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A Cherry on Top

Scrap a Day, March 12th
Hey Cherries. Not as warm today. Only going to be around 50. We were teased the last few days with temps in the 60s. My scrap room is almost done. Yesterday I was down to the wire with a bunch of paper and paper pads that I didn’t have any room for. So I made room for some more 12x12 Sterlite drawers. I knew I had some in the closet in my office from when I used to scrap in there. I went to get some and they were filled with paper. Omg I have so much paper! This paper is from way back and I weeded through it and pulled ones that I know I will never use. My taste sure has changed over the years. So I’m in the process of finishing that up and will get back to it today. I seriously do need that 12x12 step program. lol. 

Have a great day Cherries. 
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Cherry Addict

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
Good for you Barb. I’ve been trying to organize for two freakin’ months. But instead of trying to fine a home for something, I throw it on a layout instead, 😀

But I’m going to a crop on Saturday so I need to organize for that.
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** Chris **

My blog: http://mommomandpoppop.blogspot.com/

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
time just zips by!  busy busy busyhere with the nice weather....
soooooo  last Friday was 75 degrees--then on Saturday it snowed ALL day and we got 4.5 inches......what????  then Sunday it was 76 and it has been in the low 80's this week.....lots of outdoor work to be done as spring is hitting hard

I've scrapped a lil and plan to do some today

have a great day ladies!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
good luck with all that paper Barb. I have less paper than many of you. Lots of other stuff, but less paper. And now I'm mostly buying single sheets or 6x8 pads which use up quicker. 

I have nothing on my agenda today so I'm trying to get some scrapping done. The trip to Israel in December was quite short and very few photos so I  really want to finish those by the end of the month. And I would like to do a travels notebook for our life here, starting at the beginning of this year. I have the first few photos printed, but I need to start on it before I even forget what we did. Although I think I will remember going to the eagles playoff snow game and the Superbowl parade.

Weather here is not as warm as yesterday but probably nice enough to go out for a long walk at some point. 

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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
pawprints wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 9:57 am
Hey Cherries. Not as warm today. Only going to be around 50. We were teased the last few days with temps in the 60s. My scrap room is almost done. Yesterday I was down to the wire with a bunch of paper and paper pads that I didn’t have any room for. So I made room for some more 12x12 Sterlite drawers. I knew I had some in the closet in my office from when I used to scrap in there. I went to get some and they were filled with paper. Omg I have so much paper! This paper is from way back and I weeded through it and pulled ones that I know I will never use. My taste sure has changed over the years. So I’m in the process of finishing that up and will get back to it today. I seriously do need that 12x12 step program. lol. 

Have a great day Cherries. 
You know papers multiply while we sleep, right?! That's my excuse anyways....

Are you just tossing out those papers? You might want to set them aside for JJ to use - if you think she'd scrap with you. She could use them for punching or stamping too. That's what my friend Misty did with her papers that she knows she'd never use. She has a daughter a little older than JJ and she likes to scrapbook. I ended up giving her a bunch of papers too.
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Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Jolly Holly Scraps

Cherry Cropper

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
pawprints wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 9:57 am
Hey Cherries. Not as warm today. Only going to be around 50. We were teased the last few days with temps in the 60s. My scrap room is almost done. Yesterday I was down to the wire with a bunch of paper and paper pads that I didn’t have any room for. So I made room for some more 12x12 Sterlite drawers. I knew I had some in the closet in my office from when I used to scrap in there. I went to get some and they were filled with paper. Omg I have so much paper! This paper is from way back and I weeded through it and pulled ones that I know I will never use. My taste sure has changed over the years. So I’m in the process of finishing that up and will get back to it today. I seriously do need that 12x12 step program. lol. 

Have a great day Cherries. 

😂 😂 😂 Soooo relatable, Barb! 😂 I wanted to order some extra of those 12x12 drawers! I bought MORE paper with gift cards and am waiting for pre-ordered Pretty Little Studio to come in! 😂 I TOTALLY get needing a 12 Step Scrapper Program too! 😂 
Kudos to you for getting this organization done, Barb! It's worth it! I know so from past organizing! 😂 
Have a great day! 😊 
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Cherry Cropper

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
emmapaige wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 10:23 am
Good for you Barb. I’ve been trying to organize for two freakin’ months. But instead of trying to fine a home for something, I throw it on a layout instead, 😀

But I’m going to a crop on Saturday so I need to organize for that.

