4am? Seriously?

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4am? Seriously?

Post by corvettecarey »

yes-I will be out in all of that madness! I have so much fun, even last year when I went by myself!
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Laura Fiore
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4am? Seriously?

Post by Laura Fiore »

That is no place to be if you're a claustrophobe! I HATE shopping on Black Friday! I'll be sleeping in, hopefully putting my tree up, and then waiting to do my shopping until about Dec. 15!!No, I'll actually head out next week to do my shopping...during the 9-5 hours when everybody else is working full time. I can get alot done when I don't have to fight the crowds!
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4am? Seriously?

Post by baltoscrapper »

I can't do black friday anymore. At one point, it was fun, but no longer. It zaps my Christmas mojo and I wo'n't let it! For the few dollars you get off, its not worth fighting the crowds.  Plus, do you know how many times that stuff will be on sale between now and 12/25? LOTS! You may be able to get a $25 item for $10 on black friday, but I guarantee you that you can also find it, between thanksgiving and Christmas for $12.  on sale.  For that $2.00 it so isn't worth it. I have cookie baking/pull out the decoration plans for friday!
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4am? Seriously?

Post by butterfly843 »

They just put up a great deal on a laptop that will be unadvertised at Best Buy so my dh will be online with my brother for that.
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4am? Seriously?

Post by stangGirl »

Wow, I just don't have that female gene in me to want to be shopping shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of other people at 4am.  More power to ya!  I will be sleeping!  Although I do have to go dress shopping, I am dreding the fact that I may have only that Friday to do it!  Grrrrrrr. 
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4am? Seriously?

Post by MOM2SNOX »

Our NEX is opening at 5am... so I guess one hour's not gonna make that big of a difference! LOL!Not like I'M going to be out at that hour!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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4am? Seriously?

Post by Flapdoodle »

Kara---Oh, HECK no on the compensation. That would be a real nice thing for the corporations to do, but.....NOT.It wouldn't be so bad if people weren't such bungholes on days like this. I mean, if you're gonna be out in the craziness, TAKE A PILL. OR TWO. And be nice to the poor slobs who have to work on those days to earn a paycheck.Heck, even fighting the parking lot can get your blood pressure skyrocketing before you even get to your job to punch in for your shift!I still don't think it's necessary for businesses to open that early for shoppers.Let's get back to reality and a better way of life again.*sigh* 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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4am? Seriously?

Post by katarria »

I heard that too.  Crazy. I'll be there :)  (just not at 4am)
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4am? Seriously?

Post by suslvgeo »

yeah...4am, I will be at home asleep. NOTHING is worth me getting up that early, unless I had too.
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A Cherry on Top
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4am? Seriously?

Post by MaBuglet »

I have to say, I was out at 5am last year and SCORED!  I got some kickin' deals.  I'll probably head out to Kohl's this year too.  Wouldn't want those poor peeps getting bored that have to work
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4am? Seriously?

Post by CraftnStuff »

It depends on what kind of deals there are.  I have one word that reminds me of Black Friday........."TURBOMAN"!!!!!
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4am? Seriously?

Post by Renee »

I wish I had a Kohl's closer to us...I'd be there...with bells on!
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4am? Seriously?

Post by koala1966 »

They're getting paid, they'll live.  It's my second black Friday, I plan to be at Best Buy at 3 am, I need another EHD and a DVD/VCR combo recorder.  (Not for presents, just for me, lol)
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4am? Seriously?

Post by Flapdoodle »

"They're getting paid, they'll live."Thanks. Makes me feel so much better about having to work Black Friday. 
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4am? Seriously?

Post by DolphinSoul »

Some stores here are opening at 12 midnight that Thursday night. And Flapdoodle you summed it up perfectly. Black Friday has always been so over rated to me. Yes it is good buys.. but people will kill for this stuff. Literally. Esp for the Game Systems. This is the day when people are at their worst and the main reason I think.. is because they have to get up so Damn early. Why did the stores ever start it early. Couldn't they open the doors at the regular hours and Still have the big sales.Heck me, being in a wheelchair... I stay Clear of Black Friday. Heck just shopping this week at Wal-Mart was a traffic jam for me. Me and Bill got all the big gifts shopped today. The only time Anyone of us have gone shopping that day was last year. Bill and Mom went about 7 am to Target to get a camera, surround sound system, and a camera for my brother. And they said it was crazy that they wouldn't go back... but I went Back that night around 5 and guess what.... they had those cameras and systems way in the back by the camping and sport stuff... hundreds of them.. where no one looks. Because everyone does a mad dash to the electronic company and knocks anyone down in their path.So now if I see a couple of good deals... I'll check it out that night and see what's lingering around still. But for me.. nothing is Grabbing my Attention... so I'll be putting up the holiday decorations like I always do!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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4am? Seriously?

Post by Flapdoodle »

Bless you DolphinSoul. My thought exactly has been WHY can't they do this at reasonable hours? They can still have the great deals and stuff!It's just gotten so out of hand. I felt this way even before I got the retail job.Holidays are so crazy anymore and all it is, is commercialism at it's worst. People running into stores like rats and wild animals and being mean to each other and hurting each other over merchandise. And don't forget the stealing. I will say that I am lucky that I don't work for a big box store that has the crazy deals that people freak out over. But I still have to be there nonetheless, fighting the parking lot and still getting cranky shoppers who are mean. It's an awful day to have to work for anyone and I feel for those who DO work at those crazy stores!!!Next year I hope to be out of this retail job. I'm still looking.......
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