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Cherry Addict

New to the board **WINNERS**
 I see a lot of new faces this about you tell us about yourself. Random points awarded :-D

bestislove and SusanZenn 25 points each!!!
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Jeanne Marie's Scraps

Digital Designers

Re: New to the board
 I've been scrapping almost a year now and i am a addictied very badly i work full time as a lab tech and have two teenagers so as far as my albums are concerened i am way behind i don't think i'll ever catch up!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: New to the board
 My name is Rhonda (bestislove)
I usually hold crops on this Special Day.  (NSBD)  but the scrapbook store I managed closed. :-D
So I decided to crop by myself this year, and joined your NSBD Crop.  I have had a great time!!
Scrapbooking Rocks!
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Cherry Tart

Re: New to the board
 I am a Tiger fan -- He He!

I am a SAHM of four wonderful kiddos.  I have infant twins, so I am not leaving the house for NSD.  I heard about your site and thought the Crop would be fun.  I seem to be finding more time for games than for getting LOs done though.  I have completed four so far.
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Cherry Picker

Re: New to the board
 I got into scrappiing when I wosn't workingl, I bough and bought anywhee I coulf get my hands on them,  I lovr thrm
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Cherry Tart

Re: New to the board
 I am a working mother of 2 and have been scrapping way longer then I would like to admit!!! I have a wonderful husband who humors me and supports my scrapbooking habit. I teaching reading and love to hang out with my friends, when I can find the time! Oh and GO TIGERS!!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: New to the board
 Hi everyone!  Not sure what exactly you'd consider as 'new' so I'm just going to jump in here and say that I, for one, REALLY enjoy playing games.  Especially the ones that give you GOOD clues.  :-D
Spellbinders DT

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Cherry Berry

Re: New to the board
 Hello ladies!!!
I am a Cleveland Indians fan here!! This is my first time here for this crop. I do alot of shopping here thru ACOT but I really don't have the time to do my scrapbooking like I want to. I work alot of hours so I might have to wait until I retire or find me a rich man to marry!!LOL
  Having fun here, Marilyn
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: New to the board
 hi ladies...WELCOME......and scrapprincess I am a lab tech in the Navy {small world after all!!!} :-D
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Cherry Bing

Re: New to the board
 I am new to the board.  My name is Susan and I live in New Jersey, at the shore, with my three kids, John - 18, Matthew 11 and Susie 10.  I am a widow, having lost my husband to a stroke in September.  Since then, scrapping has become even more important to me.  Just this morning I had a conversation with my sister who is visiting about why I scrapbook.  A little later I was reading a new scrapping book I just got and came across a layout of 5 generations of daughters.  It was adorable and I said to my sister...THIS is why I scrapbook.  So that someday, long after i am gone, my great grandchildren will be able to know who I was.  And my own children will never have to wish there were more pictures of their childhoods.  All the storys that I have to tell are preserved forever.

I work at a college full time as a secretary.  Every bit of my spare time I am doing something crafty...but mostly scrapping.  I am always busy doing something....whether its shuttling a kid here or there, picking up the house or scrapping...I can't seem to sit still!  I don't sleep much these days so the online scrapping communities have become a crutch for me and I am grateful to all those wonderful people I've met.  The amount of talent here on this board is amazing!

We have two cats, cloudy and misty.  We are a very happy family and blessed for every day that we have together. 
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Susan Zennario - NJ
Mommy of Johnny (20), Matt (14) and Susie (12)
My Blog - Paper Daisy Dreams
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Cherry Cola

Re: New to the board
 Welcome to you all!!

I still consider myself relatively new in comparison to every one else here but I've been around for a few crops... so WELCOME!!!

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Cherry Addict

Re: New to the board **WINNERS**
 btt with winners!!
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