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Cherry Picker

This drives me nuts
I'm working tonight and I left little bags of candy on the doors of all my neighbors (6 in the townhouse row) --- I'm hoping that they'll watch out for my house and not let anyone do anything bad to it since I'm not there to give out candy. I will be in such a bad mood if I go home at 10:30 and find egg or pumpkin on my steps.
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Scrap Goddess

Cherry Addict

This drives me nuts
Church Festivals.  Seriously, it's Halloween. It's not the devil's birthday, no one needs saving because they are in costume!We live near a large church (7500 people per service x3) they have a fall festival, and have taken away all the trick or treaters in the area. Their reason, is to save the community values. Honestly, kids dress in costumes (most girls come as princesses, most boys as pirates) going with their parents door to door don't seem lacking values to me. I hate that everything seems so sterile to me know.
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Chatty Cherry

This drives me nuts
no costume no candy..give 'em pennies
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Cherry Cola

This drives me nuts
pennies - lol thats great 
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Cherry Tart

This drives me nuts
I love the pennies idea. Do you just give 1 penny or more? If they are nice do they get a nickel?
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Cherry Cropper

This drives me nuts
NEXT TIME save the penciles and give em Walmart applications. or little cards that say CLUE lol
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

This drives me nuts
I don't think I would have had the guts to trick or treat after the age of 14ish...We hosted some French exchange students and our teacher wanted us to take them Trick or Treating...I was 16 and I was SO embarassed. LOL
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Cherry Addict

This drives me nuts
yep, no costume, no good stuff!I had a repeat trio of teen girls and even though they denied it,  I KNOW because I had complimented one on her purple marabou trimmed hat and the other I had asked what the cereal box was supposed to be. (a cereal killer)
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Sweet Cherry Pie

This drives me nuts
Thank You!!!I was ready to scream tonight with all the little hoodlums that thought they could show up with a frickin' Wal-Mart sack and street clothes!!  I hate passing out candy, because American children are getting diabetes and becoming obese!! We didn't pass it out last year because it's become a dangerous holiday... then I got suckered into it by my dh and mom!!  And who was passing out the candy!?!?  Yes, me!!  dh had to go to school, and my mom doesn't even live here!!Why are the children 1) so rude and 2) so ghetto?Whatever happpened to costumes?  What ever happened to saying Trick or Treat or DANG IT!!  Say THANK YOU!!What tha heck are parents doing driving their kids street to street for?  Hello??  Our children are the most obese children in the world because they act like their legs don't work...  and for those that ride in the stroller, they got Playdough and popcorn...Oh I was ticked and couldn't wait to come tell you ladies about it, but you guys are already on top of things!! Good going!!  When dh got home and all the lights were off, he got scared, he thought I had gotten fed up or sick or something!!  GREEDY kids... whatever happened to taking one piece of candy?  I had a few greedy kids grab a hand full!!  And I told them they needed to stay in school because obviously they couldn't count after I told them 2 pieces of candy each!!  Talk about embarrassing the little mongrels!!  Ugh... and what's with parents living outside of our neighborhood bringing their "ghetto" kids over to Trick or Treat?  A simple thank you and stop running through my grass please!!Thanks for letting me vent!!
Elise (PS_Sosa)
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Cherry Cola

This drives me nuts
My biggest Halloween issue this year was the kinds of costumes I saw. I helped with Baylie's 2nd grade party at school yesterday and ALL but 2 of the little girls were dressed like tramps! Baylie was Dorothy, her friend was Supergirl and all the other ones were "pop stars" or trampy witches with short skirts and fishnets. I could not believe my eyes!!!!
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Cherry Bing

This drives me nuts
We had 4 TOTers. All family, but, who cares! It is nice to get little munchkins at the door! I guess if a big kid came to my door, I'd give them candy even if they weren't dressed up, only because we're not a high traffic area out here in the sticks.
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Wild Cherry

This drives me nuts
Ugh... and what's with parents living outside of our neighborhood bringing their "ghetto" kids over to Trick or Treat?  Umm....if they were there without costumes or they are coming from a poor neighborhood, maybe there is no one there to give out candy?
If they're polite, I don't mind. I let my 13 yr old go with me, but I told her this is the absolute last year for her. She's too old.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Wild Cherry

This drives me nuts
My biggest Halloween issue this year was the kinds of costumes I saw. I helped with Baylie's 2nd grade party at school yesterday and ALL but 2 of the little girls were dressed like tramps! Baylie was Dorothy, her friend was Supergirl and all the other ones were "pop stars" or trampy witches with short skirts and fishnets. I could not believe my eyes!!!!I went to Party City with my daughter and that's all the costumes they had, and the teen costumes were even worse! I just stood there with my jaw on the floor! Needless to say, we did NOT get her a costume there.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Delight

