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Total votes: 79
Buy bulk/a lot at once (31) 39%
Buy only as I need it (sometimes that day) (6) 8%
Plan out my meals for the week and get only what I know I need (33) 42%
Blech meat! I don't eat meat (3) 4%
Other (please explain, thanks!) (6) 8%
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Grocery Shopping Poll/Question
We go to Costco once a month and vacu-seal all the meat.  Then we go to the grocery store about once a week to get the little things.  Works out well.
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Cherry Cola

Grocery Shopping Poll/Question
with 6 mouths to feed, I shop at BJ"S or Costco for most of my meat( unless the grocery store has a good $ ) then I have one of those machines that vacuum seal things so I spend the afternoon rinsing and bagging meat for meals. I have a small freezer in my basement which helps alot
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Grocery Shopping Poll/Question
It may seem like you're laying out a lot at once (Well, you really are) but if you buy in bulk and freeze you can save some money.

Also, if  you shop once a week and plan ahead for meals you make one trip to the store.    Think about what you save in gas money alone.   Then add in your time.   Also, if you walk in the store to pick up meat do you just pick up the meat or do you stop and pick up other things as well?   That adds up.  
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Cherry Cola

Grocery Shopping Poll/Question
We shop once a week, so get enough to last at least through that week. We used to just get everything at Walmart, but have started getting our meat at Price Chopper. It's fresher, and they have lots of good deals and specials. I've never visited the meat counter, which Price Chopper also has, because we tend to get things on the cheap.
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Cherry Cola

Grocery Shopping Poll/Question
we shop weekly unless we run out of produce or milk then it's a fast trip in and out. Mailnly for any meat we buy bulk and then i freezr it. The trick is to wrap it well, date it and label it. then use it within the month and it's just fine! Thaw out slowly in the ref.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Grocery Shopping Poll/Question
I chose "other," because I do my grocery shopping on Sunday, and I get one large package of meat.  My DH usually grills it all on Sunday afternoons.  Unless he's grilling steaks, we have enough for at least 2, usually 3, and sometimes 4 meals.  We eat one, and I keep the second one out to eat a day or two later.  The rest goes in the freezer.  The rest of the time we eat cooked meat in the freezer or I buy what I call "ready-made meats," like those made by Hormel or Tyson. I wish I had a freezer big enough to buy in bulk.
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Cherry Jubilee

Grocery Shopping Poll/Question
We plan our meals out for the week, it has been so much easier on us since we did this, one less headache when we get home from work trying to decide what to make-its already planned, and two, saving us money at the grocier store since we are actually using what we buy.Now, that said, once in a while we have to run to the store midweek for a forgotton item.  I will also stock up on cereal and meats when it is on a good sale, and I pick up certain canned foods in bulk from Sam's Club about once a month.Funny there has been a couple of weeks where we were lazy and didn't get the meals planned since we started planning meals and those were the worst weeks for us because we were so disorganized and unmotivated to come up with an idea for dinner that dinners ended up being poor.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Grocery Shopping Poll/Question
Thanks for all the great info ladies. Looks like planning at least a week ahead for meals and stocking up is a good way to go because this (see below) is so true:Also, if you walk in the store to pick up meat do you just pick up the meat or do you stop and pick up other things as well?   That adds up. 
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Grocery Shopping Poll/Question
I get the big pack of chikkin boobies and split it up for the freezer. And we get frozen individual salmon steaks that come in a bag--just take out what you want and they thaw quickly.A rotisserie chicken gets us a meal, then sammies, then I use the carcass for soup.That's mostly what we eat as far as meat.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Grocery Shopping Poll/Question
LOL ---> chikkin boobies
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Cola

Grocery Shopping Poll/Question
I hate shopping and I hate cooking - so I buy in bulk things like oatmeal and frozen lasagna.  It is very rare for me to cook a full on meal for my family.  I know - bad mommy and wife !!  But it is so much work to cook and clean and I don't really like eating either and my boys (dh included) wolf things down so quickly and seldom seem to appreciate the food!
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