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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Then and now
DIFFERENCE IN CHILD DISCIPLINE IN 1960 v  2007Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.
1960 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends. Nobody goes to
jail, nobody arrested, nobody expelled.2007 - Police called, SWAT team arrives,
arrest Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both
expelled from school even though Johnny started it.***Scenario: Jeffrey won't stay still in class, disrupts other students.
1960 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a smack on the bum by Principal. After a very short time, sits
still in class.
2007 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School gets extra money because
Jeffrey has a disability.***Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his father's car and his Dad gives him a thumping.
1960 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to uni, and becomes a successful and
responsible citizen.
2007 - Billy's Dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang.  Billy's sister is told by psychologist "Of course, you remember being abused" and their Dad goes to prison. Billy's
mum has affair with psychologist.***Scenario: Mary is pregnant.1960 - five high school boys leave town.  Mary does her final year at a special school for expectant
mothers. 2007 - School counsellor contacts Planned Parenthood. Mary gets an abortion. Mary given condoms and
told to be more careful next time, and also kids don't needfathers, anyway.***Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from cracker night, puts them in a bottle,
blows up a red ant hill.
 1960- Ants die.
 2007 - Fire brigade and police called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, government
investigates parents, siblings removed from  home, computers confiscated, Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch-list.
We've talked about some of these issues.
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Cherry Cropper

Then and now
Oh my gosh, that makes me laugh because I find it so true!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Then and now
Sadly funny and sadly true. Yeah I LOL at them.
Born to Crop not to Mop!

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A Cherry on Top

Then and now
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Cherry Cola

Then and now
true, how true!!  I wish it were like it was when I was in school.  They used to paddle us.  They do not do that now and look how the kids are?!?!?!?!?!  Wish they still would have corporal punishment.
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Cherry Cola

Then and now
I was reading this and how true most of this is, however I have to say this one....Scenario: Jeffrey won't stay still in class, disrupts other students.
1960 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a smack on the bum by Principal. After a very short time, sits
still in class.
2007 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School gets extra money because
Jeffrey has a disability.kinda makes me a little upset, not with you but the generalization I guess.  My son has ADHD and without his medication he couldnt make it through school.  I am thankful  that its not 1960 because spanking my child for his learning disability and uncontrolled ability to sit still would simply be cruel in my eyes.  Spanking him would serve no purpose in my eyes because I know he cant help that he cant sit still or consentrate without the help of his low dosage of medication.  I am glad that society recognizes this as a disablity because truely it is.  As an adult with ADD I understand oh too well how hard it can be to function in a job setting or to even be able to socialize with adults.  Sorry to go off on a long tangent  I just am pationate about me and my sons learning disablities and wish more people would understand its not a behavioral issue and something that  cant be controlled just by disapline. JMOHUGS
Jennifer Mom of Four Boys
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Then and now
I don't find this funny at all.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Then and now
I'm not sure it's meant to be funny .  I see it more a commentary on the way society has changed.

My co-worker's son and his best friend were tussling around on the play ground last spring - they were in first grade.     The friend is much bigger than my co-worker's son.   The boy was tugging on Dom's jacket when the playground aide 'broke them up'.    The kid was sent to the principal's office and the verdict was that for the rest of the week he had to sit against the wall during recesses.    The aide said it caused some of the other children to be 'traumatized' and the school made a counselor available for those who were upset by this. 

COME ON FOLKS!     We are talking about two first graders - one still six and the other just a month past his 7th birthday tugging each other around and laughing at the fun they were having!
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Cherry Addict

Then and now
Wish they still would have corporal punishment.Seriously?  Even if it were your kids getting paddled?
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Cherry Crush

Then and now
I kind of disagree with the one about Mary getting pregnant....It should go more like 2007:  Mary proudly announces her pregnancy. Classmates give her a baby shower and spend every day talking about how cute the baby will be.  Mary keeps the baby and struggles to make it through high school, where the school is forced to provide her with a tutor, so she can keep up in her classes. I don't think this is meant to be funny at all, and some parts are exaggerated.  There has been some improvement in the way things are handled in some areas, but I do think the point is that we have lost discipline in public schools, due to many of the topics we have discussed in this forum.  Many parents don't discipline their children, and they are too ready to sue the school if the discipline doesn't meet their idea of what should happen.  The thing that is missing is that it used to be that children who got into trouble at school then received discipline at home.  They did not want to get in trouble because they knew their parents would be disappointed and angry with them. Now, parents go to school to fight the discipline, giving their children the message that what they did wasn't very bad, and they can get out of it, if their parents fight hard enough.  While I don't believe in corporal punishment at school, I think schools' hands are tied in many ways, with all the legislation that requires so much due process and students are given way too many chances to shape up.  Kids are naturally wired to push the limits, and when the limits aren't enforced or are set so high, they can get away with more.  Plus, schools can't afford to get sued, even if they are in the right, so they bend over backwards to appease the parents who clamor for rules to be less strict (or those who want strict rules for everyone's kids but their own!)
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Cherry Cola

Then and now
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Cherry Tart

Then and now
Whether it was meant to be funny or not, going back to it wouldn't hurt most of the kids today one little bit.
I contend we are both atheists; I just believe in one fewer god than you do.
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Cherry Tart

Then and now
I think that there are some legitimate cases of ADD. I've seen kids with it before and it is truly a disability.Having said that, I have a friend whose kids are a$$holes. They have never had consistent discipline and they treat their mom like crap and have trouble at school. What they need is a swift kick in the butt. But instead they are classified as ADHD and they supposedly can't help that they have no impulse control and oh the poor little darlings. Funny enough when I watch them when their mom isn't around I don't put up with them treating me like crap and after a few minutes they stop. They are on all kinds of meds and they still act like crap. And sadly, there are more kids that are like this, than truly have ADD. And it makes everybody question the real diagnosis.
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