What's your Porn Name?

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What's your Porn Name?

Post by MaBuglet »

I know I've done this one before, but we have LOTS of new friends here this weekend.   Here's how you do it:Take the name of your first pet and the name of the street where you grew up.  Put them together and you get your Porn Name.Mine is kinda dull:NYKKy CaldwellGive us your best shot!!
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by fna0626 »

Bootser ElmLOL not a good one.
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by graces_mom_04 »

LOL!Sugar Edgewood:P 
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by Kara »

Spaz Highlandnot too good but well...
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by cynderellaj »

Mine sucks.......Quincy Kline.....BORING!!!!
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by milmomma »

Ringo James...Ick I sound like a transvestie... I am so not!
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by graces_mom_04 »

Alisha!! My dog Sugar had a puppy named Boots, I named him! ETA: Never mind, I must have read your dogs name wrong, it looked like Boots, lol!  
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by dtonkery »

Whiskers Brown
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by ScrapGoo »

Desdemona Staples..... OUCH!
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by mkcdaisy »

Bob Burtonwait aren't I a girl?? lol
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by Northern Brat »

Snooky Teacherage 
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by barbie391 »

Freckles OaklandDr.doesnt go together very well
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by dianagirly »

Snowflake Lelehuna
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by wahoo_mom »

Tippy.Just Tippy.  I grew up on an unnamed gravel road.
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by dznyscrapper »

Well since I grew up in the country and we didn't have street name yet, I guess I would just have to go with my first dogs name.SmokyAmanda
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by mom2p_c »

Dustin Emerald...LOL!
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by zanettac »

Daisy Glenwood!

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What's your Porn Name?

Post by Hearts0314 »

Ollie Hillcrest!  
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Cherry Blossom
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by fna0626 »

Kylie it was Boots. LOL Well it was Bootser but we called her Boots.I had Boots down first and changed it to the real name LOL
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What's your Porn Name?

Post by Val1024 »

FelicityShagwell Chestnut.....  all I need is a pole now...hehehehehe
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