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A Cherry on Top

Meet and Greet***Winner***
 Well, aren't we all winners when we reach out and touch someone?? pahahaa  Miss Julie (julienicole02) is getting a $5 GC for her meeting and greeting skills.  I hope everyone had a great time getting to know eachother!!

Hi gang!  I see some new names below that are joining us for this wonderful Crop...yay!!  I'd love for you to reach out and greet someone new.  You can click on a name at the bottom of the Board and using our private messaging system you can say "hey!".  Please take the time to meet someone new by asking them 5 questions and then report back on this thread who you met.  There will be points involved...guaranteed!! pahaha

No go...have fun this weekend and tell us about your new friends!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Meet and Greet
 I don't have names
where are the names?????
Yikes this is going to be hard
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Cherry Tart

Re: Meet and Greet
 I was wondering the same thing. This is my first time here and I'm so excited! Help me out!

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Cherry Berry

Re: Meet and Greet
 Click "Board Index" at the top of the page, then scroll all the way to the bottom.

I just closed my eyes, swirled around the mouse and clicked a name. =)
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Meet and Greet
 pahaha No panic attacks!  Shannon led you in the right direction.  From the Board Index you can scroll down and see the names.  I saw 77 of them when I just checked...cool!! 
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Meet and Greet
 I met Julie!!

what state are you? right now, confusion...j/k indiana
what color eyes? very dark brown
Favorite color? pink and i cling to that in my house of blue! Image
Favorite drink? malibu sunset and coffee...not together though...gross!
Favorite food? dill pickles

Sherry K
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: Meet and Greet
Here is the answers to my questions to ss20ts:

so how long have you been scrapbooking?
7 years! Wow time is flying

What is your favorite scrappy tool?
I have 2 my Making Memories Precision Cutter and My Cricut Expressions.

What is your favorite color?

Who is your favorite manufacturer?
K & Company

How long will you be at the crop?
All weekend! I will be out for a 12 hour crop tomorrow, but I'll check in before and after.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Meet and Greet
 I met Julie too!  She found out about us through another site, she's been scrapping for about 12 years, but since her son was born 2 years ago she's gotten serious about it.  Her fave color is pink and she's from Goshen, Indiana.  Se'd be a mixed berry smoothie Jelly Belly =)

Hope you stick around after the Crop, Julie!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Meet and Greet
 I also met Joanne (Bluefish) And she'd be a sour apple Jelly Belly, her mascot in highschool was an Indian, her fave color is blue and she's been scrapbooking for about 3 years.  She also loves shopping here at ACOT...who doesn't?! pahaha

Thanks for playing!!  Hope you stick around!
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Kelly Pyron

Digital Designers

Re: Meet and Greet
I met OrianaVianey!  Here are her answers to my questions:

1. How long have you been scrapbooking?
Well, I usually liked to add some flair (stickers, and keepsakes) to my albums since always, but I started digi scrapbooking 2 years ago.

2.  Do you do digital, paper, or both?
I mostly do digital, but now and then make some hybrid projects.

3.  How long have you been a member at ACOT?
Like a year and a half, in and out. 

4.  What is your favorite song?
Ohh tough question, I'm a very musical person so I hear almost everything.

5.  What is your favorite snack?
Meneitos (is a cheesy snack from Panama)
Kelly Shults
{My Digital Designs} {My Blog}
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Cherry Tart

Re: Meet and Greet
So far I've met MaBuglet. Here's her answers...

Favorite television show?  I'm a tv Junkie.  I TiVo EVERYTHING!! pahaha
Any kids? 4...two boys, two girls
Location? I'm near Sacratomato, California
Favorite scrapping tool? ummmm....er.....my cutterbees, maybe?
Favorite vacation spot?Maui

I'm awaiting a few more replies! :)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Meet and Greet
I met PezKat (really like that user name - too fun).  She likes to eat sugar free icecream while watching Independence Day with her 2 cats Ginger and Oliver.  One late night she got crazy and went to a Pacers game!!

