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I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:57 pm
by Firegems
Motivation!!! I have only scrapped ONE time in about the past 6 months or more. I can not seem to find the motivation at all... it's so bad I haven't even been thru the store here but a few minutes and I have about $150 in GC and points to spend...... WHATS WRONG WITH ME????

Any sugggestions on how to get back into scrapping? I have so many photos to do and so much I want to get done..... but when I go to my room to scrap. NOTHING, Motivates me....... HELP!!!!!! I need HELP!!!

I am headed to the store to see what new stuff is out there as I have NO CLUE what is new.... Maybe that will help.... I am also going to try to go to the gallary this week and see if that will help...

PLEASE please PLEASE!!! If anybody has any ideas on how to get me motivated please share with me lol..... I have never had this hard of a time before and I don't know how to deal with it!:(

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:08 pm
by AmyTeets
WHAT 150.00 in GCs! I've NEVER had a GC! Ok, how about you post some pics that you want to scrap, and we'll help you shop for supplies :D

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:32 pm
I know what you mean. I haven't scrapped much in the last few months. Two weekends ago I spend the entire weekend cleaning house figuring that last week I would scrap, since my housework was done. Nope. . .. then this past weekend came. I had plenty of time to scrap, but just wasn't in the mood. Ended up reading a book which took up most of my time . . . in between defrosting two freezers .. . I did make a card, but that was only cause I had to do it. But my motivation seems to have taken a vacation.

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:38 pm
by Firegems
MindySue wrote:I know what you mean. I haven't scrapped much in the last few months. Two weekends ago I spend the entire weekend cleaning house figuring that last week I would scrap, since my housework was done. Nope. . .. then this past weekend came. I had plenty of time to scrap, but just wasn't in the mood. Ended up reading a book which took up most of my time . . . in between defrosting two freezers .. . I did make a card, but that was only cause I had to do it. But my motivation seems to have taken a vacation.

I think our motivation is on vacation together then. I had lots of time this weekend to scrap this weekend and ended up reading a book instead to.... Maybe we need to try to scrap together and see how that works LOL.

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:39 pm
by Firegems
AmyTeets wrote:WHAT 150.00 in GCs! I've NEVER had a GC! Ok, how about you post some pics that you want to scrap, and we'll help you shop for supplies :D

Oh what a good idea!!! I just might take you up on that offer LOL.... Would be cool to see what others would pick for my photos.. Thanks for the offer!

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:45 pm
by dshepard
Last summer I was sitting there, hadn't scrapped in months upon months. Then I tried a little digital and finally I was able to get back into scrapping. Maybe you could try something hybrid if you don't want to go full digital. I still haven't paper scrapped in a LONG time, but intend on going back and doing some or making some hybrid. Good luck!

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:53 pm
by Karenscraps
I went through a phase of scrap block last year and it drove me crazy because I have a TON of photos to scrap. I finally over came my block by making a chipboard album as a Christmas gift for a co-worker and knowing I was on a time crunch I had no choice but to scrap on my days off or during my free time. This year to help myself so I don't get scrap block again I joined a LO of the week club that is put on by one of my not so LSS's (thank goodness they only come out every other week because it can take me 45 minutes or more depending on traffic to go one way).

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 5:48 pm
by scraptag
what about picking out a sketch, and some pics, and then maybe the papers and etc will be easier to pick out.

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 6:08 pm
by killarney_rose
My motivation escaped me in Jan. for four months. Mine though was more from working in the same place I was relaxing. Two months of my husband realizing I was working on the trucking and not on the ranch issues including listening to my complaints about not being with the cattle and especially the show cattle. He re-arranged everything and I work tops two hours a week now. The rest is now happy with an even larger scrap space and having fun with my cattle and the work I do for them!

My motivation came back with the online crop the first of the month....we don't have another for awhile.

I like several of the ideas

1) post some pictures
2) my idea on this one, provide a list of lines of paper you have (example: Basic Grey Origins)
3) list some of the embellishments
4) let some of the gals suggest ideas for paper and embellishments
5) have someone choose a layout for you to lift or a sketch or do either of those two monthly challenges, and who said you had to stick to the current months challenge

Then dig in! Post to the Scrapbook Forum when done!

Hope your mojo is back soon!!!!

