Well, I got a lot of scrapping done today...

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Cherry Jubilee
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Well, I got a lot of scrapping done today...

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but, none of the challenges. My DD wants me to make her graduation announcements, so I decided that today I should make a few samples to have her pick from and, if we didn't like any of them then we'd just order the ones from the school. Well, I did 4 different ones and she likes them all. So, I guess come January-ish I'll be making a bunch more. Hopefully by then she'll know where she's going to college so I can put that on the announcement. One sample I saw put that information on the announcement and I thought that was cool. I'm too tired to walk back upstairs and get the samples out of her room, so tomorrow I'll post pics of what I made.
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Bowl Full of Cherries
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Re: Well, I got a lot of scrapping done today...

Post by writerlady »

They must be pretty nice, if she likes them all. Can't wait to see them.
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Re: Well, I got a lot of scrapping done today...

Post by 1grandma »

Wonderful. It is good to know that your baby is going to college. Yay! I am tired also, but don't get to go to bed for a loooong time. I get off at 6 AM so I will be asleep by 6:20 tops. Can't wait to see the announcements that you made for her.
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Cherry Jubilee
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Re: Well, I got a lot of scrapping done today...

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I was shocked when she suggested I make them. Normally when I show her and DH stuff I've made, their answer is usually, "oh, that is nice", but not really caring. LOL! Oh, and Hubby thought they were cool too, and even made some constructive remarks about one of them (a stair step card) on how to make it stand up better. I was stunned! :)
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Re: Well, I got a lot of scrapping done today...

Post by Mom4scrappin »

Very cool! Can't wait to see pics!
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