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Cherry Garcia

How do you decide which projects to add to your favorites?  Are there specific themes you look for?  Styles?  Product lines?  Once you have added them, do you reference them very often?  

I have several boards on Pinterest that I use to pin ideas, but I have to admit, I would rather go to my favs because I find things better there (which probably means I need to organize my pins better!)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Favorites
If something catches my eye I will save it to my favorites. Usually it is the style the person used or the collection of paper. If I have the paper and I like the layout, I will save it so I can scraplift it. I also like saving layouts that have a lot of cluster of embellishments. I struggle with clustering and layering, so I save those for inspiration.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Favorites
I have no set rules for this. If it catches my eye, could be color, design, etc. I save it. I never really look at Brand, as I can fit anything to make it work.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Favorites
Most of the layouts in my favorites are because of the design or a technique I want to try.  The same with pinterest.  I go to pinterest more than my favorites mostly because of the sheer volume I have saved there and I like their app.  I used to put them onto special boards but now I just like them and unlike them after I used it for inspiration.  I'm also in a few scrapbooking groups on FB and if I am using my phone or ipad, I'll take a picture of layouts I like so I can refer back on my phone.  
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Cherry Bark

Re: Favorites
I'm into learning new misting/inking techniques, and altered objects, so I tend to save those if I'd like to learn more (or scraplift).

Also, if I'm struggling with some products that I have recently bought and I like how someone has used those products, I'll save their project.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Addict

Re: Favorites
usually if something catches my eye it is not a whole layout per se. I like itemized things...such as color scheme, title work, cluster work etc. So that is how I organize them. I tend to look at them if I am stumped on a layout of in a slump.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Favorites
sadly I don't put many things in my favorites...mainly because I forget I can...haha 
and I don't pin tons...I tend to save images to a file on my desktop so I can go back and forth easier when I am scrapping--if need be
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