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I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:23 pm
by ctaylor0312
When someone mentioned that Michael's was having their Cricut cartridges on sale today for $39.99, I jumped at the chance to go. Thank-you (sort of) for the person that posted that) I never shop at our Michael's - it sucks - there no lighting in the aisle so you really can't see the colors of card stock that good. I just don't go there. But, I made an exception bc of the sale thing. They hardly had anything, Disney and I'm too poor to take the kids to Disney so I don't need any of those. I wanted some font ones - they had none of the new ones, basically they had the same ones that I could get her locally at my Walmart. I was just so ill. It's like a 50 minute drive when I could have drove 15 to the walmart. Not too mention, when I got home - well first all the way home I was already mad bc they didn't have any of the cartridges I wanted, My dd gave me a fit at the check out line my bill was sort of outrageous for what I purchased. Well the reason being for that is the stupid cashier charged me twice for a paper case I purchase. Now I knew it was on sale 14.000 from 19.00 - 40% off - thought that was a good deal. But bc my dd was having a fit, I just took my receipt and hi tailed it out of there. Got home did what I had to do there (take a nap). LOL And I just looked at my receipt and noticed the over charge. Now I have to go back tomorrow another 50 minute drive just to get my money back. I'm so irritated.

But thanks for letting me vent. I feel better! I love ACOT gals!

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:51 pm
by dtonkery
Sorry you had such a hard time there. I can understand your frustration. Last week at AC Moore, I had wanted to use my 50% off coupon but was so tired I just couldn't think what I wanted... so I ended up buying like a $4-5 item and then 2 - 97cent items. They took the 50% off the 97 cents!!! I didn't notice until I got home... Of course, this wasn't worth worrying over but still... you would think the cashiers would pay more attention.

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:59 pm
by Kara
I am so sorry, maybe you could call them? doubtful but maybe

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:09 pm
by No1Mommy
At times, I have the very same feeling at our Michaels. One time, I had to leave because my grandmother was not feeling well, so I hurriedly went to the line. There was one line open and that line had a woman in it that wanted a run down of all the classes they were offering. My grandmother was about to pass out! Help here! I just threw the stuff on the counter and left! They got the point. No chairs or anything for an older person to rest.

I did manage to get a few cartridges...but I did not have hardly and (2) so any would have been great for me. But the selection was crummy here too! So I can see why you would have gotten upset. You sound like you were having a day like I seem to always have. Sorry!!!

Hope things get better.

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:10 pm
by TheFiberLady
oh sorry. shannon had mentioned the sale but said hers was offering rainchecks for any that weren't in stock...can you shop at sorry you had such a hard time...i find shopping on ebay late at night offers alot of nice deals especially font cartridges. now that the new ones came out you can get them pretty cheap.

i got 1 for $26 and 2 for $30 recently which i though was cheaper. there is also another site that i know of that has them cheaper with the more you buy...i got mine new ones for $27 each if you want it pm me...then you aren't wasting gas money either.

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:50 pm
by ScrapGoo
How horrible for you! My Michaels isn't so bad but they never get new ones. I definitely suggest the program Sure Cuts A Lot... I will never have to buy another Cricut font cartridge again.

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:08 pm
by kennabeans
Our closest Michael's is 2 1/2 hours away and we just so happened to have a shopping trip planned so we went to get some carts and guess what???? The aisles were empty!! I hate Michael's too. The are overpriced and messy and dirty!!

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:16 pm
by scrapaholic
That definitely s_ _ _ _.

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:24 pm
by Pookeybear
I have to agree the paper sucks there when they have sales. No variety

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:42 pm
by Joy
Oh no fun...

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:36 pm
by ctaylor0312
Oh I called them alright. Hey - $14.99 plus tax - $16 or so. Is it worth the gas? That's the whole thing, if I could find someone that's going into Fayetteville tomorrow - that would be a plus. I'll have to call my brother's step mother and see if she's going.

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:30 am
by Kimandasmo
sorry you had such a bad day-- I dont bother to even go to my Michaels anymore-- They never have anything and never charge it right-- just not going there

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:22 am
by ElsieB
I'm so sorry, Colleen. Michaels really does suck. I walked out of Michaels this week and left all of the things I was going to purchase sitting at the checkstand after a big fuss over coupons. I often wonder how they stay in business when they seem to do nothing more than piss their customers off!

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:04 am
by Miss Daisy-NC
I just do all my shopping online now.....gas prices are so's cheaper paying the shipping.....some places the shipping is free if you order $50.00 or more....Michael's, and A.C. Moore never have what I need....sorry you had a rough day

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:26 am
by lindaone
on-line for me

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:31 am
Dude... that sucks! I hardly ever go into Michael's anymore. If I do, it's because they've got stuff outside for 70-80% off. I browse through the leftovers and if I get lucky, might find something I want and then I'll go in but that's it!

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:15 pm
by deerewife
sorry to hear that, but my Michaels wasn't any better. I ended up price matching at Walmart to get 2 fonts that I wanted.

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:32 pm
by shanierae
Gosh I feel so bad for you!!! I had told you about the sale and look at what you went through gf! I am wondering if you could call Michaels corporate and give them the receipt number/code and have them take care of it (send you a refund check). Or, call the store and speak with the actual General Manager (not a department manager) they might be able to help you.

Sometimes you absolutely can get good deals on ebay but I have been bidding on Paper Dolls for 7 months and have lost over 30 auctions (if not more) Trying to get a deal. It seems that so many people got machines for Christmas that first thing in january the cartridges were going for 15-20 more each.

Right before Christmas they were selling for mid to high twenties. I am truly hoping the sales start trending that way again. I can't belive though that here they still want more than sixty dollars for the original ones. Even with sales and promotions it still is more costly than elsewhere.

I was shocked to see that our Michaels carries one of the newest December releases (Paper Doll Dress Up). I picked that up a few weeks ago. Then, this time, I rainchecked Alphalicous, Cuttin Up, and Christmas Cheer. I was pumped becuz I didn't have the money for all of them right now and this way I can spread it out a bit.

I ended up buying Going Places for the 39.99 and I was going to return it becuz I don't really want it. If you are interested in that one ...just pm me and we can work something out :-)


Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:07 pm
by deerewife
Shanierae - lucky you for getting rainchecks. Both of the ones I go to had BIG signs saying no rainchecks.

Re: I hate our Michael's!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:29 pm
by butterfly843
Sounds like my joanns, they are horrible.