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:03 pm
by LyndaKay
CLick on COMMUNITY above and then click on RESOURCES. Look at all the recent reveals. There are some wonderful LOs and cards using all the new lines.
Find one with papers and embellies that appeal to you and buy all the pieces of that line that are used.

AND THEN SCRAP LIFT!!! If you start out thinking you will "copy" someone's LO, you'll always end up making it your own and it will get you started.

And don't think you have to spend all those GC at once. You'll get overwhelmed with goodies and not know where to start.

One step at a time.

Look - buy - lift! (and I also love the idea of posting some pics and let the board choose your goodies to buy)

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:16 pm
by chrissymia74
oh honey, dig out some pics. my inspiration is to group them into some sort of category (christmas or the lake or my dd) and then get some adhesive and go to town...

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:20 pm
by Scrappin13
I have been the same way only I hadn't scrapped for about a year. The ACOT crop got me back into it and I have actually done some scrappin this month!

Find something fun in the store to get you started since you have a gift cert. Check out the gallery for inspiration. Block off some time just for you, grab some chocolate, and go to it!

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:26 pm
by aceason
I agree with sorting photos into categories. A lot of times I get overwhelmed which gives me "scrappers block" and once I organize my photos I sit down and pick out papers and embellishments I really like, then find photos that fit. Backwards thinking kind of motivates me. Also, if I'm really stuck, I check out the challenges and a lot of times that gets me moving too.

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:47 pm
by paperqueen
I hate when I go through phases like that, no scrapping. (although I keep buying!!) I finally got back to scrapping since I came on here and looked at some of this month's challenges. I also clean and sort my stash. Seeing some of the stuff that I forgot about gives me ideas. There's alot of good advice here, I hope that something works for you.

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:14 am
by AlwaysHappy
Have you tried rearranging and organizing your scrappy room. That usually motivates me to scrap.

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:34 am
by Retiree3
killarney_rose wrote:My motivation escaped me in Jan. for four months. Mine though was more from working in the same place I was relaxing. Two months of my husband realizing I was working on the trucking and not on the ranch issues including listening to my complaints about not being with the cattle and especially the show cattle. He re-arranged everything and I work tops two hours a week now. The rest is now happy with an even larger scrap space and having fun with my cattle and the work I do for them!

My motivation came back with the online crop the first of the month....we don't have another for awhile.

I like several of the ideas

1) post some pictures
2) my idea on this one, provide a list of lines of paper you have (example: Basic Grey Origins)
3) list some of the embellishments
4) let some of the gals suggest ideas for paper and embellishments
5) have someone choose a layout for you to lift or a sketch or do either of those two monthly challenges, and who said you had to stick to the current months challenge

Then dig in! Post to the Scrapbook Forum when done!

Hope your mojo is back soon!!!!


I think your ideas will definitely help her.


Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:19 am
by beachlover
I was having trouble getting motivated then Jess started the 52 Challenges and I made myself a pact that I was going to completed every single challenge! That means getting a LO done each week. So, I am getting at least one done a week. And I work two jobs, have a big family where there is always something going on where I am expected to attend. For me, even completing this one LO a week is sometimes a major task! But once I set my mind to something, that's it! Another thing that has really helped me lately when I have no mojo for an idea, is to grab one of the many scrappy magazines that I have collected over the years. The LO's may be a little outdated but at least I am getting something done!

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:32 am
by Firegems
WOW I knew if I came to this group again it would get me started. I think all of your ideas are wonderful and will be giving them a try!! I really appricate you all taking the time to help me get motivated.

I will be headed to the gallary soon to check out what everyone has been doing and see if I can't find some layouts that will motivate me to get scrapping. MY goal is to try to scrap at least something this weekend..... I know once I'm started it will help me get back into it........ So wish me lots of luck LOL

Thanks for being such a great group!

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:45 am
by sherry
I'm kind of glad to hear someone is in the same boat as me. I haven't scrapped in my kids' albums for years now- and really need to get back to it. I don't know what stops me. I've done a couple of albums for others are gifts. And made some cards. I just keep buying supplies but when I do have the time, I sit down in front of the tv. Frustrating.

Re: I so NEEDDDDDDD............

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 2:03 pm
by anazelia
150 in GC??? That is crazy. I would start by shopping. Maybe some fun new scrappy things will help you motivate you.