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Sweet Cherry Pie

Who is thankful today?
(teary eyed as I read all of your post)I am thankful for my two and half beautiful children who make me smile a thousand times a day. for a husband that does more than his share (helps with the kids and does the dished)my family (mom, dad, stepmom, stepdad, brother and grandmas)
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful for my husband, who though has his moments, is a the most loving and caring man alive even though I know I drive him nuts most of the time.  For my 3 kids even when they are often put on the auction block for driving me insane.  Without them I wouldn't have anything to fuss over.  I'd have time to scrapbook and other things. I'm thankful for my health and my family.  being a 6 year cancer survivor is a good thing.  I had 2 very healthy kids after 40.I'm thankful I have a God that cares. 
Maybe it's true that life begins at fifty...
but everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out. Phyllis Diller
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Cherry Bomb

Who is thankful today?
I am very thankful:First I am an American with all of the perks that goes with it.Secondly my dd is healthy!! what a blessing that child is EVERYDAY.My dd is Happy!! ( a mom is always thankful for that)I woke up in a nice warm bed in a home of my very own & I felf wonderful and almost pain free.I have a good job with a nice boss that doen't mind if I "play" a little on the computer while the others are drinking coffee.Oh my the list can go on and on........
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Cherry Bomb

Who is thankful today?
If we're all honest, this will be the thread that has no end.I'm thankful for my salvation and that God loves me and helps me make it through the day, each and every one of them.And if I can sneak in a second one, as you can tell by my screenname, I'm thankful for my granddaughter.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for my two beautiful daughters and my fun and loving husbandFor all the toys strewn from one end of the house to another, because that means I have a happy and active 2 1/2yr old who has a great imaginationFor all the dirty dishes in my sink, because that means we have had a good mealfor having the past 6 months off of work to spend time with Erynn before Leanna arrivedfor my wonderful parents who will be married 29 years this DecemberI am thankful that my dad has survived a few heartattacks and is here to enjoy his granddaughtersfor my Grandma who is willing to help out with anything and is still very active at 82 yrs old. For my brother, inlaws and the rest of my family & friends who make our lives enjoyable......that certainly includes all of you! 

New Consultant with AC Bailey Designs!

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Scrap Goddess

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for my many friends, especially the ones I am finding here.I am thankful for my husband.  He has helped me grow so much in my life, and loves me unconditionally. He would go to the end of the world for me. He truly is my best freind.I am thankful for my children. They keep reminding me why life is important, and why motherhood will last forever.I am thankful for my grandchildren. I can look at them and see why God made the sun to shine, and the flowers to bloom.I am thankful for my daughterinlaw who is just like me. Now I know my son will always have my guiding hand.I am thankful to still have my dad. I can now see that love can endure a lifetime. We have always had a special bond, and I thank God I was blessed with such a father.I am thankful for my extended family. They always remind me I can cook when they showup for holiday dinners at my house.I am especially thankful for my inlaws. Not once in 27 years have they said bad things about me, or criticized me in any way.I am thankful for the country I live in, that I can be free.I am thankful for the material things I have in life, and smart enough to know I don't need them all.I am thankful to have not lost faith in people, or my faith in God.So, I have a pretty good life, I am not complaining.
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Cherry Picker

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for my children.
Michelle Doss
\"Live, Laugh, Love\"
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Who is thankful today?
I like this!  I am thankful for the sound of my son's laughter when he thinks something is funny and quietly chuckles to himself. 
Have fun scrapbooking today! Jennifer
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Cherry Delight

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for the gals on here that make me smile, when I pop in and out!!!  I love you all and miss you so much.Hugs, Sharon 
I'm sweeter after dark.
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
  I am thankful for  everyone on here! I have made some wonderful friendships, met some great gals and went places I wouldn't have and learning so much from all of you. this includes SG!I am thankful I have my son, who brightens my day, with his kindness and helpful ways.  I am thankful that I have an easy going, laid back husband that loves me and puts up with me.I am thankful for both my parents, during the last year with my accident and family issues they surprised me and were totally behind me in everyway! (they speak their minds and if they didn't like something they would tell me up front!)I am thankful that I was born and live in the USA and that we have men and women who are in the service for us.Misty
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful for cool, clear, fresh water to drink.   
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for so many things...I wouldn\'t know where to start...but I will try.First and foremost, I am thankful that I am given another day to wake up to and keep hitting my snooze alarm for an hour!Second...I am thankful for my family...I just can\'t say what joy they bring me (MOST of the time)!!!Third...okay, let\'s add my family...and even (some of) DH\'s family.....for sight, so that I can see so many joyous things...and the computer and scrpabooking.......for touch, so that I can feel what I want...I can tickle and hug and kiss my family......for taste, so that I can enjoy all sorts of yummy flavors...for hearing, so that I can hear \"I love you, Mommy\" all of the time.for smell, so that I can smell the air when it is raining, the beautiful flowers around here, the grass when it gets cut, my kids shampooed hair, the cologne they spray on (wait, I think I can pass on that one!)....OH, there is SO much for which I am thankful!(Can\'t forget the friends I have made here!)
Egle ~ Let the things you love be your escape. ~
I am addicted to alphabets!....and papers.....and....

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Who is thankful today?
i am thankful for all things that god sends my way
me and my angels
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Who is thankful today?
I am so thankful for a wonderful dh and family and for the good health of my family.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for so many things.  I am thankful for my friends MJ,Rob,&Cory.....without them I would have never made it through this past year.  The four of us have become family since mine is so far away.Of course I am thankful for Cory....he has brought so much to my life...more then he probably realizes.  I am thankful for my job and all of the time it allows me to spend with kids.  I feel like I am making a difference.I am thankful for all of the ladies here who have listened and supported me when I needed.Jenn
Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for music that brightens my day, makes my soul sing (cause my voice isn't all that great), moves me to tears, thrills me with joy, delights me with goosebumps!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful for clean sheets and clean nighties.   They give me JOY
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
...oh, yeah....thanful for coffee, chocolate, ice cream, potato chips (when I need them).....
Egle ~ Let the things you love be your escape. ~
I am addicted to alphabets!....and papers.....and....

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful that I was able to have my sister visit me last month.   She's had so little and it was good to be able to do a little something to divert her from her illness. I'm thankful that my Aunt Marie does so much for our family and is so giving - no matter that no one thinks to thank her.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Jubilee

Who is thankful today?
Great idea Gloria, I am thankful for so many things.First my DH that is always so thoughtfull, he is such a great husband and father. My younger son said once, if I turn out half as good as my dad, I HAVE IT MADE. I am so thankful, the lord gave me three healthy beatiful boys. And now a DIL and four Great Grandkids. I am thankful for our health. Although we have our little ups and downs, its not too bad. I am sooo thankful for having so many caring brothers and sisters. I am the last of 14 and our family is very close. They are always there for me.I am thankfull for all our jobs. i know I don't work, but I try to keep up with everyone else, and take care of the grandkids when needed. I am so thankful I came to Stickers Galore and found so many caring friends. My best friend had just moved away, and thanks to you, it was so much easier for me to deal with it. You girls were there for me when I lost my Mother this past year. You girls are the BEST!And I can't forget the wonderful country we live in. And our men and women that are making sure that we are as safe as we can be. Being away from their families to help us have a better life. May God Bless them and take care of them. And thank you Gloria, for helping us to feel more thankful today.
Families are like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts.
Families are like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts.
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