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Cherry Tart

Make a Friend Challenge
Hi,I just met Amy, she is known on the message board as Moody. She is married to Dan and they have two children. she works full time out side of the house ( I'm thinking she probably works at home plenty too), and has a dog and two cats.  She likes to scrapbook moments more than events. Nice to meet you Amy, I hope to get to know you better! 
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Cherry Picker

Make a Friend Challenge
I met Amy (moodyonceamth)!  She is married to Dan (10 years this summer) and has 2 kiddos...Emily is 14 and Liam is 7.   She works full time outside the home and has a dog and two cats as pets.  She likes to scrap moments more than events!Nice to meet you Amy!
SAHM of 4- 2 girls and 2 boys! (and one very spoiled dachshund)
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Cherry Picker

Make a Friend Challenge
I just made a friend...It is beachlover...she lives near the Jersey beach and sometimes goes to the Cape.  She is not married but has a son 19 and a dog named Isabella.  She loves to scrapbook anything.   I ask some more questions.  It is fun to meet new people.  Louise 
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Cherry Addict

Make a Friend Challenge
And I met Heather (HCayH).  She is married to her high school sweetheart Mark and has 3 kids under age 5.  (God Bless her! LOL)  She is a SAHM who has no pets and also prefers to scrap moments over events.  Nice to meet you, Heather!
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Cherry Blossom

Make a Friend Challenge
I sent a pm to Indiansugar.   Here are her questions and answers.1.  How long have you been scrapbooking?    Since 19992.  What is your favorite color?   Black3.  What's your favorite thing to do besides scrapbooking?    I do sewing and playing electric guitar!4.  Have you ever been published?   No5.  What is your favorite scrappy snack?   When I take breaks chocolate! 
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Cherry Picker

Make a Friend Challenge
I met 2 new friends scrappinchic and sunlovingchris!What I learned about scrapinchic:1. I can not live without coffee, tivo and chocolate2.  You want me to pick on favorite product???? I guess I would have to say pp.3.  I have 2 cats.4.  Bali5.  I'd rather have a Rita's Italian Ice.  Klondike's are too heavy.What I learned about sunlovingchris:I am ChrisI have scrapped for about five years now.I have three kids and a step daughter ages 18,17,7, and 5I am also a Brownie leader, Bowling secretary/treasurer, and am a preschool aid/Parents Day Out Teacher.She and I actually don't live horriblely far from one another!!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Make a Friend Challenge
I just sent 2 out, to beachlover and tangosflock! ALthough my puter went all wonka$$ on me after I hit send on becahlovers!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Make a Friend Challenge
I just heard back from Tangosflock!! Here's the Q & A's! How did you find this board? Through our BBC Scrapbooking messageboard.What kind of car do you drive? A Kia Sedona mini vanAre you married?Have kids? Yes, married, and have 3 children, Tyler, 17, Trey 10, and Tori 11 monthsHow long have you been scrapping?  about 6 months as you all know it, but scrapped years ago before it was "cool" lolWhat's your favorite vacation spot?  The Florida KeysHave a great time!!
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Cherry Tart

Make a Friend Challenge
I PM'd antdiva80 since she seemed to have a great sense of humor...She is a SM (single mom) to a beautiful son who is 8 and a cute cat who is 3.

She lives in Glendale, AZ and has been scrapping for about 9 years.
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Cherry Blossom

Make a Friend Challenge
Met LisaLynn from MD
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Cherry Addict

Make a Friend Challenge
I met BetseyMae (Caroline).  She has been  married to Frank for 10 years.  She has two grandchildren.  She works full time outside the home.  She has a  blind cat  named Betsey Mae and she likes to scrap moments
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Make a Friend Challenge
Just heard back from Beachlover!hi,  no didn't get the first pm
I am 90 min away from the beach, cruise there every Sat in the summer; don't have a car, but my moter is a each nut too so we go together or sometimes my niece or best friend. I have one 19 yo son, Matt and  Isabella my Aussie Sheppard, I have been scrapping about 6 years and my favorite vacation spot without a doubt is Vegas!  Ann
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Cherry Berry

