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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Scrap a Day, February 12th
blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed Feb 12, 2025 6:54 pm
VickiR wrote:
Wed Feb 12, 2025 4:00 pm
blbabe1234 wrote:
Wed Feb 12, 2025 12:32 pm
Good morning cherries. Enjoy that snow (if y'all like it). We're in the 80s today until a front blow thru, dropping temps to the 40s tomorrow.

I'm back at my laptop, sitting in the recliner today. DH wasn't all too happy that I spent 4 hrs at my office desk on Monday, which wore me out (no pain though). He also wasn't happy that I knocked it down yesterday to 2 hrs at my office desk. I was doing okay but forgot to take my pain medicine in the afternoon as I wasn't in pain. My SIL and one of DH's co-workers came over because it's now Wesley's turn to get enrolled in school. DH's co-worker had to notarize it. Once they left, I was kind of in pain...and took 1/2 of pain med, then showered. DH worked late and I can tell he's a little stressed from work. I feel bad because he has to do some extra things around the house now too with my restrictions.

Anyways....woke up super early this morning since DH had to be out the door by 6am for work. I still need help feeding the dogs, so we did that and he left. I relaxed with coffee and Netflix and then tried moving to my office. Thinking I could do maybe an hour....but lasted 30 minutes. :( I'm kind of disappointed...but like DH keeps reminding's only been 9 days since I had major surgery, and 8 days since I've been home. My body is trying to recover. I'm not super woman and I need to be kind and gentle to myself. Same advice I give just need to learn to take my own advice regarding myself. And yes, I'm aware...I'm stubborn.

Hope y'all have a great day.
Relax and give yourself a few more days!  Girl, you need to rest! 

Thank you Vicki. I'm learing. Today I let my body tell me what to do and ended up taking a 2-hr nap. 
Oh good to hear!!  Been there and rest is the best!
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