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Chocolate Covered Cherry

What do you love about digital?
What do you love about digital?

One of my favorite things is you don't have to worry about the store selling out before you get a chance to buy the kit/item. :-D
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A Cherry on Top

Re: What do you love about digital?
Being able to change the color of anything to match my page.

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Cherry Bing

Re: What do you love about digital?
Instant gratification! You see it in the store, you download it, you use it! All in a matter of minutes.
- Angie - Come read my blog!
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Jeanne Marie's Scraps

Digital Designers

Re: What do you love about digital?
oh there are sooooo many things! I love how cheap it is what paper company gives you a never ending supply of paper and embellies for 5-10 bucks. the fact that every digibook I do I can easily reprint it so my mom has a copy of all my albums in her house my biggest fear with my paper albums is that my home will burn and i will lose them that is why i store those in dh's firepoof gun safe:-D or about the fact that you can change the color of any paper or element easily, with no mess to clean up!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: What do you love about digital?
Once you buy something it never runs out! And you can make it any size you want!

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Cherry Addict

Re: What do you love about digital?
....being able to "size" things to how you need them, whether they are pictures, papers, elements.....
....photo effects.....
Egle ~ Let the things you love be your escape. ~
I am addicted to alphabets!....and papers.....and....

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Cherry Cola

Re: What do you love about digital?
I love printing it out and using it on my layouts!
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Digital Designers

Re: What do you love about digital?
Being able to easily move things around. Also being able to use items more than once but only paying for it once :D
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Cherry Blossom

Re: What do you love about digital?
Not having a mess to clean up after.
Having an endless and easy way to make copies
Easily enlarging/reducing photos.
Recoloring both elements and photos at will.
Making my own embellishments to suit the moment.
Nothing is ever permanent until you get rid of the original.
Using templates to simplify things.
Using the same layout in a book, to make a calendar, or to make a mini-book.
Getting to make a 'lumpy' layout that's not lumpy.
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** Yes that's my little dog sneaking a Dum-Dum Sucker.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What do you love about digital?
The No Mess reason is huge for me!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What do you love about digital?
I love that you can recolor to suit your pics or theme. That you don't have to worry about using up a particualt piece of paper, that you can go back if you make a mistake, try out how things look by moving around and resizing

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Cherry Blossom

Re: What do you love about digital?
I agree with a lot of what everyone else has said. I also love that I don't have to go through a big Unpack Everything To Scrapbook and then Put Everything Away when finished -- just boot up the computer and go! (DH likes that there is less clutter too!)
~ Katie ~

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What do you love about digital?
Essentially no clean up and I can make a page so quickly, no need to cut or crop manually, it's all in the tools!
It's also cheaper, and you can reuse everything as many times as you want! Who can't love that? :inlove:
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Cherry Cola

Re: What do you love about digital?
  1. I love that it's more economical and less wasteful, better for the environment
  2. That I can get exactly what I want without having a lot of leftover elements taking up space in a drawer
  3. I can recolor, resize, move around, do whatever I want with what I purchase
  4. So far there aren't too many "celebs" in digi scrapbooking. I always hated that aspect of paper scrapping. A designer who is terrific is a reachable and down to earth as the next person. That is such a good thing for the digi business!
  5. I love brushes and masks and styles and the tech=y side of it all and that I can be a geek at the same time that I'm being artistic so both sides of my brain are satisfied
  6. I like that I can print out my goodies so my tactile nature is nurtured but I only have to print what I need so, again, I don't have a drawer full of stuff that I will never need
  7. I love that I can go hybrid and have the best of both worlds; if I want real ribbon a page I can do that. I'm not limited by anything at all except my own imagination
  8. I LOVE that I can use and reuse and reuse again everything I buy because the only thing that changes in the digi world are the page styles - to an extent - not the papers and embellies. In others words, I'm not bound by CHA rules that says I have to use X paper by X date or I'm not cool anymore - LOVE that!!
  9. Mostly I adore that I can take it with me anywhere and everywhere I go thanks to my laptop and EHD
I'm one of those die hard paper people that always swore up and down and sideways that I would never, ever switch to digi and I can honestly and proudly say that I gladly eat those words. I still do paper but it's primarily to use up the gargantuan stash that I feel so guilty about owning.

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: What do you love about digital?
UNDO! or Delete! Gives me TOTAL freedom to create anything in my mind. And of course all of the other things listed.
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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A Cherry on Top

Re: What do you love about digital?
Anything that is "glued" down can easily be lifted up and moved elsewhere without wrecking what is underneath!

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Cherry Addict

Re: What do you love about digital?
ah, good one Brittney! I like that too ;)

I like being able to instantly reproduce a page in just about any size, any format -single page, photo book, canvas, wearable art, etc.
Clean up is a breeze!
I can easily take my layouts with me when I travel!
CTRL+Z baby!!!! [undo button]
I can effortlessly edit elements, paper, photos, anything I want with the tools. No waiting for ink or paint to dry, cleaning brushes or overspray, tacky fingers or miscut papers.
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Cherry Cola

Re: What do you love about digital?
That was easy......


I really love that I always can make an element fit my colors, that it doesn´t take to much room to scrap. That I can save and return later, but most of all CTRL+Z :-D

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What do you love about digital?
I have never digital scrapbooked but I have seen it. I would have to say for me it would be that I could scrap anywhere I can take my computer and not have to pack a TON of stuff to go to a crop.
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Cherry Delight

Re: What do you love about digital?
Undo, most definitely! Even better is that you can "step backwards" a bunch of times, makes it a lot easier to experiment.
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