WINNERS!Last of my points! Offer open till 8PM!

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Laura Fiore
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WINNERS!Last of my points! Offer open till 8PM!

Post by Laura Fiore »

I'M CLOSING THIS AT 8PM EST SO I CAN GO WATCH THE RED CARPET SHOW FOR THE OSCARS!!! THANKS EVERYONE FOR A SUPER FUN WEEKEND! OK--THE BOY CHOSE MOM2BOYZJALH3LKAPPYGAILRBUMBLEBBY CONGRATS GIRLS!Answer me this and have your name put into a random drawing for the last of my points. I have 165--I'm going to split it about 5 ways! What was the best part of the crop this weekend? Is there anything else you would like to see added to our crop schedules?  
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Post by butterfly843 »

I loved the variety of games all weekend. Would love to see a sketch challenge next crop.
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Cherry Cola
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Post by mamma2allboyz »

Well it was all awesome,  however it was neat to see "different" challenges this time.  Most of which I didnt complete but it was nice to see different ideas as well!Great job everyone and to the CT!Hugs
Jennifer Mom of Four Boys
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Post by gluestick »

DEFINATLY THE GAMES!!! May be a longer weekend but i dont think that will happen!
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Cherry Blossom
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Post by Wyknotwyme »

What was the best part of the crop this weekend? The Games, The challanges, Meeting New people Is there anything else you would like to see added to our crop schedules? not sure as this was my first ACOT crop ro participate in........ 
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Post by KarenRei »

I got all of the challenges done!!I also did 10 fast scraps, but plan to still do the 3 I missed tonight!I also got 2 birthday cards done that I need next weekend for a party! Thanks ladies for a wonderful crop!
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Post by Mommy_time1999 »

Getting to know new people and see all the talent that is involved on the boards.I have been to other cyber chats where they includ more chatting /giveaways in the chat room...That would be nice.Kim
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Post by LKappy »

I love the fav's were the hunts and build me a LO.I can't think of anything to would you fit more in?It was all super fun! I had a great time! Job well done!!

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Cherry Blossom
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Post by graces_mom_04 »

Dang it, I accidentally deleted my post...Bingo (hottie bingo being my fave!)!!
Even though I didn't win it was a blast!!
It was nice spending time doing what *I* wanted to do and getting to know everyone! Thanks for such a great weekend! I think DD is ready to have her mommy back! ;)  
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Post by Alissa103 »

I loved the games (the variety is great!)
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Post by bayouscrap »

What was the best part of the crop this weekend? The chance to try something new that I haven't done before n the challenges.Is there anything else you would like to see added to our crop schedules? More instructional type challenges, like a new technique.I love all the stuff during crops so anything is bonus!
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Post by Renee »

I loved all of the Bingos and the fun games. I didn't get much scrapping done but I am going to save all of the challenges to use at a later date. Plus, I won a fast scrap!!
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Post by bluetulip »

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Cherry Garcia
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Post by wahoo_mom »

The absolutely best part is hanging out with all of you here on the board.  I have enjoyed getting to know some of the CT and other regulars better and also meeting new people.  Other than that, I really like the games that send us searching through the store (and adding to my wish list) and roaming through the gallery where I gain so much inspiration.  I also enjoy the challenges.  I actually have completed 3 so far - surpassing my goal!  It has been a great weekend for scrapbooking (but my house is a mess).  Thank you so much!
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Post by oufti »

I really enjoyed the challenges. Even if I only posted a few, I started all of them. Games were fun too! Well anyway I REALLY enjoyed my first participation in ACOT crops!! 
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Cherry Picker
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Post by mommyof4 »

I love all the games, especially the quick ones (TriBond, unscramble, etc.)  I can't think of anything I'd like to see added, except maybe hourly discounts on certain things (like, say from 1 pm until 2 pm on Saturday, use this special code to get 50% off of all Bazzill, or something like that...)
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Post by ScrapGoo »

The best part was getting a whole weekend to play.  My goal was to do all of the fast scraps and I did... I felt like I got to do a lot without having to dig into my very small photo stash!I would love to make more use of the chat room somehow... or classes.  That would be awesome!
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Cherry Blossom
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Post by amynymom »

Best?   Everything was great!Next time?  I'd love to see some sketches, and more general challenges, as opposed to challenges about specific LO themes
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Post by Smiley-Scrap8 »

The Fastscraps, they are the best and a scavenger hunt would be wonderful next time.
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Cherry Berry
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Post by KatiePooh »

I enjoyed the games and points being given away.  This is the second time I have been able to enjoy the whole weekend cropping with ACOT.  It was GREAT!!!!!!
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