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Cherry Cola

for those who have cats or have had them
was reading Mommybruno's thread on the name thing for the cats, what are your cats names and how did you come up with them?I don't have any kitty's now however the boys have been begging me so I am contemplating it. The three cats I had before my divorce well they were original names kinda lol We started off with my favorite cat a Tiger striped orange cat always were my favorites,  his name was Oscar from Sesame Street, then I ended up with an orphan cat my sister dumped on me so then there were two cats, he was Lester and he loved to rub on everyone so we called him Lester the molester.  Lastly I got the kitty of my dreams which made three at the time,  we had his official papers and I even went to a breeder he was Siamese and Himalayan  beautiful but extremely unfriendly and had a nervous issue.  Issues to say the least he would foam at the mouth when he got upset and drool his fur was short but soft like the Himalayan cats.  His name was Grover from Sesame street as well.  Sadly when I got divorced I had to give them away very sad day for me and the boys.   Wanted to see how everyone got their kitty names.
Jennifer Mom of Four Boys
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Wild Cherry

for those who have cats or have had them
My cats are named Callie, Lindsey, and Lil' Bit.Lil' Bit was named by my husband because she was so tiny. How he knew she would stay tiny, I'll never know, but she did.Callie & Lindsey were variations of the names they came with from the shelter. My daughter adjusted their names, so Lindy became Lindsey and Cayla became Callie.My first cat was Opus who was colored like a penguin. Opus is a penguin from the comic strip Bloom County.I also had a cat who was named Tigger for no reason really, but his playmate was named Hobbes from Calvin & Hobbes.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Cola

for those who have cats or have had them
Well Cassie came names that when she stayed when I bought the house LOLStormy came named that ex husbands uncles passed away.Bluebelle was name by a coworker at the animal shelter - is part cause she is grey which in vet/shelter world is considered blue.Little Bit stared as Stormy named that since he looks just like the one above but when we got Big stormy it got confusing and I just started calling him little bit and he responds to that better
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Cherry Jubilee

for those who have cats or have had them
We have three orange and white boys:Aslan - named after the Lion in the Narnia chronicles (named long before the movie came out!!)...aka: Spazlan, FatmanFinnigan - we just liked the name...aka: Finn, Finnigan Beginagain, Captain Snaggle, Captain Longbody, Finnigan Stew, DJ SpinniganSimon - again, just liked the name...aka: Simon Pieman, Simone (french accent), Bubby I used to have Aslan's brother, Ganymede, who was my kindred spirit in animal form.  He was named for  the Greek myth of the boy who was the cupbearer to Zeus on Mt. Olympus.  He was then put into the sky as the constellation for Aquarius.  I have a minor in Ancient History and my sign is Aquarius... he was well named.  And well missed. 
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Cherry Cropper

for those who have cats or have had them
We had a great cat named Missy PussNBoots because she had white paws.
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

for those who have cats or have had them
My kitty was 15 years old in October.  My dd brought her home to me for Christmas 1992.  Her name is symbol of the season and is Christmas, Chrisy for short.  She has had some health issues this past fall and I know they will resurface.  Her time is coming much too quickly.  She is my savior after a long tiresome day at work.
Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
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Cherry Cola

for those who have cats or have had them
My current grumpy cat is Pandora. I spent two weeks before getting her trying to think up the perfect name. She's a black longhair, and I didn't want to go with a color name. I didn't actually end up naming her until I had her home a couple of days, then decided Pandora was perfect because she was a little bit of everything all rolled into one!When I was in college my brother got a kitten (she died of feline lukemia after a few months, sadly) and he was going to give it some weird asian name, because he was very into martial arts at the time (no offense to anyone!). I convinced him to go with Clovis instead, the hero cat from Stephen King's Sleepwalker's movie. I still think that's a cool name!
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Cherry Jubilee

for those who have cats or have had them
When DH and I first got together we got a kitten. . .he was all black.  I was suggesting names . . . Midnight, Smokey, Pepper, etc. and DH didn't like any of them.  So I said . . . well fine, how about Fred . . . and Fred it was. Sadly he is now in Kitty heaven.The cat we have now is named Midnight.  We got him from the pound and that was his name.  Since he was a year old, we didn't change the name. 
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Cherry Delight

for those who have cats or have had them
We have Catarina K Cat(Siamese). Her brother was Elliott P Cat(had to have him put down last summer due to kidney issues).We also have April(black)-given to A for his 6th birthday which is in April.And DoodleBug(gray and white)-named after the scrappy company.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

for those who have cats or have had them
We have Baby Cat right now(she came from a family of 3 cats nad already had that name).  Our older cat  was Fraidy.
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Cherry Blossom

for those who have cats or have had them
Our 14 yr old cat is Clyde, not sure where I got the name, was having an argument with DH who did not want me to have and I looked over & said "his name is Clyde"4 yrs ago we aquired 2 White & Back kittehs (we rescued them) and one (male) was named Oreo as my DS #1 decided he looked like a oreo cookie. The female named by DH was Lucy. Why? We have no clue,  but say  " Lucy i'm home"  and she comes running!
Scrap for the memories, because life is passing by
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Cherry Cola

