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A Cherry on Top

Five things about you!
 I always think it's fun to share!  Tell me five things about you that I might not know if I met you in the street. 


I detest the color brown
I ate a worm in college...and not from a tequila bottle
I'm a member of the mile high club
In my family, only my brother has any piercings
I put ketchup on mashed potatoes

Now you.....
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Five things about you!
 I'm a only child
My hair color varies from bright red to light blonde
I have a "farmer tan" from work
I am named after Sonny and Cher's daughter
I have two sets of pink flamingo in my front yard
Here I come to save the day! Chas
I'm the crazy lizard lady

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Five things about you!
 I have more build-a-bears than any sever-year-old.
I hate changing my pillow case because I hate the smell of detergent.
My fingernails are purty!
Before this crop, I hadn't scrapped in months...
My skin is really dry and itchy right now.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Five things about you!
 I love to scrapbook.
I play the violin.
I love my family.
Pink is my favorite color.
IMy first car was a 57 chevy. :-D
Scrapbooking Rocks!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Five things about you!
1.  I love cookouts...hamburgers and brats!!  YUMMY!!
2.  I'm on my 3rd career
3.  I love really good milk chocolate
4.  I was voted volleyball player of the year in college
5.  I've become a scrapping addict!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Five things about you!
 - I won an Irish jig contest in grade school
 - I have a collection of graphic novels (that's comic book talk, you dirty, dirty "ladies"!)
 - I have a degree in costume design and I have made myself tons of awesome dress-up clothes
 - I was once hauled off of a table in a bar for dancing on it
 - I worked in a tube factory one summer (think lotion tubes)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Five things about you!
 - I collect Pez dispensers (which you might guess by my screenname, but not if you met me on the street!); I probably have about 300
- I have no 1st cousins
- I'm 40! (most people say I look younger)
- I'm a scrapbooking consultant
- I'm an ISTJ in Myers-Briggs ;)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Five things about you!
 I never know about these things!!

I was voted in high school as least likely to ever have kids (I have three)
I have been elected to public office and have worked for a US Senator
I love spiders and have no fear of snakes ;)
I can't swim - apparently I'm made of lead
I don't eat ice cream - yucko.

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Cherry Cola

Re: Five things about you!
 1. I have a tattoo
2. I am a HUGE baseball fan
3. I have recently lost 55 pounds
4. I have a fear of elevators and escelators
5. I hate dogs
Image Image Image
I NEED SA - Scrappers Anonymous!!!
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: Five things about you!
 I'm claustrophobic
I have toenail polish on all but one toenail...I don't know where it went
I'm listening to my dog fart on the floor behind me...she might need to head out back.
I love getting REAL mail, yet I rarely remember to send any.
I'm procrastinating going to the store by typing this list!
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Cherry Berry

Re: Five things about you!
 I deliver babies.
I'm a grandma.
I've been married twice to the same man.
I'm a scrapoholic.
When my granson is born in August there will be four generations living in my house!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Five things about you!
 I own an ungodly number of stuffed Giraffes (Upwards of 100)
I never tasted alcohol, or had my ears pierced until I was 33. Then I did both in the same week!
I have never even held a lit cigarette in my hand, let alone smoked one!
I didn't learn what any of the playing cards were (ace, spade, etc.) until I was in my 20's.
I gave birth to five children over 9 lbs. with no pain medication at all.
Housework ONLY comes before Scrapbooking in the DICTIONARY!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Five things about you!
 I love this!!

I like sushi but have very strange seafood allergies
I love to read legal and medical thrillers
I make the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had
I love to have parties so I can cook for everyone I love
The one time I used (tried) to use the whirlpool at my parents house...  well, I used too many bubbles and spent 3 days mopping
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
 view my blog (new) 

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Cherry Picker

Re: Five things about you!
1. I'm 35 (apparently I don't look it)
2. The kids I'm toting around are not mine - most times they are my nephews
3.  I do own pants and shoes in colors other than black, I just choose not to wear them most days
4. New Kids on the Block, AC/DC, Joni Mitchell, Reba McEntire, Motley Crue and Led Zeppelin all live peacefully together in my iPod and get plenty of airplay.
5. I half-Vietnamese ("No you're not": Told to me this morning by 2 Vietnamese nail technicians who know my mom and still look at me sideways trying to see it. Uh, yeah, I am. I think would know that I'm related to the short little Asian woman with the jet black hair over there. I call her mom since she gave birth to me. I just happen to look like my dad - happens in lots of families.)
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Cherry Bing

Re: Five things about you!
My favortie color is pink.
I lost over 100 pounds in 1999 and have kept it off.
Both of my kids are punk rockers, pierced and everything(don't know where I went wrong)
I'm married to an older man.
I am very passionate of scrapbooking.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Five things about you!
I look about 6+ years younger than I really am
I started scrapbooking because of my ex-SIL
I use to love making web pages with FrontPage
I miss having a pet
I hate bottlecaps for scrapbookign layouts
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Five things about you!
 I met my husband in junior high but hated him until after highschool
The beach is my favorite place to be ever
I like to get dirty and muddy
I hate taking showers
I go commando a LOT!!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Five things about you!
1. My mom is from cuba but I'm panamenian
2. I have 3 tatoos
3. I studied 3 years of medicine school
4. I looove to read
5. I'm pro gay marriages
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Cherry Cola

Re: Five things about you!
 1. My favorite color is green, any green
 2. Have a small shoe size for my height
 3. I love to swim
 4. I had a New Zealand accent as a teenager
 5. I enjoy being by myself I lot more than I think I should.
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Gail R

Cherry Garcia

Re: Five things about you!
 My oldest brother graduated from high school when I graduated from Kindergarten
I have a cousin born on the same day as me, two hours later.  We both had moles on our noses.
I was the princess at our Jr. Prom
I have a birthmark on my tongue
I lost 25 pounds in the last year
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