When you have more than one child....

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When you have more than one child....

Post by FurBaby_Mom »

....do you make duplicate pages for their books?
Lots and lots of my pictures are of both boys....and I really want to capture their awesome relationship, so I've been doing duplicate pages. They're totally identical, except for the journaling. It's kind of annoying to make TWO, but I guess it makes things a bit easier also!

I don't know....what do other people do?
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by Ayla »

I just scrap. I figure they can divvy up the layouts after I;m dead.
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by Ayla »

But seriously....I have 6 kids. If I made duplicates of every family page or sibling page I ever made, I'd never enjoy it....I have some that I do similar pages, from each child's perspective, but I do not make duplicates. I figure they are family books, not specific to one child, unless it's a childhood layout, like a birthday or school pics. Then obviously that one belongs to an individual. I don't scrap chronologically, so their job will be to decide what they want and divide them up. I scrap for my own enjoyment, and refuse to let "I have less pages than Mikey" become an issue.
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by javalove »

I'm with Nancy. I used to try to make similar pages if I had a great photo that included two or more of my kids, but that just got boring to me. For our annual Christmas pics where I do have all four kids in a decent pose, I order four copies, then just scrap one and come back to the others over time. On the back of the page, I pencil in a child's name if it's for one in particular. They can fight over the rest in 40 years!

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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by craftyfool »

FurBaby_Mom wrote:....do you make duplicate pages for their books?
Lots and lots of my pictures are of both boys....and I really want to capture their awesome relationship, so I've been doing duplicate pages. They're totally identical, except for the journaling. It's kind of annoying to make TWO, but I guess it makes things a bit easier also!

I don't know....what do other people do?

I have 3 and I do the same thing you are doing...in triplicate!


Each kid has many many pages that are unique to her. Sometimes when I have pics of all 3 I'll make the same exact page 3 times (except journalling). And sometimes I'll make 3 different pages...with the same pictures...just to "mix it up". It kind of depends on the pictures...if they are more ordinary, every day life, type I do the same layout for all 3. But if they are a special occasion, I tend to do 3 different pages.
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by Grandma Flowers »

I have separate albums for each of my six grandkids, so often I make six LOs the same. I'm not creative enough to come up with six ideas for the same photo!
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by scrappininAK »

I just scrap for me - not for them - so I just do one page - if they really want them after i'm gone (debatable) they can sort it out

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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by handerful »

Ayla wrote:I just scrap. I figure they can divvy up the layouts after I;m dead.

What she said.

I also don't scrap in order.

If I really like a picture that includes more than one child, I MIGHT do another page, but not the same.
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by croppinmama »

Ayla wrote:I just scrap. I figure they can divvy up the layouts after I;m dead.

Ditto!! I've seen my mom and sister make copies and get all stressed out doing a book for each kid. I'm not going through that. I just scrap any pics anytime, not in any order and it's been wonderful and stress free for me. I do file my pages in order by date when finished. There are so many layouts my 3 kids can choose from that it won't be a problem, and if it is...oh well...I'll be dead so I won't care lol.
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by HeatherDMB »

I have done monthly pages for my son since he was born (he just turned 5!!!! and I changed to seasonal pages) and I am doing monthly pages for my daughter now too. But there are lots and lots of other pages specific to each child, and now (more and more) there are pages for both. I really hope my plan works for divvying everything up!

My plan for the two kids is: if the page is about one particular child, he/she can have that original page and if the other child wants it too, he/she will have to take a color photocopy. If the page is about both of them, they will have to alternate taking originals and color copies.
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by Northern Brat »

I just scrap for me...I make the kids albums separately, and if layouts involve both of them, I'll divide them equally...or they can fight over them when I die! (like Nancy)

The other thing...can you make photocopies of layouts? Scan them?

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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by anazelia »

Ayla wrote:I just scrap. I figure they can divvy up the layouts after I;m dead.

Ditto for me.

I meet a lady who said that really her scrapbooks are for her, even if they are for the kids, they are really for her and they can become she dies and the kids will have to figure out who gets what. And by that time, it will be easier and cheaper to go out and copy the pages.

But what I do do is; albums of just Bella go into Bella's pile, ones for just Gracie go into a Gracie pile. Family pages go into a family pile and then I have a special pile for "the two girls" - one that features both girls in there together. Sometimes I will make two pages of the same set of pics, but never ever identical. I get bored way to easy.
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by Kara »

My mil does 3 of each lol
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by scrapscot »

handerful wrote:
Ayla wrote:I just scrap. I figure they can divvy up the layouts after I;m dead.

What she said.

I also don't scrap in order.

If I really like a picture that includes more than one child, I MIGHT do another page, but not the same.

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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by mgehrke »

I am making a sisters album for my girls. Yes, both of the albums are identical. Right down to the last embellishment. Once I have the first page done, of course the other one goes a lot quicker.
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by killarney_rose »

ROFL!!! I'm still laughing over Ayla's statement!!! LOL!!!

Ayla wrote:I just scrap. I figure they can divvy up the layouts after I;m dead.

My grandmother was brilliant, she stuck a note to who was to get what on each item. She left one item a beautiful antique metal wood box for the family to fight over. She said she would sit on her little pink cloud and enjoy the ensuing argument. She was disappointed.....as the entire contents of the house belonged to my grandmother except for the contents she wished to go to each individual as marked. The house and property were to go to my Aunt as it belonged to her father. My Mom and her Sister became sisters as young adults and are both only children. They have truly been sisters in all aspects and respected the wishes of their parents.

I've gotten Mom to start doing the same thing. Marking who gets what in the same way as my grandmother did. But I know she'll leave something in the same way as my grandmother did. And I'm sure she, too, will be disappointed sitting with my grandmother on the pink cloud to see if the argument will ensue.

I'm going to do the same thing as Ayla is doing..... 'I figure they can divvy up the layouts after I'm dead.'

Then I get to sit back and be disappointed on the pink cloud, too! LOL!

Since DD scraps I don't ever do a duplicate....I give her photos I think she wants or asks for. I print photos DS takes and I make his albums for him and hand them to him when full. I may print out a duplicate for me it I like the photo, but I never duplicate the layout.
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by gine »

I often scrap the pictures for all the 3 kids... not duplicated pages, but the same pictures
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by scraptag »

I'm planning on letting my kids fight it out after I die! :-D
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by sherry »

I do chronological scrapbooks for both my girls- I'm way behind but that's beside the point. On major things (vacations etc) I do pages in each book for them- not the identical layouts of even pictures, but the event is covered in both. Even on their personal graduations etc., I do at least a page in the other sister's book because she will want to remember that event, or at least I hope so.
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Re: When you have more than one child....

Post by Kimandasmo »

scrappininAK wrote:I just scrap for me - not for them - so I just do one page - if they really want them after i'm gone (debatable) they can sort it out

this is pretty much what I do as well. They each have their own albums as well...as they have gotten older they are rarely both in the same pics.
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