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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
It seems so much bad stuff is happening.   (I got more bad news about my sister yesterday)   It's wearing me down.  I know it's wearing on others as well.   So - to combat that I'd like to start a list of things - every day things! - that we're thankful for.  As you think of them come back and add them on and lets see how long we can make this list. If you want - list ONE thing in each post.   If you want to say *why* you're thankful for that thing or person, please do so.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Who is thankful today?
Good idea, Gloria! In ALL things give thanks!I'm thankful for a job I enjoy (most of the time).
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
I'll start.  I'm thankful I'm alive because I'd miss all of you each day if I weren't here. 
Maybe it's true that life begins at fifty...
but everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out. Phyllis Diller
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
Good friends - cyber friends and in 'real life'I've had so many cyber friends are so loving and caring.   I even had one come help me clean my son and daughter in law's home when my DIL was so ill with her cancer.My friend, Carol, came and cleaned my home when I had my back and shoulder surgeries.I've had friends sit and watch movies with me when I've been laid up.Someone even sent me flowers this year when I was having a bad time remembering that this would have been my 34th wedding anniversary if my husband had lived. 
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Wild Cherry

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for all the great gals here, that have been here for me in my bad times recently.Thanks galls!
Ryan is 4 years old!
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Cherry Bomb

Who is thankful today?
What an awesome thought Gloria.I'm thankful most of all for my family.  My children who are healthy to pester the heck out of me and my dh who is truly my best friend.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
Just being ALIVE!Any day on this side of the dirt is a good day.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Who is thankful today?
Amen to that, Gloria! I was going to say the same thing.I am thankful for a home where people feel welcome enough to keep coming to visit and hate to leave (my sister left this morning, my niece arrived for a weekend stay yesterday).
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I'm so grateful for being loved.  I had a great husband and now a great partner.Two wonderful, responsible children who are grown and doing well.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Chatty Cherry

Who is thankful today?
How cute.  I am thankful for most everyone on here, especially people like YOU! And everyone else, too many to name.I am thankful I have my son, who brightens my day, every day.  I am thankful that I have an easy going, laid back husband that loves me and puts up with me.I am thankful to live in the greatest country in the world.  I am thankful for Presiden Bush running the country the way he does to make me feel safe and secure.I am thankful that I have all of my toes (due to my many accidents lately that is a big thing).I am thankful that my DIsneyland trip is paid for in full and we are ready to go even though I broke my promise and shopped too much the last two months. 
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Who is thankful today?
Thankful for good friends I have in my life, a husband who is 99% of the time by my side, a family who is always there when it matters, and 2 beautiful, healthy children.
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Cherry Bing

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful it is Friday because this is my last day of work this week and I'm going to go visit my brother.  I only see him a couple of times a year and he's all I have left of my family. So I am very thankful that he's still here too!Nell
~Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and
taste good with ketchup.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful I have a decent job paying a decent salary.   A boss that is pretty good too.  
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful that I went to a Mothers of Twins Club meeting back in 1992 even though I knew no one there. That is where I first learned about Creative Memories which led me to have a home class with my family, which led to my addiction to scrapbooking, which led to my searching for stickers on the web, which led to Stickers Galore, who were excellent enough to start this message board where I could meet so many wonderful people (just not all of them face to face).
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Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for all of my friends here!  Because you all add to my life.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for my dh for hos love and patience with me!And for my family.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Cherry Jubilee

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for many things --A husband who supports my s/b hobby and my weight loss efforts; who always makes me feel beautiful land special even when I don't think I deserve it.A son who is healthy and loving and learning new things daily - and teaching me daily.Family & friends who are always there. (This definitely includes the friends on this board)My freedom.My comfortable life with a roof over my head, food in my refrigerator -- everything I need and a lot of what I want.and I guess right now I am thankful my internet connection is working LOLThanks for starting this thread Mum - sometimes when life seems so dark, it's good to look for the light! 
Well-behaved women rarely make history.
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Cherry Crush

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for this mb, which has helped me through some bad times, and on which I have started life-long friendships.I am thankful for my wonderful husband who takes such good care of me and is my soulmate in every way.I'm thankful for my parents who are always there for me.I'm thankful for my wonderful extended family who helped me grow up loved.I'm thankful for my home and my job and all the things that I have come to depend on (I am spoiled, as is anybody who has a home and possessions in the USA in 2004).I'm thankful for my health, because it only takes a little illness to know how much I take it for granted.(That's just a start. More later.)
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Cherry Garcia

Who is thankful today?
I only have time to list a couple!I am thankful to have found the wonderful man I married! To have had a son with him that is the joy in my every day!I'm thankful more often than not that my mom and Dad live right next door!  I am thankful for my dear sister though she can only be dear when we don't have to share a bathroom!And I'm thankful for my friends,  ALL my friends, even the ones that I may never get to meet face to face!Pamela
*SMILE* Its just life.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful for the time Bud and I spend at dinner.  We play music and talk.   Nothing is more important than the time we spend on each other.  And I'm grateful that we both realize that.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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