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Cherry Picker

fight with my dd school
 Hi there

Some of you might rember the long battle I have been having with the school that my daughter goes to and the school board about holding my daughter back a grade or getting her the help she needs. If not the basic details are, my daughter is severly ADHD and have been having problems academically, socially and emotionally since kindegarten (she is now in grade 3). Her birthday is in December so she is the youngest in her class. For kindegarten, and grade 1 there was and educational assistant in her class. Grade 2 they cut it to an hour a day. In grade 3 she had no help whatsoever. She is 8 yrs old and already wants to quit school, pretends to be sick so she can go home, has bathroom accidents due to the stress she is under. My daughter even asked us to keep her in grade 3. I have been fighting for 3 years now to get her held back and the school has refused. Well this year we got her held back. I had to go above the principal to the board but I did it. The principal is convinced that this is not in her best interest and that she will be tramatized for life. They even put a note in her record that the school didn't agree to it and wrote that on the bottom of her report card. But I think she will be more equal socially and will get a much needed review of grade 3. I am happy that I was able to do it before it was too late

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Cherry Cropper

Re: fight with my dd school
Vickie, good for you, way to do what you think is best for your baby girl! no one knows her better than you!  hugs, anna maria
We have to forgive! If we don't forgive, we'll get left behind! janet rose

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Cherry Garcia

Re: fight with my dd school
 Thank you for being a real mom!  Good for you (and DD) for being persistent and doing what is best for her.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: fight with my dd school
 I'm glad that all finally worked out!  It is a great day for you and your daughter!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: fight with my dd school
 Good for you. 
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Cherry Blossom

Re: fight with my dd school
Good for you to fight for your daughter. The school I work at is very skiddish about holding kids back even when they have done NOTHING the whole year. Very frustrating to see...and it's not even MY kid!! Congratulations!
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Cherry Cola

Re: fight with my dd school
 Awesome for you for fighting what you think is best for your daughter. I am sorry to had to go to that much trouble. They really should try harder to help the parents and kids get the best education they can. Congrats, hope your daughter thrives this upcoming year.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: fight with my dd school
 Good for you!  I was help back in first grade, and I turned out fine. 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: fight with my dd school
 I am honestly shocked that they fought you so hard to not hold her back!  Most schools' problems is convincing the parents that the child needs to be held back.  For the public schools here in Texas, the child has to be 5 by September 1 in order to start kindergarten; sounds like your daughter wasn't even 5 when she started K.  Since you have finally gotten to hold her back, she will be in 3rd grade at age 8 - perfect! 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: fight with my dd school
 Hugs to you!  And congrats on sticking to your guns.  I hope your dd has a more successful year next year.
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Berry

Re: fight with my dd school
 That is awesome that you fought for your daughter. Although i find it odd the school fought you so hard not to hold her back. Schools are strange.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: fight with my dd school
 Awesome! I think the fear of holding a kid back when they really need it is just stupid... Now, here's to getting them to put a teacher's aide in the classroom for her...
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: fight with my dd school
 Good for you-- you kow what is best for your child.
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Cherry Picker

Re: fight with my dd school
 here if they are 5 before Dec 31 they start kindegarten. she wont get an ea in the classroom because she is not a behaviour issue or a medical issuebut at least she will be able to relate to the kids in her class
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: fight with my dd school
 Good for you-- you know what is best for your child.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: fight with my dd school
 I know there are always two sides to every story, but it sounds like a good thing that they're finally allowing her to be held back!  It's too bad it didn't happen earlier so she wouldn't have had such bad experiences at school!  Hopefully this will help!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: fight with my dd school
 Hey, nice to see you Vickie! :-D

Glad you finally got the school to do what both you AND your daughter wanted. Hope it works out well for everyone!
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Cherry Tart

Re: fight with my dd school
 Good for You!  My daughter is also the youngest in her class (Nov b-day). She started school in California where the cut-off is Dec 1st.  She's 8 and going into the 4th grade. She does okay academically, but you can definitely tell the difference when you compare her with her classmates.  Some are more than a year older and will be turning 10 right after school starts.  I can't believe you had so much trouble convincing the board to keep her back.  Probably has to do with "No child left behind" and the funding the school gets. 
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Cherry Cropper

Re: fight with my dd school
 Good for you! I hope this next year will be much better!
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