for those who have cats or have had them
I have one ( we had two but had to get rid of the male( Zeus) so we are back to my baby Athena( goddess of war, also the computer systems name at MIT where DH went to graduate school)we got her in 1995. She is my first baby and so beautiful
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Cherry Picker

for those who have cats or have had them
 <-- Me chuckling because Nene's cats have a middle initial.My black/white tuxedo cat (now in catnip heaven) had a variety of names when I first got her as a kitten: Alexandra Queen of the Snow, Princess Alexandra, Alexandra Queen of Denial (I was obsessed)...but the name that stuck was Alex P. Kitten (I was a big fan of Family Ties and Alex P. Keaton) which eventually morphed into Alex P. KittyMy senior siamese is Sami. She was 8 or 9 when I adopted her and the Humane Society said her name was Samantha. She doesn't answer to that, only Sami it is.My other cat was a gift for my ex's daughter. I got the kitten three months before she came back to our house for Christmas break, so I started calling it Baby Kitty since it was so small and had the tiniest little mew. The ex's daughter finally named the cat Piggy because it ate everything in sight. But Baby Kitty is what stuck and is what the cat answers to.
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Cherry Picker

for those who have cats or have had them
Our cat is Mary, from Maryland!  We got her one summer, she was a kitten, we traveled up North and stayed in a Bed and Breakfast, and she traveled all the way home in the car to South GA - and she was WILD.  What a trip.  She's a cream tabby, and really is a loner, not very friendly.
Risa from Georgia
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Cherry Bomb

for those who have cats or have had them
My cats' names are Precious and Dusty.  I have no reasons other than Dusty was dirty when I found him.

Image Image Image Be who you are, not who you think you should be.
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Cherry Bing

for those who have cats or have had them
Both of our cats just showed up back when we lived on the "farm". The first one was a little kitten so everytime I went outside I called it Little Kitty or Lil' Kitty.  After a few weeks of it still hanging around I changed that to Lily.  Then about a month later my MIL came to visit and informed us that Lily was indeed a boy, so we changed it to his final name...Willie!About a year later, dh heard meowing outside, opened the door, and in walked a calico kitten.  We let her hang out at the barn and called her Baby.  When she was still around a few weeks later I wanted to name her something to rhyme with Willie and dh insisted that would confuse the cats.  He didn't like any of the names I picked so we kept calling her this day she is Baby Kitty.When we lived on the farm we had lots of cats come through but these two were the only ones who decided to call our place home (although I'm sure they're guilty of chasing away a few potential residents).  Now they are pampered house cats and little is not a word you could use to describe either of them!
formally known as mkyanne

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

for those who have cats or have had them
We had a cat named 

Son of a Bit--In front of my mother in law we called him Sandwich.

The SOB would get up on the roof and not be able to get down without crying for hours. 

The other cat was named Aphrodite.

My daughter was studying mythology and liked the name.

We had a dog named EggSucker.  
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

for those who have cats or have had them
Alrigth well I've had a few cats. The first one I remember was Tiddles. We called him that cuz he was like a tiddley wink, we had another one called puffy. Don't know why that name, but she was pretty puffy I guess.Right now I have Merlin (he's a blonde), I named him. Got him from the humane society. I love the King arthur stories and fantasy and stuff, and just thought that that name would be great for a cat. So that's what I neamed him. :)Also have Sebastion (he's orange tabby) and I didn't name him, was pretty much my dad that decided that. No clue why. But it suits him well enough. I usually call him tubby or munchkin anyway. hahahaand lastly we have Pookie. Again, wasn't me that picked that one. It was actually named by an old ex-boyfriend. He moved away and couldn't take the cat with him, so I took him in. He just thought the name sounded funny. I call him weiner all the time. hahaha!And that's it so far in the cat department!
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Cherry Jubilee

for those who have cats or have had them
Jennifer, I am a total Arthuriana freak too.  Do you read historical fiction based on Arthur tales?
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Cherry Picker

for those who have cats or have had them
I have a Patchra who is the other half of Cleo Patchra (Cleo had to be put to sleep when she was 13, she had liver or kidney issues). Patchra is 17 yrs old. Cleo was named Clea because when I got her, I originally thought she was male and named her Leonardo off of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Leo for short. Then when I took her to her first vet appt, found out she was female and she already knew her name so Cleo was close and then I got Patchra a couple months later.Then I have Zig and Zag, my kittens ( they are just over a year old)I have had Seika and Tuck off of the childrens show, Wampas World (on Treehouse TV up here). They were brothers and when one of them started not using the litter box, we have to find a different home for them ( I wanted them to stay together). I also had a Mercury and a Mercedes. We taught Mercury to play fetch with dice. She was the best cat I had (we lost her when she fell off my 12th story balcony, the cats went out there all the time, and we figure she saw a bird and lost her balance)Vickie
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