😂 😂 😂 Sounds like me, Chris! 😂 I've got so MUCH piled in the living room, that I am challenging myself to use some of it, instead of going for something else! 😂 At LEAST we're scrappin'?! 😉 

Have an awesome time planning for your crop! 😊 Sounds like fun to me! 😉 
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Cherry Cropper

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
CarrieG wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:28 am
time just zips by!  busy busy busyhere with the nice weather....
soooooo  last Friday was 75 degrees--then on Saturday it snowed ALL day and we got 4.5 inches......what????  then Sunday it was 76 and it has been in the low 80's this week.....lots of outdoor work to be done as spring is hitting hard

I've scrapped a lil and plan to do some today

have a great day ladies!
Gotta love that funky weather! 😂 Ikr?! We've had some odd weather here, Carrie! 😂 At least we're closer to it being officially spring! 😉 
Have a wonderful scrappy happy day! 😊
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Cherry Cropper

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
trainmom wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:32 am
good luck with all that paper Barb. I have less paper than many of you. Lots of other stuff, but less paper. And now I'm mostly buying single sheets or 6x8 pads which use up quicker. 

I have nothing on my agenda today so I'm trying to get some scrapping done. The trip to Israel in December was quite short and very few photos so I  really want to finish those by the end of the month. And I would like to do a travels notebook for our life here, starting at the beginning of this year. I have the first few photos printed, but I need to start on it before I even forget what we did. Although I think I will remember going to the eagles playoff snow game and the Superbowl parade.

Weather here is not as warm as yesterday but probably nice enough to go out for a long walk at some point. 

Leslee, I've come to understand why the smaller paper pads are so popular, and have purchased a few in lieu of the 12x12 pads. They certainly take up less space! 😂 

It'll be exciting to see your new album when it's done! 😊 I love how you put your adventures into albums the way you do!  😊
Hope you have a great day, Louise! ☺️ 
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Cherry Cropper

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:39 am
pawprints wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 9:57 am
Hey Cherries. Not as warm today. Only going to be around 50. We were teased the last few days with temps in the 60s. My scrap room is almost done. Yesterday I was down to the wire with a bunch of paper and paper pads that I didn’t have any room for. So I made room for some more 12x12 Sterlite drawers. I knew I had some in the closet in my office from when I used to scrap in there. I went to get some and they were filled with paper. Omg I have so much paper! This paper is from way back and I weeded through it and pulled ones that I know I will never use. My taste sure has changed over the years. So I’m in the process of finishing that up and will get back to it today. I seriously do need that 12x12 step program. lol. 

Have a great day Cherries. 
You know papers multiply while we sleep, right?! That's my excuse anyways....

Are you just tossing out those papers? You might want to set them aside for JJ to use - if you think she'd scrap with you. She could use them for punching or stamping too. That's what my friend Misty did with her papers that she knows she'd never use. She has a daughter a little older than JJ and she likes to scrapbook. I ended up giving her a bunch of papers too.
😂 😂 😂 Brandy, I REALLY think my supplies have babies at night! 😂 😂 😂 
Great idea to toss that paper over to the grands! I give Courtney papers sometimes and she's always so grateful AND amazed by what I have! LOL I buy her stuff too sometimes lol it's nice to have a grand to buy for! 😉 
I ALSO periodically donate supplies to nieces and nephews and my friend's kids. They love it, and I feel good getting some things out! 
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Jolly Holly Scraps

Cherry Cropper

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
Hey Cherries 😊 we're supposed to hit 70+ today and it feels great outside! (The younger fur babies are having a blast hunting up gardener snakes, too! As long as they understand that those are OUTSIDE TOYS we are ok! 😂)
Though I feel kind of bad for the little snakes! They get carried around and dropped and batted up into the air and back down on the ground and I JUST don't know what to do about it! LOL! There isn't really other snakes around that I've ever seen, but I feel bad when their little brains are getting scrambled! 😂 
Anyway lol no more snake talk! 😂 
Apologies, but my coffee is strong this morning! 😂 
DGD and I are both off today and are going to do somethings around here. Moving more junk out or unboxing stuff in the new art room or something! 😂 My bedroom is actually a big mess right now too! I need to wash a few clothes but not many and I still have yesterday's laundry to bring in. 
I'll tell y'all what though I'm going to have a great day! I hope you all have a great day too! Stay blessed Cherries! 🍒❤️😊
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Cherry Bark

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
Good morning cherries. Warming up nicely here, headed to 90 🌞

Up with my alarm and after some light dusting and washing bedsheets, I got started up doing an upgrade for my client. Got it all done. Now I'm working on something else.

Nothing exciting going on except I have a wine delivery today.

Have a great day y'all
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Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
Cooler here today and currently 52.  The high is only 58 today which is much different from yesterday's 70!!  We finished another flower bed this morning and now I'm headed to pick up DGD for an afternoon doctor appointment.  Forty minutes there, 30 minutes to the doctor, 30 minutes back to her house and then another 40 home for me.  Phew!  That's my afternoon... I'll be home in time for dinner.  Hoping tomorrow would be a quiet day but DH has plans for lawn care shopping.  I need to finish up some projects.  The month is getting away fast.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
Hello, ladies!

