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Cherry Tart

Re: Your Info
Windows or Mac? (If windows, what operating system- Windows 7? Windows XP? etc)
Windows 7 :)

What do you primarily scrap with(software)?
Paintshop pro X3

Any additional scrapping software? (Lightroom, ACDsee, etc) None at the moment

Any tools to help you digital scrap?(Walcom tablet, etc) just my mouse

Anything you really wanna learn?
Masking and how to color items that don't color so easy! LOL

Anything else you wanna add?
I do both digital and paper scrapbooking.. I could never choose!! LOL
Amanda <AKA>~Mandi~
Proud Mommy to 5 beautiful kids!!

CT for



I came, I saw, I scrapped!! Simple as that!

Laughter is timeless - imagination has no age - and dreams are forever
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Cherry Cola

Re: Your Info
Windows or Mac? (If windows, what operating system- Windows 7? Windows XP? etc)

Windows XP & Windows 7

What do you primarily scrap with(software)?


Any additional scrapping software? (Lightroom, ACDsee, etc)


Any tools to help you digital scrap?(Walcom tablet, etc)

Love my Walcom tablet, that is the only mouse I have

Anything you really wanna learn?

How to draw well with my tablet

Anything else you wanna add?

I love acot!

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Your Info Updated
Iwonder about using transparencies and masks, but the masks look just like the cut-out little thinies on PSE. Also--shading--I remember Ayla saying that when her lo's were printed she needed to adjust shading habits...TY
Lori aka "Mima"
Cherish Every Moment; Then Scrap Each One!
Sweet Spot Designs!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Your Info
Windows or Mac? (If windows, what operating system- Windows 7? Windows XP? etc) Windows XP

What do you primarily scrap with(software)? PSCS2

Any additional scrapping software? (Lightroom, ACDsee, etc) None - I want ACDSee, but I don't think I'd get around to tagging enough to make it worth it. I'm a kit scrapper 99% of the time anyway...

Any tools to help you digital scrap?(Walcom tablet, etc) Does lusting after a Wacom Tablet count? One of these days...

Anything you really wanna learn? mmm once I finally get my tablet I'll need to learn how to do it. I've also got creating cutting files on my to learn list. I started but the mess with Cricut and MTC/SCAL put me off. One of these days I'll have a Silhouette.

Anything else you wanna add? I started out paper scrapping many years ago but never got anywhere with it. I've been digiscrapping for 3 years, hybrid scrapping for 2 and hybrid template designing for 1 year! :D
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Cherry Tart

Re: Your Info
[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]Windows or Mac? (If windows, what operating system- Windows 7? Windows XP? etc) [/highlight]

[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]What do you primarily scrap with(software)?[/highlight]
Photoshop CS3

[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]Any additional scrapping software? (Lightroom, ACDsee, etc)[/highlight]

[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]Any tools to help you digital scrap?(Walcom tablet, etc)[/highlight]
I have wacom intous 4 tablet ...would love to learn more on how to use it!

[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]Anything you really wanna learn?[/highlight]
creating better clusters, more ways to use templates

[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]Anything else you wanna add?[/highlight]

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