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A Cherry on Top

Five things about YOU
 Okay...this one is fun!  Tell us five things about you that people wouldn't know by just meeting you on the street.   I'll go first:

  • I am horrible at math, but dealt blackjack in Lake Tahoe
  • I've eaten a worm...and not just from the tequila bottle
  • I'm a member of the Mile High Club
  • I HATE to be barefoot
  • I was too hungover on my 21st birthday to order a drink.  I sipped water all night.
Your turn!!!
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Cherry Picker

Re: Five things about YOU
 - I am a totally sweet person
 - I am a full time student
 - animal lover
- scrapbooker
 - major cubs fan
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Five things about YOU
 Hmm... 5 things about me.

I have a large dragon tattoo on my lower back
I'm almost 28 years old (most people think I look younger :-D)
I have a younger sister, Tiffany
I'm an accountant
and I have a crush on Ryan Reynolds!! Yum!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Five things about YOU
 1.  I lost 120 lbs but gained 70 back.
2. Hubby and I met online.
3. I have 2 younger brothers
4. My favorite band is Incubus.
5. I can only stand a certain amount of organized clutter.
Melissa H.

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Cherry Bing

Re: Five things about YOU
 ok - here goes...

I have sung in Carnegie Hall
I begged a professor in college to pass me with a d- by promising to never use VISUAL BASIC in real life (and he did)
I have had sex on the beach (and not just the drink)
I adore being barefoot
I was a collegete coxswain for our rowing team

Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool Image
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Cherry Cola

Re: Five things about YOU
 1. I also am terrible at math, but work in the accounting department at work.
2. I have swallowed the quarter in a game of quarters.
3. I stole the keys to my sisters house when she got married and helped the groomsmen put all their dishes in the wash machine, take all the labels off their food, turn their furniture in the living room around to face the wall and switch the mattress and box spring on their bed and remake the bed.
4. I cheated my way through a history class in college.
5. I am so ticklish I can't even wash my feet.
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I NEED SA - Scrappers Anonymous!!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Five things about YOU
Fun, fun, fun!!

* I don't like vegetables!
* I love to floss my teeth
* I used to play the drums in high school
* I am allergic to cats, dust, pollen
* Don't even get me started on chocolate, I HAVE to have at least once per day
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Cherry Bing

Re: Five things about YOU
I am Canadian, living in the US
I am procrastinating clean the house for company (which I often do when tempted to be on this board!)
I am allergic to avacado
I play the piano
I used to teach 1st grade
Spellbinders DT

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Cherry Berry

Re: Five things about YOU
 *I'm a full time PE teacher
*I'm on Maternity leave
*I LOVE redvines & penut m&m's
*I'm a baseball coaches wife and acutally LOVE baseball!
*I love Chris Daughtry!
*~* Jen*~*

My Scrappin/Sketch blog:
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Jeanne Marie's Scraps

Digital Designers

Re: Five things about YOU
 I collect old pop bottles
my ipod has rock country bluegrass you name its on there
i'addicited to hot fudge cake
i deer hunt
i love water skiing
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Five things about YOU
 Totally afraid of heights
I love to dip my buffalo chicken fingers/wings into mayo
We made our own disney souvenior...LOL!
I just kicked the habit of biting my nails
I lost 64 lbs in 15 months doing Weight watchers!

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Five things about YOU
 1.I love cheese quesadillas
 2. Lost is one of my favorite shows
 3. I wish I had a convertible to drive
 4. Playing mahjong on the internet is so much fun
 5. wish I could adopt all the dogs from the animal shelter
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Five things about YOU
1. I like mashed banana and onion salt sandwiches
2. I hate other peoples feet
3. I once spent 3 weeks on a diving support vessel as the only girl onboard with about 200 guys
4. I love to fix things - I replaced our wood floor, fixed the dishwasher and a printer
5. I love to people watch at airports

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Five things about YOU
 I have a major addiction to chapstick, since I was 15.Must be original kind.
I am a young Mom Mom.
I love to eat ice cream all the time.
I have been with my hubby since I was 15. Not sure if the chapstick addiction has anything to do with it. :winkb:
I don't drink soda.
May LOs-
My Blog

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Cherry Cola

Re: Five things about YOU
Five Fun Mommybruno Facts:
  1. I took 5th place in a local spelling bee when I was in the 8th grade.
  2. Before I met DH, I went through artificial insemination (unsuccessfully).
  3. I hate to drive.
  4. I've never been stung by a bee or a wasp.
  5. I have attended a Xena-Hercules convention (my mom was a big fan).
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Five things about YOU
 - I once won a rap contest
 - I own a lot of leather that can't be worn in public Image

 - I love swimming in the deep, deep ocean but dislike public pools

 - I have 8 years of an all-women's education

 - I don't like coffee, tea, OR beer
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: Five things about YOU
 HA! You always love to dig up the dirt, don't you Ma?

I hate most vegetables raw, but will eat everything but Brussels Sprouts cooked.
I've done it on the front hood of a Trans Am in broad daylight, in the middle of a deserted road.
I hated my 21st birthday...was engaged to a jerk!
I got straight A's in high school...till I got to Pre Cal my Senior a B, then a C, then a D in that class!
The last time I got totally polluted is New Year's Eve took me three days to recover. Have only had a two drink maximum since then.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Five things about YOU

1. I am incredibly terrified of spiders
2. I once drank so much I threw up in front of 7-11
3. I am addicted to spades (on
4. I love love LOVE Little House on the Prairie..
5. My secret dream is to be on Survivor..which wouldn't work well with the spider phobia...
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Five things about YOU
1.    I spent the first 9 month of my life in the hospital . . . Mass General in Boston
2.    I'm a member of the mile high club
3.    I went to a bar with some friends (before I was 21) and danced on the bar . . . with a bunch of other people and earned a free drink
4.    I won a contest at a bar . . . having to do with a banana
5.    I have 20/200 in my right eye, and that's with corrective lenses
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Five things about YOU
I have an over abundance of energy sometimes (ADHD) at my age.  (Guess)
Although I can't tip the scales over 120 now, I used to weigh 160 in my teenage years!
I love geography and can't wait to help SOME STUDENT with their assignments on geography.
I'm an advocate for special needs people, especially children.
My family nickname is Grace for several reasons:  a.  My middle name is Grayce, & b.  I can be very clumsy sometimes!  That's when someone announces, 'Grayce is in the house!'
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