Make a Friend Challenge
I just met Moodyonceamth (Amy)She has been married to Dan (10 years this summer).  They have two children, Emily 14 and Liam 7.   She works full time outside the home.  She has a dog and two cats as pets.  Moody likes to scrap moments more than events!
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Cherry Berry

Make a Friend Challenge
I met Fromom - Melody from Mississippi! She has been scrapping since 2006, has three dogs, three grown children, and her fav scrap supply is pp! 
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Cherry Picker

Make a Friend Challenge
Here are the ladies I got to know tonight and some of their answers:Tangosflock breeds birds and has 40 baby birds in the house. She's been in 11 weddings.Greeneyes recently saw Enchanted and likes Snicker bars.AmandaDawnRN has a daughter and last saw Juno.Nlandry308 has lost count of the number of weddings she's been in and lives in Louisiana.Laur78 likes chocolate covered pretzels and has 2 cats.LShaughnessy made me laugh. When I asked where she lives, she said "in a house" - but she clarified that the house is in Wichita.  She also says she has "too many" kids - that means 5.Welcome Ladies!
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Gail R

Cherry Garcia

Make a Friend Challenge
I met nanato5.  These were the questions I asked with her answersWhere do you live?  central IllinoisHow long have you been scrapping?  I've been scrapbooking approx 10 years.  Trying to learn digital, but I have way too many supplies to quit paper scrapbooking.Are you having fun during the crop?  I'm new to the on-line crop.  I love looking at what everybody does with the challenges and fast scraps.How many children do you have?  Nanato5 must mean you have 5 grandchildren  Yes, I have (5) grandsons.  Their ages range from 18 months to 10 years.  I started scrapbooking when my first grandson was born.Do you have a Cricut?  Just got one for Christmas.  I've been taking some classes at the local scrapbook store to learn more about it. 
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Cherry Jubilee

Make a Friend Challenge
I also heard from ss20tsI asked…1.If you could have a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you go?  Ireland! I've always wanted to go there. It's beautiful and their accent is sexy!2. What do you do for fun? Scrapbook. Seriously, I find it therapeutic. Some people knit or do cross word puzzles. I scrapbook!3.If you could be on one makeover show which would you choose and why? I've never wanted to be on one of those shows. I've always wanted to nominate the Victory Junction Gang Camp in NC for a makeover just so they could get the latest and greatest of everything. The camp is a place for very ill children and it's a few years old. I am sure there's tons of things they could use! I'd rather see those kids get something than me.4. What books and magazines are you reading right now? This Old House and Creating Keepsakes5. What is your favorite color? Crown Royal Purple
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Cherry Blossom

Make a Friend Challenge
I met Heather aka Scrappin_in_Ak and she is really nice!! Here are the questions I asked her, and her answers!1. How long have you been scrapping?  About 3 1/2 years
2. Are you a paper or digi scrapper?  Mainly paper but I dabble in digi3. Do you have any kids? How many?  1 girl, 1 boy (feels like 10- they never stop)
4. Are you married? How long?  I'm married to dh Dan for 10 years now5. What is your favorite embellie?  Mmmm - right now it's probably chipboard
.:.It started with a kiss and ended like this.:.
Kristen - wife to Joe and mommy to Joey (6.23.06) & Bayleigh (2.17.10)
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Cherry Bing

Make a Friend Challenge
I choose LumberjackHi! I'm Jen & here are my answers...1. How did you find cherry on top? Afriend sent me here years ago.2. How long have u been scarpbooking? Over 5 years3. How did you choose youe screen name? When my son Jake was a baby he had a red/black checkered snow suit so we called him lumberjake! I usually go by scrapjunkie now on other MBs but I just never changed it here!4. What is your favorite color? It's a tie between pink & green!5. What is your favorite scrapbook supply? AC ThickersThanks for picking me! Hope you have a fun & productive weekend!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Make a Friend Challenge
LOL Jamie I will find someone
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