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Total votes: 108
Definitely go for the Wii! And ask for games! :P (34) 31%
Are you nuts? Take the Cricut Expression! Don't forget the cartridges! (70) 65%
Neither... suggest something else! (4) 4%
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A Cherry on Top

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
Ok... so I've been doing some research and reading articles (not to mention posts HERE) about the Wii and also the Cricut Expression.  I've hinted to someone that I'd love to have one or the other and this person has hinted back, "Well, maybe I'll get you one OR the other..."!Sweet! So... if it were up to you, which one would you take?
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Cherry Tart

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
I have a cricut...I love the wii though, my friend has one and I am trying to get one with my tax for the whole family you know?
Wife to Christian
Mother to Marissa, Olivia and Hannah
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Cherry Garcia

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
I voted for the Cricut because I would really like one and I'm not into video games at all so you may not want to take my vote too seriously.
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Cherry Jubilee

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
I would say the Wii because it seems to have some value as being good exercise.  Also, it would be something great for you all to do as a family.  Plus, if this person gets you some games and accessories with it, that would be awesome.  You can always buy yourself a Cricut Expressions down the road. 
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A Cherry on Top

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
LOL Katie! That's the reason for the poll.... I really wanna be selfish but couldn't justify my reason unless I based it on board's poll results!!  Could claim I was peer pressured!   
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A Cherry on Top

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
Don't be trying to make me feel guilty Mindy! LOL! I'm feelin' it already!!!  
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Cherry Jubilee

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
If this person (and I think I know who you're talking about ) buys you the Wii, could you save up for a couple months and afford the Cricut?  Then you'd get both!  And what great gift ideas for your famiy and friends at holidays . . . games and cartridges.  That's what I do for my mom. ..  DH and I bought her a cricut a couple Christmas' ago and now I get her cartridges.  She's getting a Wii, and now I can buy her games too.  Of course I get the added benefit of being able to use the Cricut and the Wii once she gets it. 
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Cherry Tart

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
TOTALLY go for the peer pressure thing....heck, I tell my hubby that the boxes of scrapping stuff I get are free prizes!  LOL....if he only knew.....shhhhhh
Wife to Christian
Mother to Marissa, Olivia and Hannah
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A Cherry on Top

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
LOL Katie! I LIKE your way of thinking!!Mindy ~ I could afford to buy whichever he doesn't, it's just the thought of another toy that'll sit unused in my scrapping room.... 
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Cherry Tart

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
I use the heck out of my cricut!  I love it, I would not worry about that!
Wife to Christian
Mother to Marissa, Olivia and Hannah
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Cherry Cropper

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
I would get a craft robo.heheBut between those two options, the Cricut!!
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A Cherry on Top

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
C'mon! Only 28 votes?? Where are my enablers??
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Cherry Jubilee

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
OK..I enabled you {and voted for the Cricut}....but evreyone will enjoy the Wii
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Cherry Bing

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
OMG! If you have to ask - you need to see someone about that.  LOL Most definitely the Expression!!!! You must lie down, it sounds like you feel alittle ill.  LOL
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Cherry Tart

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
Do you already have the little bug, if yes, then get the Wi. If not, get the Cricut.  You will love both either way!
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Cherry Blossom

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
As much as I love scrappin' I'd have to go with the Wii. My sister has it and we can spend hours as a family playing the games. They're so much fun...and pretty good exercise too!
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Cherry Cola

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
cricut. I love mine.We have a Wii also but I play with my cricut more.LOL
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A Cherry on Top

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
LOL Colleen! Ya know... I am feeling a tad bit ill... Wonder if that Cri-cut wouldn't make me feel better! Wow! I'm seeing some awesome results and although the Cricut picks are pretty much 2:1 to the Wii, I consider it to still be quite diverse!Loving the "reasoning" behind the choices too!  Ya'll devilish!
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Cherry Cola

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
I enabled you, too - because you can always turn to VH1 and get exercise dancing (or CMT, as I do!).
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Wild Cherry

Wii or Cricut Expressions? POLL
I said Wii...but I have a fever, so you might want to throw my vote out.
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