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Cherry Cola

Re: Meet and Greet
 I had the pleasure of meeting Touchoflike aka SUE.

She has 3 children all over the age of 17, and is working their Highschool albums.
 She also has 2 cats and 1 dog, has been a member here at ACOT for a few years, loves the crops, likes the classes and seeing what everyone else does.   She finds it all very inspiring.
 And her  husband travels every week for work. WOW.

Great to meet you Sue - have fun this weekend!!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Meet and Greet
 I met Sue from Ohio (touchalife)
1. Where is the one place you'd love to travel to?  Iwould love to travel to Australia
2. What kind of car do you drive?  I just got a new Audi 6
3. What is your fav type of food ? Roasted veggies and some kind of fish and then when i cheat - buffalo wings
4. Do you digi scrap ? no
5. Do you have any pets -- 1 dog and 2 cats

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Meet and Greet
I just met CrazyKar aka Karlene from Northern Utah.

This is her very first online crop (Yeah Karlene!!!!)

She has been scrapping for a long time has 5 children, 2 step children, 2 dil's, and 2 grandkiddo's.
She loves to scrap sporting events and everyday fun moments
Her least favorite to scrap is holidays of any sort which included birthdays and school pictures.

Big welcome to you Karlene. I'm sure you'll enjoy the crop.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Meet and Greet
 What I learned about PezKat!!!
How long have you been at ACOT?
At least a year; I participated in
last year's NSD.  But I'm active on another scrapping board
( so I don't come to this message board a lot.  I'm on
the email list.

Favorite subject to scrap?
Hmm... scenery or my kitties I guess

Favorite food?
a good chicken satay; yum!

Are you cropping all weekend?
Most of it!  Though how much actual "cropping" I get done, we'll see! Image

Regular job during the week -
Tues-Thur accounting assistant at a commercial design firm
I'm also a Creative Memories consultant just as a hobbyist and play piano for church every other month

Good to meet you too!
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Meet and Greet

  Oh this is so much fun --- I love this "game" of "meet and greet" -- it's really a nice touch...especially for new 
  members -- 

   I just reached out to a new member.(julienicole02) .......can't wait to hear back from her....  :)


"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice"
~Frank Sinatra
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Meet and Greet
I met Sandra (Fong33) from NYC. She joined ACOT early this year. A paper scrapper since around 2003 she has a very active 7 yo boy who takes up most of her time. She loves scrapping about her family and friends.

Welcome to ACOT Sandra. Have fun!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Meet and Greet
 Finally checking out this thread... and seeing that I'm already here, kind-of! :-D  Good idea, though I might have answered in complete sentences had I known it was going public, lol!
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Miss Daisy-NC

Cherry Garcia

Re: Meet and Greet
 I've just met Jody-"Snowangels"
she's been scrapbooking for 7 yrs., and she's been married for 17 yrs., and has 2 daughters..ages( 12 & 15 yrs.). She's a paper scrapper, and wants to try digital. She has a cat named " Snow", and her favorite color is pink.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Meet and Greet
Just met  Darcie (Wf2afcop). Her dh is in the Air Force & they are stationed in Germany which she loves.  

Darcie's been scrapping since 2004 & has a boy (9) and a girl (7). 

She scraps EVERYTHING!! & has just started working on a new album about their European Travels.  

ACOT is her favorite online store, as she can count on her order 7 days after she orders (Yeah, ACOT service is the best!!!) 

Her least favorite thing to scrap is Christmas even though she loves the holiday.

Welcome Darcie. Hope we see you even after the crop.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Meet and Greet
I met Jodie (Jodiev65) also from Southern CA.

Jodie loves to scrap & has 2 kids - a 13 year old boy and a 4 year old girl & a husband & a dog named Cooper.

