Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

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Cherry Berry
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by Heatherj81 »

How do you delete something from your Ipod?  I'm sure the answer is obvious, but I haven't found out how yet.Also...if you do podcosts, what's your favorite?  (And why didn't someone tell me about podcasts before I got my Ipod!  Dagnabit!  I had a choice between 80 and 160GBs and I chose 80 because who needs 160?  Podcast freaks, that's who!)Thanks,Ipod Noob
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by mkcdaisy »

I don't do podcast and never had - just never tried it.  As for deleting something you do it in i tunes and then sych it and it will take it off 
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by twinsmom1 »

I don't have an iPod, but on mine, i open it up through windows media player and I have the option to add or delete things that are on mine.  Maybe something like that would work.  When I get done, I just sync it and it is updated.  I can also delete them directly off of my player without hooking it up to the computer.  I have a small one about the same size at the iPod shuffle, but mine has a small screen on it so you can see what you have, who is playing, and other stuff!
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by koala1966 »

Everything you add to or delete from an iPod has to be done through iTunes, like Amanda said, then you sync it up.  And, for the future, always remember two things.  (1) You can never have too much space, and (2) bigger IS better. 
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Cherry Berry
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by Heatherj81 »

Thanks!I figured it would be something that easy!  LOL!  I'm kicking myself for not getting the 160, but that just means I'll have to stop being so lazy and delete things more often.  However, I still can return my Ipod to the Apple store and upgrade.  They'll charge me $20 for the privilege though. 
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by koala1966 »

If it helps - I have an 80 GB iPod (bought mine before the 160 came out), and I have about 12 movies and 1200 songs on mine with plenty of room to spare.  You can keep your stuff in iTunes without keeping it on the iPod too - on the sync page make sure that you have it set up to sync only checked items, and then in iTunes you can uncheck the items that you don't want to sync.  That way you can keep things on your computer without always having them on your iPod.
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by Leeanna »

I do what Koala just said.
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Cherry Berry
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by Heatherj81 »

Thanks!  I was wondering if I could keep things in the library.  To be honest, I have no idea how much 80GBs will really hold, so I'll probably be ok.  We have had MP3 players before, but we always used MediaPlayer for them.  I've never used Itunes before.
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by No1Mommy »

Good questions and great answers.... I am still learning my iPod too!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by scrappinchic »

My dh got the 160G when it first came out but he's an audiophile freak!  He actually sold his 80G to a friend so it didn't cost that much to upgrade.  Most normal people won't fill 80G, but if you have to have the cover art, videos and download podcasts every week like he does I would definetly upgrade now for the $20.Me I still use my 60G photo and don't even come close to filling it.Laura
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Cherry Berry
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by Heatherj81 »

Good questions and great answers.... I am still learning my iPod too!
Don't you love it?  I have named mine Fernando and I shall knit him a cosy.  I don't want Fernando catching a chill. 
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Cherry Berry
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by Heatherj81 »

My dh got the 160G when it first came out but he's an audiophile freak!  He actually sold his 80G to a friend so it didn't cost that much to upgrade.  Most normal people won't fill 80G, but if you have to have the cover art, videos and download podcasts every week like he does I would definetly upgrade now for the $20.
Yikes!  I'm soooo undecided right now.  I'm trying to upload all my music right now (I'm only in the Bs), so I have no idea how much room I'm going to need once I add the podcasts.  Evil, evil podcasts.

But at the same time I'd hate to do all that work just to have to redo it again if I upgrade.  Plus, I already named my Ipod.  I can't abandon Fernando now!  LOL!

I wonder what Apple does with returned Ipods?
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by Queen Mum »

What is a pocdcast?

I have an I pod and was told I'd have to delete everything on it and then put everything I wanted back on.
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by katarria »

My bf said that you go into your itunes list and just make sure the song/podcast isn't checked before you sync it.  That way you can choose each time what gets put onto your ipod. Hopefully that makes sense - I barely use mine, but he uses his daily!
{hopelessly addicted}

Filling my basket with all of the new goodies :)


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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by CatwoMN »

But at the same time I'd hate to do all that work just to have to redo it again if I upgrade.  Plus, I already named my Ipod.  I can't abandon Fernando now!  LOL!
***************My understanding is that once it's in your iTunes, you can switch iPods and just synch the new Pod to your Tunes if you upgrade.PS - Love that you named yours!! I also have the 80 and even at almost 3000 songs I'm not even close to half full. I gave up on all podcasts except three weekly ones. I end up not listening to them since I don't exercise with it and I don't have a long commute to work.
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by FairyMouseMom »

Saving this thread....my gift is still sitting in the box! 
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by Beth-W »

I think Apple refurbishes them.  I have had problems with mine in the past and if you go to an Apple store their customer service is fantastic.  They replaced mine no ?s within the year or 2 of purchase.  I think they use them for the replacements. 
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Cherry Berry
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by Heatherj81 »

What is a pocdcast?
It's basically a video or audio clip of stuff.  (How's that for a technical explanation!  LOL!).

I like a lot of the NPR programs, like A Prairie Home Companion and Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me.  Instead of catching them on the radio, I can download them and listen to them whenever I want.  I've also downloaded Sesame Street Podcasts, a bunch of Nick Jr. ones, and children's stories. 

There's a whole range of them at iTunes.  They have tons of free ones. I haven't looked at the ones you have to pay for yet.  There's plenty of free ones to suck up my time.
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Cherry Blossom
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by TiffyGirl »

Well, shoot! Learn something new everyday... I just got a new 80g a couple of days ago, I haven't even taken it out of the box yet. Maybe I should have gotten a 160g. Who knew there were Sesame Street podcasts! I didn't!! Thanks Heather. I am downloading some to my library now.Oh, did you know you can download lectures & stuff from universities on itunes U?? I saw those last night.Now, about that iPod....
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Cherry Berry
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Hey You Ipod-ders! Gotta Question...

Post by Heatherj81 »

The Sesame Street podcast prevented a good old fashioned toddler melt down when we went out to eat last night.  I love my Fernando.  I didn't know about the university podcasts!  Darn you!  LOL! Since you can keep a library full of stuff without downloading it onto your Ipod, I've decided Fernando will stay put for right now. 
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