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Cherry Bomb

Hanukkah challenges WINNERS!!
Dear Cherries. I am finally caught up and I am ready to announce the winners to the Hanukkah challenges!!

First, I am absolutely blown away by the response! There were 30 or more participants for each challenge - which is why (on top of being sick for most of December & January) it has taken me so long to leave some love and choose the winners!!!

And I'd like to say a big "You're Welcome" to the DCs who took the time to thank me for providing a bit of knowledge about the celebration and customs of Hanukkah. It really was my pleasure.

Now, without further fanfare:
Hanukkah day 1 color challenge: Scrapqueen141
Hanukkah day 2 eight item challenge: Trek
Hanukkah day 3 light challenge: ScrappyRN74
Hanukkah day 4 song challenge: nellie_pickles
Hanukkah day 5 food challenge: emmapaige
Hanukkah day 6 spinning challenge: sherriscraps
Hanukkah day 7 title challenge: VickiR
Hanukkah day 8 presents challenge: mizz_kitty

AMAZINGLY - 18 DCs completed all the challenges!! So I decided to reward their effort with a second drawing for the QUEEN of the Hanukkah challenges!

QUEEN of the Hanukkah challenges award goes to: aheatfan

***I'll be getting your Hanukkah gelt out soon!!***

Congratulations to all the winners, but as I always say: everyone who participated is a winner!!
“The next best thing to the enjoyment of a good time, is the recollection of it.” — James Lendall Basford
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Hanukkah challenges WINNERS!!
WOWOW Karyn!!! That’s a HUGE compliment to your challenges!!! Thanks for choosing my name! Congrats to the others who won!!! Especially to Kristin who’s the Queen of the Hanukkah challenges!!!

Thanks again for hosting this Karyn!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Hanukkah challenges WINNERS!!
What a great surprise, thank you so much Karyn.  I loved this challenges and being that my best friend is of the Jewish faith, I loved reading all that you offered to us.  Thanks again  😊
"Be the Change You Wish to See in the World"
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Cherry Berry

Re: Hanukkah challenges WINNERS!!
Thank you sooo much Karyn! It was really great getting to know more about Hanukkah and doing cool challenges at the same time! Congrats to all the winners and participants 🎉🎉
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- Henriette
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hanukkah challenges WINNERS!!
Wow, thanks so much, Karyn!  What a fun surprise and congratulations on a successful challenge event!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Hanukkah challenges WINNERS!!
Thank you so much for another successful Hanukkah celebration challenges. I love these and I hope you continue to host this next year! 
** Chris **

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Hanukkah challenges WINNERS!!
Wow -- what a great response! Thanks for putting it all together and congrats to the winners!
Rhonda -- Scrappin' in Wisconsin
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Hanukkah challenges WINNERS!!
It was a great set of challenges, and I learned so much just from reading your posts. Thanks for hosting - and congrats to all the winners!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Hanukkah challenges WINNERS!!
Loved all your challenges!  Congrats to the winners and thank you!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Hanukkah challenges WINNERS!!
Congrats to all the winners, it's always a fun event and good to learn the tradition!
👋 ~~Sandy~~ 👋
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