A big welcome to Jodie!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Meet and Greet
I met Sheresas!

what state are you? NC
what color eyes? hazel
Favorite color? all of them!!
favorite drink? anything starbucks
Favorite food? pizza
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Cherry Tart

Re: Meet and Greet
This is what I learned about touchalife...
1. How long have you been scrapping?  Forever but seriously for about 4 years

2. What is your favorite color?  I don't have a favorite - depends on my mood

3. What is your favorite hobby, outside of scrapping?  Taking pictures

4. What is your main scrapping subject?  my 3 kids currently working on high school albums

5. Where do you do most of your scrapping? I
tend to take over most of the main floor.I start in one corner and
before i know it i am spread out  my friends and i do meet 2x a month
at a corner resturant for a crop
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Valerie Serfozo

Cherry Blossom

Re: Meet and Greet
 I met DaisyLou and now I know more about her:

My name is Day and I live on the west coast of canada.

Are you a paper, digital, or hybrid scrapper? paper and a tad of digi

How long have you been scrapping? seriously scraooing for about a year and a half

Do you enjoy any other paper crafting (altered items, cards, etc) I enjoy all sorts of crafty stuff. but scrapping has become my passion.

What time of the day do you like to scrap? Any time I can!! LOL I  have a 5 month old and a 22 month old, so mostly just at night and sometimes at naptime.

Do you attend crops, or mostly scrap at home? I do a few crops, but I get more done at home in my zone.

Thanks, I enjoyed getting to know you!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Meet and Greet
 I met jenny2711...

1. I'm a 12x12 paper scrapper
2. I have one son that turned 2 at the end of January.  He's definitely fitting the "terrible two" category! Image3. I would have to say that  my favorite scrappin tool is either my Xyron sticker maker or my 12x12 paper cutter.  If I had a cricut though, I'm sure that would be my favorite! Image4. I live in Indiana.5. As far as embellies go, I'm not sure that I have a favorite, but I really like Thickers and lately I'm really into buttons! 
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Meet and Greet
 I met flowerchild13 and here are her answers to my questions:
1.What's your favorite color?  orange
2.How long have you been scrapping?  just started
3.Do you have any pets? ferret
4.Do you have a favorite TV show? House
5. Will you be online for the whole crop?  Prob. not
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Meet and Greet
 Awesome job, ladies!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Meet and Greet
 Renee introduced herself to me, and made me feel right at home here.

She is very nice.
Rhonda :-D
Scrapbooking Rocks!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Meet and Greet
 I sent "bestislove" a welcome message...
These were the questions I asked her.
1)How long have you been scrapping?
2)What's your favorite food?
3)What do you generally scrap?
4)Where are you from?
5)Are you tired? ;) I am!

Here is her response...Thanks for the Welcome!  I am having a great time.I have been scrapping
for about 4 years.  My favorite food is Mexican food.  I generally
scrap my family.  I am from Texas, but living in California.  I am
getting very tired....and I am thinking I should get some sleep so that
I can start this again tomorrow. 
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Cherry Tart

Re: Meet and Greet
 I met koala1966
these are the questions I asked:
How long have you been scrapbooking?
What subjects do you scrapbook about?
Whats your favorite scrapbook tool?
Have you ever done an online crop here before?
How often do you scrapbook?

and this is the reply I got

I've been scrapbooking for 9 years - I started after my honeymoon.  I love scrapbooking vacations the most, but I hit just about every subject from family to holidays to a Book of Me.  My favorite scrapbooking tool is probably my Cutterbees - amazing how something so simple can make me so happy.  Image   I've been coming to these online crops since the very first one in 2004 - that's actually what introduced me to the board.  Love them, although lately I haven't been able to participate as much as I'd like because I always seem to have conflicts.  Still, I try to do at least a few challenges, play a few games, and chat on the board for as much of the weekend as possible.  I scrapbook at least once a week - normally I scrap daily, but lately with work and other stuff I've barely been able to get some time in weekly.

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Meet and Greet
I met Beth since I had so much fun with her last night!  Here's what I found out:

1. What's your fav. thing to scrap?  My daughter

2. Next fav. hobby?  I just started taking lampwork bead classes and LOVE it! 

3. Where do you live? NJ

4. Fav. store?  Target- you can buy everything there!

5. Kids?  Pets? I have one daughter, Annabella, who is 5 and 3 kitties-Mischa, Goliath and Capri.
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