. I was so afraid because I didn't know what time he would be home or if they were going to send them out on a ship. It was panic waiting to hear from him. He finally made it home that day at about 4:30 that evening. It was so scary!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 I'm Canadian and I even know where and what I was doing!
I woke up for work (which back then was a store called Boca Clothing) was getting ready and the news was all over the TV. It was crazy. I went into work and I remember my manager was all freaking out thinking that somewhere in Canada could be next. Specifically the mall we were working in! He was overreacting just a little bit of course, and saying things like we shouldn't have come into work that day. So everyone was a mess, even some of us up in Canada!
I can still remember the news videos showing what happened, the burning building, people jumping out the windows. :( Something like that doesn't easily get forgotten.
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Cherry Picker

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 Yep, I was in the parking lot of the video store when it came on the radio.  I just couldn't believe what I was hearing.  When they first started reporting it was confusing because they didn't know what exactly was happening.  My two youngest who were with me were only 2 and 4 at the time.  They don't remember any of it, but I think I will for the rest of my life.   
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 Yes, I remember.  I was at the gym, on the treadmill watching the Today show.  I remember Katie Couric with her breaking new and seeing the plane hit the first tower.  And no one knowing what was going on.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 9/11
I was 3 months pregnant with ds and working at the hospital that day.  As I was leaving the pediatric floor, I heard about the 1st plane.  When I got to the Mental health unit, I saw the 2nd tower being hit.  All of us, staff and patients were still, silent watching the televisions in the common area.  I remember rubbing my belly, worrying for the baby and the future.  The rest of the day was a blur trying to get work done, calling dh and family about it.

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 I was 38 weeks pregnant, resting on the bed with my 13 mo. old. I heard it on the clock radio, got in the car, and drove to my mothers house. We watched the news all day, and I felt soooo sick from the sadness. Cried a lot. THought I would go into labor. Instantly wondered if it woudl affect my brother in any way, as he was in ROTC, didnt know if that would change or not. Knew my friends hubby would be leaving somewhere soon with the Marines because of this. Still remember it with sadness, and have tried to instill in my kids the somberness of this day.


wife of one, mother of FOUR! :)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 I was sitting on my couch getting my son ready for school. I was watching the news and I remember seeing the second plane hit not realizing that it was live and not a replay of the first one. When I finally realized that it was live I was was in total panic and shock. I will never forget that image or feeling I had.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 9/11
 I was at work training someone on software.

 I remember the whole day quite vividly.
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