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Cherry Cola

Re: I need a hug
 Laura - what a scary ordeal.  I sure hope they have the bleeding stopped.  Big hugs to you and to your family. 
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Cherry Bing

Re: I need a hug sorry to hear about the accident...I sure hope that everything heals quickly!!  Prayers coming your way!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: I need a hug
 Lots of hugs for you.

Prayers that all goes well iwth the healing for your brother.

And just so you know, if you don't want to share anything, it's ok to just come and say you need a hug.    YOu've got them - no questions asked.

Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I need a hug
 Oh my goodness, Doll...  I'm so sorry that you had to go through that, but I'm so happy to hear he's doing better now.  I'm sure he's glad he has a sister like you to worry about him!  Knowing that people care about you is always the best medicine, and I'm sure you're spreading the caring on reallllly thick! If you need something to get your mind off of things,  just think about how much of a total hottie you are!  :inlove:
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I need a hug
 ((HUGS))  Sending prayers to your brother, you, and your family.  I hope he heals quickly!

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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: I need a hug
 Thanks again everyone...and Gloria, I'll remember that!
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Cherry Picker

Re: I need a hug
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Cherry Cola

Re: I need a hug
 Ah Laura...HUGE HUGS to you girl.  I will keep Dennis in my prayers.  This can't be easy for your family.  Thank you for sharing.  You give so much positive energy to everyone here, let us help you too!  Hang in there Laura!!!
-If it's scrappy it makes me happy!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I need a hug
 (((((((((hug)))))))))  Glad your brother is doing better!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: I need a hug

I'm glad your brother is doing better. I hope he mends quickly and has full use of his leg again. You'll be in my thoughts!

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A Cherry on Top

Re: I need a hug
 Sending good vibes...and adhesive.
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Product Promotions

Re: I need a hug
 Darn motorcycles!  I finally talked Chris into selling his.  The girls need him all in one piece. 

I'm glad to hear your brother is doing better.  Thinking good thoughts and send him speedy recovery vibes!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I need a hug
 Laura, I'm glad that he's doing better! Hang in there! We're all here for ya hon!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I need a hug
 Laura -

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother's accident!  Glad that he's doing better today though, and I'll be keeping your family in my thoughts!
{hopelessly addicted}

Filling my basket with all of the new goodies :)


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Cherry Berry

Re: I need a hug
 Laura - Hugs to you and your bro.  I'm thinking of you!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I need a hug
 aww, i'm coming in late on this news, but i am glad
 it has a happy ending :) i wish him well & full speed
 recovery!!  i'm sending lotsa hugz your way as well...
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Cherry Bomb

Re: I need a hug
 I too missed this. How terribly stressful and what a long recovery ahead for your brother; my thoughts and prayers for him
Choices are never hard if we are not afraid of bringing change..

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I need a hug
 {{{ HUGS }}}
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Cherry Addict

Re: I need a hug
 Oh Laura, I'm so sorry to hear that but glad that he is finally on the mend. sending lots of big hugs your way!!
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Cherry Picker

Re: I need a hug
I said a prayer for you
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