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Cherry Bing

Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
We do this on another message board and I was wondering if any of the Cherries would be interested in doing this? It's fun and it helps you get rid of items as well as receive new items.

How it works:
The first posts a list of items they wish to receive or are ISO. You "grant" a wish from there list. Now its your turn. You post your list. Someone grants a wish from it to you and now its there turn. It keeps going!

1. The value of each wish granted should be $5-10 in value.
2. Your list must have at least 10 items on it, and at least 3 general items. A general item would be "cat stamps", any dies from PTI, or easter themed embellishments.
3. When someone offers you an item you can accept or say no thanks. You don't have to accept an item just because its offered.
4. If your wish isn't granted after 24 hours, please add to your list, feel free to add to your list more often.
5. Once you grant someones wish, you are Up. Post your list immediately so others can see it and the game can keep going.
6. All items must be sent within 1 week of granting.
7. Flakers are not allowed. They will be banned from this, have their name put out there on the flaker list and not welcome in future swaps.
8. If you have any questions post them here!
9. When you grant a wish, PM the person for their address. Please post when you SEND and RECEIVE items
10. This is a fun, easy game. Everyone gets to pass on items they are no longer using and get new items to try!

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
I could definitely be interested in this....

Would it be sending stuff from our stash/partially used items or would we be purchasing these things?

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Cherry Addict

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
This sounds interesting. But I do not understand #4. "4. If your wish isn't granted after 24 hours, please add to your list, feel free to add to your list more often. " Isn't whatever already on your list? Sorry.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
I am with Bibi, I am a bit confused.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
Rebecca - This would be sending from your stash, you don't purchase anything new.

Bibi and Susan - Say that this is my "wish list"

1. Chicken stamps
2. silver thickers

Now, no one has been able to grant my wish because they don't have or want to get rid of these items so to try to move things along I edit my list to include more items so that maybe someone out there can grant my wish and then it would be their turn.

1. Chicken stamps
2. silver thickers
3. Baby Boy embellies
4. Cat embellies

Did that make sense? I hope I could explain that right.

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3 Pals

Cherry Bomb

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
I would be interested in this!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
This sounds really fun, I would be interested.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
Hi Ladies - For those that are interested why don't we start on March 15th and I'll randomly pick someone to go first with their wishlist. This way we give a few more days for others to let us know if they are interested in doing this. We can also leave this open so that others can always join in on the fun.

If anyone has any other questions please post here and I'll try to answer them the best that I can.


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Wild Cherry

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
Trying to understand this...we post a list here of 10 things we like, specific and general ones. Then anyone has the option to send us something from that list. They let us know (how? pm or here?)and then they send if we accept. Then it's their turn?

Also, what is ISO?

It does sound interesting. I'm worried about checking in daily cause I work three 12hr days, more like 14hrs gone from my day, LOL. Guess I'd only have to if it's my own list posted, though, since it says add if in 24 hrs if wish isn't granted. Please correct me if I'm wrong with the rules. Just like to understand before I get into it. I think I'd like to give it a try.

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
I would be interested, so long as if its more comitment than I can handle (checking all the time) I can back out.


wife of one, mother of FOUR! :)
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
Sounds like fun - can't wait!

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
I would be interested. I have particpated in something like this we called it "Pay it Forward".
Annie in Mio
Lover of all things Scrappy
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Cherry Bing

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
Hi Debbie - Yes, you've got it. That is exactly how it would work. You don't always have to "participate" per se unless it is your list that is up and people are trying to see if you want what they are offering.

ISO = Is Seeking Out

This is an ongoing thing and you can join in anytime you want to, no pressure to do it all the time. It's just a simple way to pretty much "exchange" what you have with others.

Hope that helps!


If you have something from "my" list and you want to offer it to me then you just post in this thread something like,

"I have chicken stamps if you want them" and then I would either accept or pass. If I accept then the person that offered them to me is up next.

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Cherry Cola

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
Sounds interesting........might have to keep my eye on this. Great way to "recyle" items that are no longer needed but you know someone out there would love to have them.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
I do like this and I would be interested in doing it. Thanks. This is a great way to keep the borad going.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
The more I read this thread the more interested I become. You totally have my attention on this.
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
debamas wrote: Also, what is ISO?

In search of
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Cherry Bing

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
Hi Ladies - I will randomly choose someone on Friday evening to start this. Remember that if you offer something to someone you MUST follow through and send it to them if they choose to accept your offer.

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Cherry Bing

Re: Would anyone be interested in us Cherries doing this?
Hi Ladies - I will be choosing someone this evening but I wanted to make a new thread for this so please check in tonight for a new thread called, "WISH LIST - OPEN AND ONGOING".

See you tonight and have a great day!!

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