Official Crop Sign-in

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Cherry Picker
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by mommyof4 »

I'm here!  I love ACOT crops!I'm Beth and I'm in South Carolina.
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Laura Fiore
Wild Cherry
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by Laura Fiore »

I'm here, but not really here! Had a busy morning, so I've gotta run and get a shower in before I can officially play!You girls hold down the fort till I get back, OK? Good to see some old faces and new here...welcome everyone!
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Cherry Bing
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by MelissaM »

Here I am!
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by DaisyLou »

Hi all! I'm a first timer too - I hope to get lots of fast scrapping done this weekend!
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Cherry Picker
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by CatwoMN »

Hello!I'm sneaking in while I'm at work --- it's a Friday, why not, right?
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Cherry Tart
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by michigirl »

Hmm Hi all.. new to the ACOT board (which means i typed up a reply already hit the wrong button and lost it!! I love learning new boards LOL)I stalk the store daily and have a wishlist thousands of dollars large..I'm a mom of 4 boys 3 are home now so it will be hit or miss today but I am looking forward to the challenges. I was from Carleton MI and now am from Las Vegas NV.. and that's it in a nutshell! Tami
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Cherry Bing
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by chris_cubed »

Hi! I'm here always!  Wouldn't miss it!
Live, Love & Have Kids!!!
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Cherry Cola
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by Niki »

Hi!!Think I am the only one around here from Northern Nevada.... Reno
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Cherry Tart
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by Nat-Bean »

Hi - I'm Natalie.  First timer and hoping to check this out over the course of the weekend.  With any luck I can get DH to watch our 2.5 year old DD so I can really get some scrappin' done!
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Cherry Bing
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by stephfez »

I plan on being on here off and on all weekend, depending on 3 kids and how dh is doing w/ tax season.

Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool Image
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Cherry Tart
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by lisacris72 »

I am here and this is my first online crop!
Dreams are reality in a fairytale world.
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Cherry Berry
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by judybob1 »

me too..........
Stampin' Up Demonstrator
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by fong33 »

Hi,This is my first time here and racing to keep up, but looking forward to a weekend of fun!
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Cherry Cola
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by craftyfool »

I'm here I'm here! (I know you were all waiting with baited breath....)
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Cherry Blossom
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by lbruynell »

Hi. I am here and a first time cropper on this site. I am having trouble navigating the board though.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by lindaone »

me and my angels
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Cherry Tart
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by borina_2000 »

first online crop at this site and i cant wait....i told DH i cropping this weekend,.he can deal with the kids..GLAD TO JOIN U ALL!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by lindaone »

me and my angels
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Cherry Blossom
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by jacksgrma »

I'm Ready!!
Kathy(in MI)
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Cherry Tart
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Official Crop Sign-in

Post by sister »

This is my first crop with ACOT.  I have been looking forward to it all week.  I am on vacation for the weekend in Tucson, attending a Scrapbooking event and this is perfect.  I hope I understand all the rules and gools.................... Laura
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