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Cherry Delight

Finding pictures...
So am I the only one that feels like a Facebook stalker to her family sometimes? lol - When someone posts a picture that inspires a page in my head, I have to message them and ask for the picture (to get a bigger resolution version) or else steal... I mean download... it from their post (and settle for the lower resolution). Image My sister actually got a dropbox account so that when I ask her for a specific picture she can just drop it in our shared folder for me. In my defense, I always share the layouts with them on their wall afterwards. Image
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Cherry Cola

Re: Finding pictures...
Sounds good to me! I joined FB a few years back just so I could keep up with the family in another state. Now I even ask for pictures before they post them...and always share the layouts, too.
blfonty a.k.a. Bonnie

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Cherry Bark

Re: Finding pictures...
LOL! I do that too! I have an aunt who KNOWS I want the pics to scrap, so she'll send them to me. She is always excited when I post to FB of my finished layout.Image
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Addict

Re: Finding pictures...
I joined Facebook when my son was sent to Korea so I could keep in touch with him. I enjoy pictures, and my family has all pretty much given me the OK to scrap with pictures they post. I also have friends at work that have given me permission. I often just use whatever I can download...but if it's sometimes really special (like my niece's wedding), I do ask for higher resolution. So far, everyone has been receptive. My sister only asks that I mask faces of the other kids in the troop if I use scouting pictures, and my niece just doesnt' want me to identify with names, she's ok with faces. But I try really hard to respect that, and like you, my family and friends seem to like when I post the completed layouts!
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Finding pictures...
Guilty!! My sister's babysitter takes a gazillion pictures and posts them on FB.  I downloaded 100s over the years and used them for little gifts for my sister & mother.  
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Wild Cherry

Re: Finding pictures...
I definitely do it too!

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Cherry Cola

Re: Finding pictures...
My family knows that I am back into scrapping and they are so used to me stealing pics. now  they just text me when they have posted. It is hard to keep up sometimes, five nieces had babies last year and are posting pics all the time. I am going to be in the poor house buying ink to print all the baby pics I have downloaded from
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Cherry Crush

Re: Finding pictures...
Haha...that is the only way I can get my brother's photos of my nephews, by stealing from my sil's facebook page!  Also, I made a family slideshow for my dad's side for Christmas...if I didn't steal pix from my cousins' pages, I wouldn't have had photos of many of the cousins or their children! :)
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Cherry Delight

Re: Finding pictures...
I'm glad to see I'm not alone. Image
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Finding pictures...
Yep!  That's how I get pictures of my grandsons!  Image
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Finding pictures...
Yep, That's me! I wouldn't have near the photos in my gallery of grandkids if it wasn't for Facebook. In fact that is the ONLY reason I joined the site. Now I keep up with Cherry friends, too!
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Cherry Delight

Re: Finding pictures...
Does anyone use Dropbox? I'm getting my sister in the habit of throwing pictures in there when I ask for something specific, then I get a full resolution picture and she doesn't have to do much to get it to me. I have mine set to notify me when something new shows up.
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