How do you open gifts- Poll

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I must be dressed in regular clothes before opening anything
I will wear pj's while I open my gifts
Total votes: 104

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Cherry Delight
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by -LATE- »

Our family opens gifts on Christmas Eve. Santa will bring the gifts Christmas Morning and my sunshine will stay in his Pjs.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by sweetpeas_mom »

Maybe I just need to start getting new pj's for everyone.

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Cherry Jubilee
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How do you open gifts- Poll

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Growing up we got to open a gift on Christmas Eve . . . usually matching pjs around.  Then Christmas morning my brothers and I would get up and check out what Santa brought.  We'd go out to the living room and look.  Then go wake up mom and dad, if they weren't already awake.  Then we'd get to check out our stockings and play with whatever Santa brought that was unwrapped.  Dad would make a huge breakfast and we'd eat before opening presents.  We'd stay in our pj's till afternoon.Now, if my brother and his family are here (Rebajane's family) we do what we did growing up . . . stockings, breakfast then gifts cause my brother is a weiner and gets all grumpy if we don't do it his way.  LOL!!  Although if memory serves I think last year we did it my way. . .I'm still usually the first one up Christmas morning and I wake up everyone else.  Last year my brother and his family spent the night so DD and I went downstairs and woke them all up too. . . at like 7 am . . . Then we do stockings, coffee while the kids play with whatever they got, then open presents followed by breakfast.  We usually get showered and dressed after that.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by Leeanna »

Regular clothes, gotta look good for the pics! 
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by MamaK321 »

opening presents = photos so I have to go tidy myself up, ie hair, a bit of makeup and at least some nice looking jammies or I'll put on a tee with my yoga pants.
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Cherry Bing
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by scrap-4-life »

We open on Christmas morning after we are all dressed.  First we open stockings, the instant we get up.   After that we have cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then open gifts.
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Cherry Jubilee
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by SBcrazee »

I don't wear pj's so I have to get dressed (put something on) to take pictures of the kids opening gifts. They are usually in their pj's.  This time we'll be at FIL's so I guess we'll all get dressed first. 
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Cherry Cola
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by Janshotgun »

Our traditions are adapted to where we are each year - this year we will be with my daughter's family on Christmas.  But some things never change - Gifts are open in pj's, A favorite breakfast casserole and fresh fruit is served for breakfast and we get dressed sometime after that!
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by rebajane »

Mindy's got it right except for one thing it was more like 6:00am and she woke up her dd to wake us up... ...she is worse than the kids,but its lots of fun and we will miss them this year. I love Christmas eve and Christmas morning....Ole Dean will have to be the alarm clock this year!
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Cherry Cola
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by NJTheresa »

pj's its been that way since I was a kid.
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Cherry Jubilee
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How do you open gifts- Poll

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Reba, remember the year a couple years back when you guys didn't get there until noon or close to it cause my idiot brother wouldn't get up and get moving.  You were about ready to pack up the kids and come on your own. 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by Judes »

Now that we are all grown ups, we get dressed before we open presents.  When the kids were little, we often stayed in our pjs.We open our gifts one at a time for all to enjoy.
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by FairyMouseMom »

PJs / lounging clothes all the way.  But presents ONLY get opened if I have a cup of coffee going (since I am up really late the night before).
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Cherry Berry
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by gypsyslady »

So am I to expect everyone will be in their jammies when we arrive??????   Or do we come in our jammies too????  Forget that idea........not a good visual.Mom
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by sweetpeas_mom »

Mom, I guess don't be surprised if the girls and Jason are still in their pj's when you get here! I will be up and dressed before they even decide to open their eyes.  LOL!  I'd like them to be dressed by the time you get here, but that depends on what time Dad gets you all packed into the car and on the road! Whatever time you get here is fine with me! earlier than 8am...ok?

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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by moodyonceamth »

Let them stay in their PJs ya big meanie mom!!  My stepdad had that doofus idea about getting dressed and eating breakfast before we opened gifts.  Why??  What's the point?!?   We get up and have breakfast and get dressed every single other day of the year.  Why not have a fun day on Christmas?
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by sweetpeas_mom »

*sigh* 80 to15...I'd say I'm out voted! LOL!  Maybe....just maybe I'll be a cool mom and let them stay in their jammies this year. Guess that means I should hit the after Christmas fabric sales and get some flannel to make pants for everyone next year.

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Cherry Delight
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by Charleneanne »

well since all my inlaws show up for that big free breakfast Christmas morning, I am showered and fully dressed when they arrive.  And presents are after breakfast, so . . . . .
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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How do you open gifts- Poll

Post by Bernadettte »

I totally agree with Moody, let them stay in their pj's!! 
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