Here are the questions and answers are gave/received:

1.  Do you like icecream?
Of course!  But have to eat only sugar-free (I'm hypoglycemic)

2.  What is your favorite movie?
Independence Day

3.  Are you a mommy (to kids or pets) and if so, how many?
2 cats, Ginger & Oliver

4.  Have your ever been to a professional sports event?  if so, what?
I think I've been to a Pacers game (Indianapolis Pro Basketball)

5.  Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Definitely a night owl!  I actually laughed when I saw the "late night" Bingo is only at 11 pm... that's not late! ;)
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Cherry Berry

Re: Meet and Greet
 I met milmomma  :-D

She has 4 kids (including a furbaby and dh) and she loves vanilla ice cream with warm fudge brownie and hershey syrup! This also happes to be my favorite dessert! Mmmm Yummy!

Here's my Q&A...

1) You username is milmomma so I am assuming you are a military family. Where are you stationed? We are currently stationed at Ft. Bliss.
2) How long have you been scrapbooking? approx 3 years now
3) How many little ones do you have? 4 total(2 kids, 1 dog-shituz, so very little and 1 dh, he acts like a kid)
4) Do you own pets? Yep, my female shituz
5) What is your favorite food? Ice cream, vanilla with heresy's chocolate syrup drizzled all over with a warm gooey fudge brownie on the side.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Meet and Greet
I met DN in MN.  (I met a couple of girls, but had to meet a fellow Minnesotan so we could comiserate about the cold weather we've had this Spring).

 1.  What is your current temp? 30 if that - it is very dark and rainy today

2. What is your favorite subjects to scrap? My kids

3. What format do you use (paper or digital)? paper

4. How long have you been scrapping? 13 years

5. When do you think spring will arrive this year? It doesn't seem to be coming at all............ I am hopeful though and will say next week Image I'm so naive.

Thanks for the great challenge.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Meet and Greet

Amanda and I have met and "chatted."  I thought is was KOOL...when she replied to my message, I recognized her LOGO.  Very nice to try to talk to a human being at the other end of this computer line..... Thank you, Amanda....we'll be in touch!     LauraRe: NSD Challenge - Meet & GreetSent at: Fri May 02, 2008 4:09 pm
From: mkcdaisy
To: LBendesky   Hello Laura I am Amanda and here are my answers
1.  How long have you been scrapbooking? since 1997, digi since 2006
2.  Where did you grow up?  Bryan Texas, sister town to where Texas A&M is
3.  On your best scrapbook page, who did you scrapbook?  what was the topic?
well probably one of 2 things, my cousins or my kitties.
4.  What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
5.  What is your favorite thing to do BESIDE scrapbook? read and photography
Miami Mom
"Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God." K.B.
  • Toby rocks!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Meet and Greet
I met Pam, maymother2. Here are her answers...

1.  What is your favorite color?  blue

2. What is your favorite television show?  Biggest Loser

3. Where do you do most of your scrapping?  at home, digitally

4. Where are you located?  small rural town in western MN

How did you hear about ACOT?   It was the first site that I've ever
posted layouts to (I can't even remember when I started).  I liked
their contests that the designers would sponsor (ok, so free products
motivate me.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Meet and Greet
 I met Molly (scrappi13) and here are my questions, and her answers

hi, it looks like you are new to the board and I would like to welcome you

1:  how long have you been scrapping?
2:  are you a paper scrapper, digi or both?
3:  do you have children?
4:  what else do you do for fun besides scrapping?
5:  ever been to Disney World?

Hi Ann!

I have been scrapping for about 8 years
I love both paper scrapping and digi scrapping
I have two boys, Daniel (11) and Matthew (4)
I like to read, play with my boys, and go for walks with our two dogs
I have been to Disney World twice, once when I was 8 and the second time when I was 28.  I am hoping to be able to take my boys soon before they get much older.

Welcome, have fun and good luck!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
 view my blog (new) https://ourhideawayparadise.blogspot.com/ 

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Meet and Greet
 I'm trying to figure out how to do everything at once
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Meet and Greet
I met Robin
She truely is an Army Wife (that is her screen name too)
Been around for a while
She has a the unique abilty to be stubborn at times
Her Husband Tim is an IT guy for the Army
She has 2 cats Audrey and Buttercup and a son who is in 4th grade this year.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Meet and Greet
I met Shannon, here is our Q & A:
How long have you been scrapping? less than a month!
What is your favorite manufacturer? Soo many great ones both digital and traditional. My traditional fav's so far are Sassafrass Lass, K & Co, Basic Grey, & Heidi Grace.
Favorite embellishment? Swirls - I think they make any layout instantly elegant
Where do you live? Florida
When is your birthday? October 14

Thanks Shannon! ;)
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