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Cherry Cola

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
ondreak wrote: I'm a little crazy for organization.  So far I have:

All class supplies in baggies, labeled and stored on top of each other in a box in order they are happening.
All Bingo lists printed and stacked with the class supplies...again in order.
Schedule printed, converted to my time and color coded.
15 "kits" prepared that I hope to use for challenges and/or fast scraps.
Computer moved up to my craft room ON my table so I can be right there.
Expression and Cuttlebug on their own lil table not far from the main table.
All 10 seasons of Friends and all 6 seasons of SATC on DVD queued up and set to go.
Kid's father lined up to take them almost alll of the weekend.
Sangria ready & waiting in the freezer!

I still plan to make a few more kits and I'm making enchiladas tonight and hope there will be enough leftovers to feed me all weekend!  (Might have to get pizza one night to mix it up).


Just re-read that and MAN am I anal or what???  Image
man, you ARE organized!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 Happy to find the crop!!! So...I only have a day, which means that I need to quick clean up my space. Next I will just pull out all the projects I've put together for previous crops and never got them done, lol. I will focus and not get sidetracked! Okay except for fast scraps. I love those.
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Cherry Cola

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 Okay--now I am getting nervous....will I be prepared. WE are in the process of redoing the craft/computer room. I just got an awesome new scarp table! And a beautiful hutch that will house many of my supplies...BUT hwe had the hutch put in our guest room for now because we are goin to be putting in a new floor, painting, etc.  So I ahve been putting some stuff in the hutch, but don't know if I want to run bak and forth during the crop. (we keep the guest room cat free--so the door is kept closed. So, when DH is in bed do I want to keep opening and closing the door!?
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A Cherry on Top

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 Duct tape....for the kids :winkb:
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 I do nothing.  I just sit my butt down at my computer and see what happens. 
The only good addict is an alpha addict!
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Cherry Addict

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 don't stress kitty, you'll do jsut fine. Pull out some basic supplies that you'll wanna use. I bet you'll get sucked into all the fun games and chatting going on and hardly do any scrapping! LOL  the good thing is you don't have to rush on the challenges. They aren't due until Monday so you can work on what you have supplies for without disturbing dh and then grab more supplies later when you're able.

Everything will be going on in the crop forum. Sure, the girls like to get extra chatty in the general talk forum as well but if you keep hitting the Recent Topics there in the sidebar, it'll show you EVERYTHING going on, in any of the open forums so you won't miss a beat.
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Cherry Cola

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 bwahaha - thanks for the tip on the recent topics. I was looking there at the most recent posts but I didnt know I could click it to refresh it! :sleeping: :-D
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Cherry Cola

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 So are there any hints about the partner thing--if it is involving a fast scra--I don't want to commit to someone because I may not be able to be here all day SAT. I would hate for my partner to lose out because of me...but if it is a challenge that I can complete even if I missed the first post--then that would be okay...
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Cherry Tart

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 I canNOT wait!  the countdown is making my heart a-twitter.

My blog and kit club (affiliate with ACOT)
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Cherry Cola

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 Oh--tell me about it---while Dh and I were out today--I kept thinking--less than 24 hours now!!! LOL

I have a whol list of things I need to get done before 3 tomorrow! I figure that will help keep my mind off of things...Though I do still need to get snacks!
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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 Well since I digi, I just need to make sure I have all of my files unzipped and labeled!!!
Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
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Cherry Cola

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 I guess no hints about the partner thingy---I guess I will let the two people that volunteered off the hook...I would hate to ruin it for them if I was gone!
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Cherry Cola

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 UP and at 'em!!!!

Have a list of things to get done before the crop starts!  Now I may need to run out and buy a new mouse! Ours has been acting up, but last night it stopped working when you right click!!! Urggghhhh!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 I'm totally winging it this time.  I've bought nothing, printed no new photos and haven't even cleaned my crop area.  My goal is just to relax and have fun!
I'm not late
Everyone else is way too on time.
0/3 for February
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
kittymomma wrote: I guess no hints about the partner thingy---I guess I will let the two people that volunteered off the hook...I would hate to ruin it for them if I was gone!
Hmm... I am not sure what you read, but I have never seen a crop challenge with partners!  Maybe it is something new?  I think no one has advice just because we are as in the dark as you are! :)
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Cherry Cola

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 It was in the hints thread on the Summer Crop board... I lined up a partner just in case...

Just finished straightening up all of my flower/embellie packs. (an area I found difficult to get through when speed scraping!)  NOw I am off to run...
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Cherry Tart

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 This is such a frustrating experience; it is so easy to find the link for the forum, what to prepare for the crop, etc.... but never the link that takes you into the crop; i have been searching for at least an hour, i can't be the only stupid person who can't find the link.  it should be easier to find than this.  Now I should do something, besides spending all this time searching
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 This is only my second crop and last year I just dove right in with NO clue what to do and this year I, at least, prepared my kits that I purchased for classes...........although I haven't done many yet......but it will all work out.
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Cherry Cola

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 hrm get alot of sleep the night before for the first day..and well all weekend when ya can.. so you can keep your energy/mojo going. look in the gallery for ideas/inspiration.. get your drinks *water alcohol lemonade etc* to your pc/table so you can stay well hydrated.. get those yummy snacks so you don't get hungry.. DEFINITELY have ALOT of adhesive/cardstock/paper/etc/ and stay organized before you start  I WISH I HAD done that for this one.. stuff all ove the place.. :P
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Cherry Garcia

Re: How Do You Prepare For The Crop?
 This was my first online crop and I wasn't prepared, but I've had lots of fun anyway.

Next time I would definitely stock up on snacks and drinks and have meals already prepared. Laundry and dishes would be done in advance. I would make sure my scrap room was cleaned and ready to go.

I am hoping to actually do some fast crops next time, but knew I wasn't ready for them yet.

One bit of advice for new people is to jump right in and start chatting away and read every post!
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

Jody H. (jodcold)

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