I am totally pooped out after the last couple of days. Just going to chill today. Was going to get groceries but putting it off for one more day. Have plenty to eat here.

Got all my cooking done and my friend truly appreciated it. She actually ate and was able to sleep last night, too. Hope she will recover quickly now.

Rather gray and dull out this morning, headed for mid 50’s. Mat try and muster up a walk later.

I got a nice big glass mat to work on for my birthday from DH. Been trying to win one every month. Got it out this morning and it’s on my desk now. Will be great for mixed media projects.

Hope everyone enjoys their day.
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Cherry Delight

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
Sun is showing, sap is flowing, flowers growing; whoops--it's snowing! 
—The Old Farmer's Almanac, 1985

woke up to grey skies and rain.   Immediately an old Glenn Yarborough song from a Steve McQeen  movie started running through my head. Baby the Rain must Fall!  Been an hour and I’m still humming it.  LOL. 

staying in today and finishing up some craft projects are my plans.  We shall see.   I recently bought myself a tiny 2 quart crockpot.  Thinking maybe chop up a ham steak, dice a small onion and about a cup of navy beans will make a nice small pot of soup for my supper tonight. 

Have a winning Wednesday. 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
pawprints wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 9:57 am
Hey Cherries. Not as warm today. Only going to be around 50. We were teased the last few days with temps in the 60s. My scrap room is almost done. Yesterday I was down to the wire with a bunch of paper and paper pads that I didn’t have any room for. So I made room for some more 12x12 Sterlite drawers. I knew I had some in the closet in my office from when I used to scrap in there. I went to get some and they were filled with paper. Omg I have so much paper! This paper is from way back and I weeded through it and pulled ones that I know I will never use. My taste sure has changed over the years. So I’m in the process of finishing that up and will get back to it today. I seriously do need that 12x12 step program. lol. 

Have a great day Cherries. 

Lol on the 12x12 step program Barb! I bet we could all use it for something! Hahaha! Hope you get it finished today so you can start playing again! 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
emmapaige wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 10:23 am
Good for you Barb. I’ve been trying to organize for two freakin’ months. But instead of trying to fine a home for something, I throw it on a layout instead, 😀

But I’m going to a crop on Saturday so I need to organize for that.
Have fun organizing for your crop Chris!!! 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
CarrieG wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:28 am
time just zips by!  busy busy busyhere with the nice weather....
soooooo  last Friday was 75 degrees--then on Saturday it snowed ALL day and we got 4.5 inches......what????  then Sunday it was 76 and it has been in the low 80's this week.....lots of outdoor work to be done as spring is hitting hard

I've scrapped a lil and plan to do some today

have a great day ladies!

That weather sounds about righ Carrie! Crazy is definitely the word for it too! Have fun scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
trainmom wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:32 am
good luck with all that paper Barb. I have less paper than many of you. Lots of other stuff, but less paper. And now I'm mostly buying single sheets or 6x8 pads which use up quicker. 

I have nothing on my agenda today so I'm trying to get some scrapping done. The trip to Israel in December was quite short and very few photos so I  really want to finish those by the end of the month. And I would like to do a travels notebook for our life here, starting at the beginning of this year. I have the first few photos printed, but I need to start on it before I even forget what we did. Although I think I will remember going to the eagles playoff snow game and the Superbowl parade.

Weather here is not as warm as yesterday but probably nice enough to go out for a long walk at some point. 

Louise, I tend to use more 6x6 paper now too. It’s really versatile! Your idea of doing a travelers book for your home is a great idea! Have a good walk!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Scrap a Day, March 12th
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Wed Mar 12, 2025 12:07 pm
Hey Cherries 😊 we're supposed to hit 70+ today and it feels great outside! (The younger fur babies are having a blast hunting up gardener snakes, too! As long as they understand that those are OUTSIDE TOYS we are ok! 😂)
Though I feel kind of bad for the little snakes! They get carried around and dropped and batted up into the air and back down on the ground and I JUST don't know what to do about it! LOL! There isn't really other snakes around that I've ever seen, but I feel bad when their little brains are getting scrambled! 😂 
Anyway lol no more snake talk! 😂 
Apologies, but my coffee is strong this morning! 😂 
DGD and I are both off today and are going to do somethings around here. Moving more junk out or unboxing stuff in the new art room or something! 😂 My bedroom is actually a big mess right now too! I need to wash a few clothes but not many and I still have yesterday's laundry to bring in. 
I'll tell y'all what though I'm going to have a great day! I hope you all have a great day too! Stay blessed Cherries! 🍒❤️😊

Holly, I really hate snakes of all kinds so I would be happy the cats are “dealing” with them! Thankfully there are NO snakes in Alaska!!! We just have bears and wolves! Lolol!

Have fun reorganizing with Courtney! 
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