This drives me nuts
We were disgusted by some of the costumes we saw little girls in this year.  One 8 year old was wearing a costume that said "Jail Bird."  Wow, what a wonderful example being set by those parents.  Of course, at first DH thought it said "Jail Bait" and he literally almost had a stroke, he was so mad, his face got so red.  He calmed down a little, not much, when he realized what it really said, but he was still pretty ticked off.  I don't want to hear parents complain about teenage pregnancies the way they are sending little girls dressed as trollops these days.
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Cherry Cola

This drives me nuts
I was annoyed with the older kids without costumes, too. Xander's older cousin came with us, but he didn't trick-or-treat, just hung out with the guys and talking about video games.I'm happy to report that a) my son was very polite and always said thank you and b) we walked everywhere and today I'm so exhausted I could sleep right here at my desk!I like the idea of giving the older kids the "bad" candy and saving the good stuff for the little kids who are actually workin' it. Xander and his cousin literally ran from house to house, bless their little energetic souls. And they got good stuff (well, except for one popcorn ball).
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Cherry Jubilee

This drives me nuts
A few year back my DD wanted to be one of those pop star's with the short skirt outfit.  We said no way. She about had a fit.  She calmed down after we said that for all we cared she could sit at home while her brother was trick or treating we weren't having that.I did get some older ones that had no costume and was irratated. Seriously make something out of paper plates and cardboard, and tin foil.
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Cherry Bomb

This drives me nuts
My biggest pet peeve are the parents who dress up a less than 3 month old and go door to door.   When the license plate is from several counties away that is frustrating.   My inlaws live in a large addition and I can't believe how many people come door to door with infants!!!   Drives me nuts.   Use the gas money and buy some candy close to home!!I love Halloween too and seeing the costumes, but the last 2 years it has gone from bad to nasty.   I agree what happened to less than sleezy costumes for girls and something other than blood and gore for boys?    One mom showed up with her neck "slit" and the kid said look what I did to my can you say scary?
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Sweet Cherry Pie

This drives me nuts
Oh man, I love the toothbrush and the pencils ideas, but I handed out pencils in the "treat bags with the popcorn and Playdough"  (those were for the non-candy seekers)Anyways, maybe I should explain my definition of "ghetto"  LOL...  I don't mind those that bring them here from poorer neighborhoods or apartment complexes.What I meant by "ghetto" was these little snipers were grabbing handfuls of candy, and not saying trick or treat, nor were they saying THANK YOU!!  No, Tracy, they were not polite!!  And if you're coming from outside the neighborhood, at least park your vehicle at the front of the subdivision at the park!!  I was so stressed out after this, and just kept talking about it, my husband felt so bad!!  He said next year we'll have a party for the children on the street and for our family/friends...But the funny thing... when children were given a choice... no matter what age, they took the unknown contents of the "goodie bags" and the Popcorn (microwave mini bags bought at Sam's) and the mini things of Playdough!!   Oh yeah, and I was dressed as a princess (with my wedding gown on that was twice as big!!) but I felt like those kids were turning me into the Wicked Witch of the South!!  (Get it, I'm in Houton... ha ha ha...)  Okay, you guys know I can be corny at times!Thanks for letting me chew your ears/eyes!!
Elise (PS_Sosa)
I Scrap to relax!! Visit my blog:
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Cherry Blossom

This drives me nuts
I don't mind kids going up til 18, as long as they're polite and wearing a costume.As an adult, it is much easier to buy my own candy and save my self respect.As far as the church festivals, I think they're ok.  My own mother never allowed TOT after I turned 3 (she got really into church) so those festivals were all I had to look forward to.  And yes, some people do really feel that it is a glorification of Satan (not that I agree, but you're not going to get people to change their mind on something they feel so strongly about)   As a parent, I do like the idea of TOT in a well-lit place full of people that I know.  We didn't go this year but might next year after we TOT in our neighborhood. 
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Wild Cherry

This drives me nuts
I am one of those "people" that take their children to a different neighborhood.  We have no sidewalks or streetlights in my subdivision, and we have three acre lots.  I have a 4 year old.  I also live in Wisconsin where it is typically cold at this time of the year.  Cold + no lights +small legs+ houses are far apart with long driveways= stress on us parents.  My older kids run, my younger want to be held. We always are invited to the neighborhood we go to.  We have someone at our house handing out candy, and we donate to the home that invites us.  We also bring dinner.  My kids leave half their candy there, because for my kids, it really isn't about the candy.  It is about getting together with their friends and doing a tradition.  We stress that to our children.  It is not about the candy.  They each get to choose a few pieces, the rest are put away.The person handing out candy at our house said that the majority were teenagers, but almost all were dressed.  Fine by me.  At least they aren't out egging and smashing pumpkins.... ~pam~
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