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Cherry Blossom

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I was a paper scrapper before switching to digi in 2003. I think the hardest thing for me was giving up touching things. LOL Even with digital, I wanted to hold the elements and things. I was so totally amazed at how real they actually looked! And of course once I saw all this, I had to know how to make those things which started my designing days. :)

I still have some of my paper stash and once my littlest one is a bit bigger, I plan on adding some of that back into my crafting.
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Chatty Cherry

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
lol i think i called someone a screen licker as a joke, someone else called me a paste eater and then a somebody else took offense to the screen licker comment lol...it was a joke lol
i thought it was totally crazy, now i just wish someone would come over and teach me how to do it. maybe i can enlist kari to teach me the basics
Wendy.....love my puppies!!!!!
I made the President's list..wahooo!!!!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I'm pretty sure I heard about it here at ACOT. At first I thought I would NEVER do it, because it just looked fake. But I kept seeing all the wonderful kits that were being added to the Shoppe. My DH had PaintShop Pro, so I decided to take the plunge. I just checked, and I did my first digi LO two years ago this month! Gosh, I spent countless hours on that one LO. I thought I would pull my hair out!! I was so frustrated, but my DH helped me out with a few things that he knew from photo editing. Then I started having fun. Then I got Photoshop Elements, and I was able to find tutorials and such.

I still strive to make it look "real." I think the biggest compliment I can get is someone not knowing that it's a digi LO right off the bat. That happened to me just a week ago. Image

I still love paper scrapping, though!
The only good addict is an alpha addict!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
[HIGHLIGHT=#ffc000]Do you remember the first time you heard about Digi scrapbooking? What did you think[/HIGHLIGHT]


Honsetly...I have too much paper stuff to start something new
Image 39 layouts in 2008 Image
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Digital Designers

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I do LOVE looking in the stores and touching everything... I enjoy painting and decoupage and have done some collage work... hmmmm... or i could just print out some of my digi papers and frame them ha!

screen licker, that is HYSTERICAL! and i hear you, fiberlady, on how long your first LO took.. me too, and I knew how to use the software.. and I look back on it and it's g-d awful!! If we lived closer, I'd come over and show you. Really, just download some samplers and go for it.. lots of tutorials online and of course, always ask away :)

SHELLE and others, you are making me want to start paper scrapping!!!
Peace & Scrappiness,
click the blinkies for my store & blog :)
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~ be the change you wish to see in the world ~ Gandhi
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Wild Cherry

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
OMG! I love "Screen Licker"!!!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I think that digi has come a long way in such a short period of time. It is amazing to me the things people can do and the depth that they can create. The "flat" thing is no longer an obstacle if you know how to create the right shadows. JMHO. I love the screen licker name - good comeback to to paste eater commentary that gets thrown around.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I think its cool love what you can do with it. Being computer challenged I will let ya'll run with it and ohhh and ahhh over your results. I have downloaded a few freebies so in time will see what happens. I love my paper and stuff.
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Digital Designers

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I actually did my first digi layout as a National Scrpbooking Day challenge on another site, back in 2005 (so almost my 3 yr anniversary of digi scrapping!). Did a few more layouts during 2005 then in 2006 got on a digital CT. The rest as they say is history...
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Cherry Cola

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I thought oh man another thing to get addicted too - UUUUMMMMM YES!!!! I will never give up my paper thought cause I like the 3D in the book.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
Fun to read all the responses. I can remember abut 4 years ago wanting so badly to try digital and not understanding anything. I tried off and on for about ayear unbtil I finally made a layout and once I got teh firts one done I havent looked back. Who would have thought.

Laura Burger
Laura Burger
ACOT Designer
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Cherry Cola

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I'm a paper person still . . .
I would like to try a little digi, but this computer doesn't have enough power or whatever it needs!
I keep hoping for a new computer and then maybe I can try.
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Digital Designers

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
My BFF was a digital designer and trying to get me to give it a try. I balked at the thought; it was too confusing and overwhelming. I didn't know what to do or where to start. But, I had very mobile twins who were constantly getting into my paper supplies, so I had to put them away every day. Pretty soon I never even got them out anymore. So she and my hubby conspired for christmas, 2005. He bought me Photoshop Elements and she sent me a CD of kits and I haven't touched my paper supplies since!
Theresa Hernandez, Digital Designer at ACOT & NDISB
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Cherry Cola

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I got into digi scrapping because of my dh. This man thinks that everything should be done on the computer. He hates that I would waste my time on a hard copy. So to indulge him I tried it out. Then I realized that is was a really nice way to do a family layout and not buy a million duplicate items to reproduce the layout for my family members. And then I started having fun!!! The rest is history!!
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Cherry Berry

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I was so excited to try it. I love my computer and its really hard for me to "paper" scrap because my son tries to help... he is two. So I gave all my "real" scrappy stuff to my friend in AZ and now all i do is digi... I might do paper again... one day
Jennifer ~ "I Scrap there for I'm Broke" ~Author Unknown

Proud Mommy to Vincent and William (Formally VincenstMommy)

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Cherry Delight

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I am always open to something new but was pretty skeptical. I too am a hoarder, especially pp. But I gave it a try. Loved it for the versitality of things you can try/use on a digi layout and the amazing alphas, but missed playing with my 'real' stuff. I have tried where you do a good portion on the computer and then when you get the page printed, you add embellies etc. which they call tradigital on the TV shows. But dont have a 12x12 printer so really dont do much of it anymore. Still it has its good points.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I can see the beauty in both and the neatness of digi could be appealing but for me, for now I like the paper and the textures and the just hands-on doing of it.
Choices are never hard if we are not afraid of bringing change..

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Marie D

Cherry Bing

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I first heard of digi scrapping here. All my scrappin' friends know that I'm a total computer geek Image and thought that I would love it but I must say that I haven't caught the bug. I LOVE the hand craft side of scrapbooking and, for me, it has an definite therapeutic effect that digi doesn't have.

I've realized that I actually am a very creative person but since I'm NOT good at drawing, painting, sewing and so on I never thought I was. Scrappin' is the perfect creative outlet for me! Need a hands-on craft. Image
When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.
John Ruskin

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Cherry Bing

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
My addiction is already out of control...I can't imagine trying a new drug!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Let's reminisce for a moment....
I need to try it! Stuck in my "old ways"!
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