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Cherry Crush

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful that my children are healthy and happy.
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Bomb

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful that the Lord woke me up this morning and for my eyes to see another day.Anne
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Cherry Bomb

Who is thankful today?
Thankful for my adopted sister Looneyscraper who is wild and crazy enough to help me get the Jaron pictures that I'll post as soon as I get a chance!
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
i am thankful for a home and family to come home too.i am thankful for being about to sit down and rest , when you are tired.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that I have 3 helathy children. I am thankful that I have a best friend that has turned out to  be just like a sister. I am thankful to have SOOOO Many Cyber gals to talk with everyday!
Life is a scrapbook waiting to happen.
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Cherry Blossom

Who is thankful today?
I have many things to be thankful for....I am thankful for my two boys...after having a miscarriage, then almost losing my oldest ds twice while preggy, I am thankful that I have two very active boysI am thankful for a husband that loves ME!  After a horrible first marriage and not feeling loveable, I found true love and he thinks he's lucky to have me!I am thankful that my youngest ds' asthma isn't as bad as it could be and he is not made to sit while others play.I am thankful that the car accident I was in didn't leave me paralized like it could have (Compression fracture in my neck)I am thankful that I learned it was OK to be me and cry at things if i want (like reading why everyone else is happy) and laugh out loud and love with all of me,AngelBear
What do sheep count when they can\\\'t sleep?
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Cherry Bing

Who is thankful today?
Great idea!  (I'll go back and read the thread a little at a time, as I get the chance LOL)  This might be long LOL.I'm thankful that you started this thread, because it gives me (and others) a chance to stop and really think of things to be thankful for - and to GIVE thanks for them.  So thank you :-)I'm thankful that my little Brandon is here now and safe and healthy.  And I'm thankful that it was all fairly easy and that III came through it okay.  And I'm thankful for these dern painful cramps, because it means my body will be back to normal soon :-PI'm thankful that Bill is looking for a new job, and we are looking for a new home, because it means God has a plan for us and is beginning to put it into motion.I'm thankful that my husband does the dishes!I'm thankful that Christian is going to start kindergarten tomorrow; he will learn and grow by being in school and around others.  I'll miss his help at home, but I know he is growing and learning there and it will give me a chance to learn to care for TWO under the age of two all by myself ;-)I'm thankful for Grandma, who helped us out this weekend by buying a few groceries and school supplies for Christian.I'm thankful that it's almost bedtime, cuz all three of them boys (minus Brandon LOL I'm counting Bill!) sure are cranky!I'm thankful we have a vehicle to drive.I'm thankful for my parents and thankful for the fact that they are able to help when we need them.I'm thankful for Bill's parttime job and his boss; the bit of money he gets there is getting us through, and Gary (bossman) is really helping us out as far as finding a new place to live.Did I say that I'm thankful it's almost bedtime, cuz Bill sure is cranky??
DaLynn - homeschooling 3 boys ages 12, 8, and 7
breastfeeding and cloth diapering boy/girl year-old twins
loving my hubby Bill, and my Jesus as Lord
and scrapping it all... in my spare time. ;)
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Cherry Bing

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for . . . life, love, friendship, memories (both happy & sad b/c they remind me of why I should be thankful and make me aware that I am alive) and hopefulness . . .
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful that my kids call me often.  Not out of sense of obligation but because we love each other and they care so much.I'm so thankful that after the death of their father that they supported me so much.I'm grateful that they love the man who has come into my life - and he loves them.  I've often seen that this is not so.   My kids look up to him as a father figure.I'm grateful to realize that their love for Bud does not mean that they are forgetting their father.I'm grateful that they understand that my love for Bud does not mean I love their father any less.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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cathy h

Cherry Bing

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful everyday!
Cathy H
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Cherry Bomb

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful this morning that I FINALLY finished the first round of the friendship album pages. 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Who is thankful today?
What Would Scooby Do?

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Who is thankful today?
I'm SO thankful for my church family. Just got a call from my pastor that solves a major problem this week! So now I'm sitting here trying to swallow the tears so I don't blubber all over work.
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Cherry Bing

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful for my boys and my dh and my good friends. Who help to lift my spirits when I'm down.Nell
~Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and
taste good with ketchup.
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
i am thankful for friends that love me enough to worry that they said something to  me that made me  mad or upset me, and they call right away to apologize.i am thankful that i feel as good as i doi am thankful for a job to come to, and everyone being in a better mood todayi am thankful for a voice to sing, and the opportunitities to do so when they arise.i am thankful for ears to hear, and eyes to see.i am thankful for my kitty catsi am thankful that people think enough of me to ask me to do certian jobs in my churchi am thankful for God giving me leadership qualities i am thankful for old friends, and the laughs you can share with them. and the being able to share and reminsence about stories and things that none else would understandi am thankful for new friends, and how you can start a fresh new relationship with them that hasn't been tarnished with things that have happened over the yearsi am thankful for stories that family members share that remind me what a great and sweet family i have. like the one my aunt ola shared with me over the weekendi am thankful for stangers who take a moment to be kind even though they don't know you 
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
i am also thankful to the "queen" who started this thread  that helps me remeber everything that i am thankful for
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
i am thankful for unanwsered prayers because sometimes we don't know what we need or in my case "don't need"
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Wild Cherry

Who is thankful today?
This is a great idea.I'm thankful for my kids.I'm thankful that my DH works hard and that I am able to be home with my kids.   Even on the bad days I remind myself how lucky I am to be with them.I'm thankful for my DH for so many reasons. 
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Product Promotions

Who is thankful today?
Oh, the list is so long!  As always, my cup runneth over. 

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
DId I say I was thankful for all you dear people who prayed for me while I waited for the results of my biopsy?Thank you all.Thank you all for being so willing to care for others that you haven't met in person.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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