Shame on me

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Shame on me

Post by JulesinParadise »

I just spent two hours sorting a pile (and a box) of layouts that need to be put in albums. I quit counting at 270. Shame on me...and I have to get them off the bed by the weekend when we have company coming. Egads!


Tell me I am not alone in being sooooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
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Re: Shame on me

Post by pawprints »

At least you have the layouts done! I wish I had that many completed layouts!! Good for you for at least getting them done!!!

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Re: Shame on me

Post by montana_girl »

Holy cow, that's a lot of LO's!!

Sorry... I'm not like that. I can't wait to get my LO's in the album. The thing I have a hard time doing is journaling on them...
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Re: Shame on me

Post by JulesinParadise »

Some of these goes back as far as 2003 (she says as she hangs her head in shame)!
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Re: Shame on me

Post by lpap0807 »

Do you have lots of albums, I hope? Get them albums filled so you can enjoy all your beautiful work girl!
Have a blessed day!
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Laura Fiore
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Re: Shame on me

Post by Laura Fiore »

Oh no's just you

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I only laugh because my pile is down to about 30 :winkb:

I need to shop for albums...hate spending money on storage instead of more pretty paper!

Hope you find some albums before the weekend...otherwise, just grab a few boxes, LOL
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Re: Shame on me

Post by Queen Mum »


I would go nuts if my layouts didn't go in an album right away!
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Re: Shame on me

Post by ajkulig »

I had 57 of my own not in albums las time I counted (in October or November) and I know that even though some of those did eventually make it into albums that number has grown since then. lol you are soooo not alone!
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Re: Shame on me

Post by Grandma Flowers »

I'm so envious. I don't think I've done that many LOs in my whole life! Just think how much fun it will be to get them in albums and be able to look at them.
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Re: Shame on me

Post by bigsmartass »

Oh wow!

I wish I had that many LO's ready for albums!
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Re: Shame on me

Post by baltoscrapper »

Giiiiiiiiiiirl, you need to go out and get some albums!
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Re: Shame on me

Post by writerlady »

Wow - you are productive! Or hate putting layouts in albums... not sure which. Need some help?
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Re: Shame on me

Post by carrie123 »

I am the same way. My hussband yells at me all the time. Albums are the things I always forget to buy.
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Re: Shame on me

Post by chattyscrapper »

u are not alone.. I have at least 3 art bins full of completed layouts without a home.. the sad part, is I have the albums and inserts.. no excuses.. :-D one of these days i'll get around to it.
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Re: Shame on me

Post by jodcold »

montana_girl wrote:Holy cow, that's a lot of LO's!!

Sorry... I'm not like that. I can't wait to get my LO's in the album. The thing I have a hard time doing is journaling on them...

This is exactly what I was gonna say!!! Great job on completing that many layouts!!
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Re: Shame on me

Post by Kimandasmo »

you are so not alone--- I have an entire Rubbermaid container sitting at the end of my bed that need to be put into albums
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Re: Shame on me

Post by BeatrizS »

Ihave about 50 or so LO waiting to be put away! My albums all have to be expanded and well who has time for that!
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Re: Shame on me

Post by Heidi1154 »



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Re: Shame on me

Post by emarie803 »

I've probably got you beat by 100 or so! I just don't have the albums to put them in.
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Re: Shame on me

Post by Koiwey »

Wow! What an accomplishment! You should be very proud- I think it is awesome. It should be fun to put them into albums now- the really hard work is all done. WTG!
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