Summer Crop, August 22-24

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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

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 Yay, can't wait!  My dh will either be out of town on a business trip, or if that is cancelled than he'll be camping.  So either way, I can do the crop.  DD will be doing something too with friends or camping. 
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by Amberpony »

 I will be popping by
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by betseymae »

 I was having trouble with Safari tonight and had to switch to Firefox.  First time I was able to see the Countdown at the top!  LOVE IT!
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by JBBUM »

 I was a "watcher" at the last crop because I couldn't keep up with everything and still crop.  How do you manage to do anything other than crop, or play the games, etc?
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by ksromack »

 I'm new but I'm going to play!  I really need to get some scrappy projects done so I'm committing myself :)
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by PaiChing »

 YAY!!! Can't wait till Friday!
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by MamaK321 »

 so excited to have you all join us!! :-D

Be sure to check the *~*CROP Schedule*~*  for all the goings on.

Make sure you convert your local time to EST so you don't miss a minute of fun! IMPORTANT Crop Clock note

Don't come unprepared! Read the CROP Hints........  for lots of tips and info!

and definitly be sure to sign up for bingo games!! Bingo Master Schedule
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by TraciL »

 Could someone break this down for me like I am 2?   I am not quite understanding how this works other than we all crop and watch the computer???????

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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by rica71 »

 I've never done an ACOT crop.  I don't know if I'll be here throughout it all..but I'm going to pop in when I can.  ;)
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by Chee »

 Please can someone help me i enetered the chat room there was a lunge and two classrooms and the only person in there was me - i wanna crop how do i get in...............
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by TraciL »

Chee wrote: Please can someone help me i enetered the chat room there was a lunge and two classrooms and the only person in there was me - i wanna crop how do i get in...............
I don't believe it starts for a couple more hours - (I think)
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by SusieKing »

 this is my first ACOT crop!  i'm looking forwards to playing some.  we have a big party here tomorrow so i won't be here much then but other times i'm going to try to get some things done.
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by MamaDNC »

Is this the right 'thread'? 
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by mojodawn »

 Is my new blinkie working?  Just checkin'
Some days its not worth chewing thru the straps.

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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by EMERSON »

 am so excited can't wait how long till we start???
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by chris_cubed »

 Yeah!!!  I'm here!
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by betiloo »

 I am so excited!!! :-D
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by cowchipper »

 i don't know how you do it... where do you start.... where is everyone at. how come you don't just open a chat room instead of a message board... I am pulling my hair and almost in tears I don't know what to do or where to go!

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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by betiloo »

 I'm here
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Re: Summer Crop, August 22-24

Post by suslvgeo »

cowchipper wrote: i don't know how you do it... where do you start.... where is everyone at. how come you don't just open a chat room instead of a message board... I am pulling my hair and almost in tears I don't know what to do or where to go!


Hey there! There is a forum dedicated to everything for the crop. Challenges, bingos, fast scraps, games classes etc. Here is the link viewforum.php?f=306
hope that helps! :)
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